Guy With Gun

Operation 420

Well-Known Member
They did I saw that during the election. I think they stayed on them for about an hour too.
Right on. :blsmoke: But by law the baton and gun can both be deadly weapons. The difference is, those guys had their batons out and the cops came an hour later, or they just left?

I bet if there were SEIU or Acorn members there, they didn't screw with him.


Active Member
HAve you seen anyone "Forced" to be quiet? When you say forced you are saying physically forced to be quiet, so has there been 1 single incidence of someone threatening physical harm to someone else at one of these town meetings? Cuz I would sure like to see it, yelling is nort "Force" a gun held to your head or a knife to your throat is "Force".

no using a gun or knife is an extreme degree of force. intimidation and all-out shutting down democracy with shouting and hollering is exactly just that: forcibly silencing people in a municipal public forum. if the meetings are shut down, which they are, then that is a direct pissing on the core of what america stands for. how could anyone be so fucking dim as to believe that this is a defense of our constitutional rights?

town hall meetings are the closest thing to "we the people". but now people come to express their side but are not allowed to. they are not allowed to because 'angry middle-aged white man' is here to 'take america back' and shut you liberal pussies up. AMERICA!!!! YEAH!!! and the very same people who support this are crying 'fascism' at the left. tools.

and as far as people being hurt, just wait and see.


Well-Known Member
what's more sickening is that they are doing it for ratings/publicity and nothing more. they do always use coded revolutionary language. for 8 fucking years i had to listen to the very same cocksmokers imply that organizing in any form against our lord bush was un-american, terrs't loving liberal treason.

now you can bring loaded firearms to the president's podium and threaten violence...because you're constitutionally protected to do that apparently. also its freedom of speech to show up at the same town hall meetings and shout/intimidate/threaten anyone who disagrees with and completely halting the democratic process. remember, if you protest outside, anywhere, you're a liberal pussy. when you forcibly silence anyone who disagrees at a public municipal forum, thats standing for liberty. oh those wacky conservatives with their situational ethics[/rant]

Exactly, they are blatant hypocrites. Whats even funnier is they call Obama a nazi yet they defended and worshiped a man who invaded other countries, fired Attorneys from the Justice Dept that didnt agree with their agenda, paid reporters to spread their BS propaganda, illegally spied on its own citizens, and wiped his ass with the constitution by means of The Patriot Act. Could you imagine if Obama did just one of these things?


Well-Known Member
Right on. :blsmoke: But by law the baton and gun can both be deadly weapons. The difference is, those guys had their batons out and the cops came an hour later, or they just left?

I bet if there were SEIU or Acorn members there, they didn't screw with him.
Yeah they are jackasses, the cops did end up showing up to shoo them away.

Big P

Well-Known Member
guys he wasnt actually in the town hall meeting. he was out side where the president was not even visible.

this is why he was legally allowed to protest out there with him side arm. they had that whole town hall building locked down where the pres could safley decive the people, very poorly i might add. he lied and said aarp endorses this plan, they came out right after and said it was not true. then the fool has a little gurl in his audiance as a plant as a scripted question and he tried to pass it off as a spontanious thing. check the bosten globe article. then the idoit said some other dumb shit I wont even waste my time typing

as far as the ear peice in that guys ear, he was too good on his conservative views to be a plant by the liberal show to make conservatives look crazy.

i think they saw him out there and said to themselves we are going to exploit this nut and put him on our show. so they gave him an ear peice while filming him for the show protesting

they just were not expecting him to actually be perfectly normal and flip the script on them

Big P

Well-Known Member
main thing about obama that is horrible and will sink him forever in the shithole of history is that he trys to husle, muscle, threaten & decieve to get what he wants.

very ugly and concerning to me. these are not the actions of someone you would trust, and not that acts of someone you would want to have even a shred of control over you, your family and coutnry

i wouldnt want anything to do with a guy like that if I met him on the street would you?

Big P

Well-Known Member
Yeah, every gun toting patriot wears an ear piece. lol, unbelievable.

hell yea man that dude seems legit, id let him babysit my kids sike:bigjoint:

well if it was a setup then they fucked it up, he coulda acted more nuts than he did, he seemed on point and did the opposite of what the host seemed to want happen. so who would be the setter upper here?

and also if you are running a setup everyone knows you wouldnt put an earpiece in his ear visible to everyone and everything while cameras are everywhere, if it was indeed a setup

doesnt make sense

and if it was a setup, why would he even need an ear peice to run the setup in the first place? it woulda all been rehersed in advance, no reason to have an ear piece

no, he had the ear piece cuz producers were talking to him or he was doing other interviews with other stations. And as we all know, when a guest does and interview with a cable news channel they wear an ear piece to hear the interviewer.

its all quite elementery really


Operation 420

Well-Known Member
It's Psy Ops bro. They try to put images in peoples heads. They let people see him with a gun and a sign clearly inciting violence. The original quote from Thomas Jefferson was.

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."

The earpiece is just too much of a give away. They're trying to start stuff between us.

Divide and Conquer

Big P

Well-Known Member
It's Psy Ops bro. They try to put images in peoples heads. They let people see him with a gun and a sign clearly inciting violence. The original quote from Thomas Jefferson was.

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."

The earpiece is just too much of a give away. They're trying to start stuff between us.

Divide and Conquer

who are you talking about? can your explain your theory? sounds intriguing



Well-Known Member
Chris Matthews is a fucking dick. I see what this guy was trying to do, even if he was doing it in a attention whore-ish way.

Operation 420

Well-Known Member
who are you talking about? can your explain your theory? sounds intriguing

Sure. A lot of the media is Psychological Operations. News, movies and other media are used to instill images, or thoughts into someones mind. Just look at T.V. stations, and who owns them. (screw Rupert Murdoch too)

Where do you see violence more, on T.V., or real life? They pump the hate, racism, violence etc. Imagine if there was no television to put thoughts like that into peoples minds and subconscious'. It would be a different world bro. :joint:


It was to funny seeing Mathews frustration trying to break the guy. I forget did he fall back on his usual you must be a racist tactic.


Active Member
I know everyone is so afraid of people like this that this slips through the cracks without so much a wisper...

Yea booooyz! Blackwater aiding the Government in a California raid in Aug/08'


Well-Known Member
Yea booooyz! Blackwater aiding the Government in a California raid in Aug/08'
How do you equate that to Obama? Did he use them for the raids you pointed out in the other thread you made?


Well-Known Member
Thats not necessarily a ear piece, guy might have loss of hearing and it just might be a HEARING AID? You think?

When is speaking considered "Force"? You can yell at me all you want, but that doesn't physically stop me from doing anything, therefore it is not force. If someone speaking over you causes you to shut up, its because your a bleeding heart liberal pussy that needs to grow a pair.