Artists needed for growing

Moby Dicck

I have been thinking of getting a tatoo witha some weed theme.
I was thinking to get it on my leg.. Just above the socks. I would really love to get a "sublime" theme involved in this tatoo aswell. Something like in this pic.


Moby Dicck

I have been thinking of getting a tatoo witha some weed theme.
I was thinking to get it on my leg.. Just above the socks. I would really love to get a "sublime" theme involved in this tatoo aswell. Something like in this pic.

And I dont mean the tattoo in the pic. But more like the frame with the roses etc.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
Hey guys im thinking of getting a tattoo for the first time and i want to dedicate it to my passion for weed a growing. I was wondering if anyone could draw a good tattoo for me something that involves weed and growing. like a greenthumb or something cool. I also dont know where i would put it. The reason i ask you guys is because i have absolutly no creative parts of me. I cant draw for shit lol.
my avatar pic..LOL:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I found some, like I said that 600 mark with my 600 watter is the greenman for sure. I think on my heart. Or my leg.
Oh I thought you meant THIS green man:

And do you think it would be cool to somehow incorporate 2 600's in the green man?


Well-Known Member
I can draw that greenman with pot leaves instead of maple, sycamore, and whatever else leaves and put either realistic or cartoony buds on him. I really would like to see something I drew go on someone as a tattoo.

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
this is all i can think of, it looks like it would make a good cover up tat, or a huge back or chest plate tat, this would def. be big and take a skilled artist if anyone can think of some thing to add its all good buy me -also feel free to get your ink on. wont be made if someone uses it




Well-Known Member
this is all i can think of, it looks like it would make a good cover up tat, or a huge back or chest plate tat, this would def. be big and take a skilled artist if anyone can think of some thing to add its all good buy me -also feel free to get your ink on. wont be made if someone uses it

I draw that out in pen