I have been thinking of getting a tatoo witha some weed theme.
I was thinking to get it on my leg.. Just above the socks. I would really love to get a "sublime" theme involved in this tatoo aswell. Something like in this pic.
HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for that! Thats great You are quite the talent!And there you have it, one of the most tastefully done nudes of A. Newman.
my avatar pic..LOLHey guys im thinking of getting a tattoo for the first time and i want to dedicate it to my passion for weed a growing. I was wondering if anyone could draw a good tattoo for me something that involves weed and growing. like a greenthumb or something cool. I also dont know where i would put it. The reason i ask you guys is because i have absolutly no creative parts of me. I cant draw for shit lol.
now that great the only problem is i dont like color tats, but that looks really real popcorn buds and everythinghey read this thread n remem seein a guy with sumthin awesome tattood
see i love color tattoosnow that great the only problem is i dont like color tats, but that looks really real popcorn buds and everything
Oh I thought you meant THIS green man:I found some, like I said that 600 mark with my 600 watter is the greenman for sure. I think on my heart. Or my leg.
I draw that out in pen