will using a chem pk boost erase all my organic efforts??


Well-Known Member
i have been growing organic for the first time this year and have had ups and downs, over here we have a short season and i have multiple strains,, my question is , if i use bud blood witch is a chem PK booster, will this kill all my microbeasties? or could i use it once and then continue using my guano/compost tea??

reps for helpfull replies like always!!:peace:


Well-Known Member
If it is synthetic chemical or organic-based it will probably kill all/ most of your microlife. Then you will have to start the soil again ad it will ruin your yield and the plant will suffer. Anything Chem avoid!

Hope this helps!


Well-Known Member
well i went ahead and applied it on 1/4 of my plants now il wait a week and see if its worth it or not!!

tnx for the suggestions ,,,,,, il post my results next week or so



Well-Known Member
I load my plants with chem nutrients. There in organic soil at the moment. I don't feel like ordering shit or driving a long distance for foxfarm. Maybe I should have bought the nutes when I bought the soil. Anyway my plants are doing great so it's all good.


Well-Known Member
I load my plants with chem nutrients. There in organic soil at the moment. I don't feel like ordering shit or driving a long distance for foxfarm. Maybe I should have bought the nutes when I bought the soil. Anyway my plants are doing great so it's all good.

haha!! same exact scenario here!!! thats what i was hoping to hear!!

well good luck man! hope you get yours!!



Well-Known Member
I had this same question a while back but never got a solid answer. I dought the microbeasties would even be affected if you used like a 1/4 stenght chem pk mixed in with say like a mild fish emulsion solution. But Im no expert and have yet to try it myself as I was gonna do it at around 4 weeks flower so that the pk would be used really quickly during the time when nutes are needed most.


Well-Known Member
All this micro nutrient bullshit. Plants started this planet, you think a little chemicals killing organisms that are a fraction of the size of a pin needle will kill them or stunt their growth? Unless a scientist himself tells me and explains it to me himself I don't believe shit.
Synthetic nutrients contain chelated salt which is bad for fungi & bacteria. Any synthetic salts that you apply to your soil will kill most if not all of your microbeasties. Not saying your plant will die and wont still grow. Because it is "life", it will always have one main drive in its evolutionary cycle; survive. Just saying that it will really fuck your plant up and could shock the shit out of it. Those fungi & bacteria have created symbiotic relationships with your roots rhizosphere. The microbeasties NEED the plant to live. The plant NEEDS the microbeasties to live. The microbeasties are in a constant state of eat/shit/die/eat/shit/die which is how it feeds the plant. So when give your plants compost teas, don't think of it as "feeding the plant" because you really aren't. The plants roots will not and are not sorting and releasing the nutrients. The microbeasties are eating/shitting/dying, which in turn is feeding the plants. In exchange for nutrients the plant is giving the microbeasties carbs, in the form of glucose & sucrose, which is coming directly from photosynthesis.

Sooooooooooooo.... If you introduce highly toxic synthetic salts into this thriving micro colony which is "at one" (literally) with the cannabis plant, you will destroy this relationship and make it harder for your plant to uptake nutrients. Once you have applied the synthetic fertilizer it will take at least a month to get your soil back to what it used to be.
All this micro nutrient bullshit. Plants started this planet, you think a little chemicals killing organisms that are a fraction of the size of a pin needle will kill them or stunt their growth? Unless a scientist himself tells me and explains it to me himself I don't believe shit.
Yes, plants did "start" this planet (to some extent in evolution...) but there also wasn't any synthetic chemicals on the planet either. Something to ponder. The findings of cancer and the rise of industrialism came at pretty much the exact same time. Coincedence? I don't see how anyone could think that putting something highly toxic and very fake/synthetic into your body would be a safe healthy thing to do. Why do you think McDonalds isn't very healthy for you? Take a look at some of the ingredients! If I don't know what it is and can't pronounce it, it probably isn't good for me.:mrgreen: