Is it wrong for a Christian to Smoke Weed.

There is one sin G*D cannot abide by and it's the catch all doosey of mind control. i have to give props to the church for thinking this one up....pure genius for those weak in the mind.

G*D condemns all who have heard the word and DENY it. Absolutely beautiful carny trick!!! Wonderful trickery of the highest order! I love it!! :lol:

I deny it.

time will tell if the church made it up or it really was from God, if the church made it up what did i lose?
Well. like I said in the beggining, I quite religion. in 5th grade I felt it was BS, and still feel the same way, but it tought me one thing right from wrong, that's me I still have a beleif and I uasually just keep it to myself, Prob cause i used to hear grandma saying prayers cause all the bad shit in this world and what I was doing lol,
But for real the problem seems to be like spamming, I'm christian,muslium,buddist,athesist,agnostic,etc......SO WHAT,,,,just smoke some weed,,,we are all human beings with different backgrounds. Just be kind to fellow human beings or alliens and your doing the right thing,,,SMOKE WEED IT"S GOOD for all of us!,,,,just wanted to give my 2 cent's again lol.
There is one sin G*D cannot abide by and it's the catch all doosey of mind control. i have to give props to the church for thinking this one up....pure genius for those weak in the mind.

G*D condemns all who have heard the word and DENY it. Absolutely beautiful carny trick!!! Wonderful trickery of the highest order! I love it!! :lol:

I deny it.

Why do you bleep God?
its wrong for you to base your life of religion. Religion has nothing to do with the ganja if your worried convert to rastafari

Live a happy and a minimum stress life with exercise and no regrets and you will out live any priest or holly roller.
How is it wrong to base your life on religion? I mean, whether you agree with organized religion or not, what's wrong about believing you shouldn't kill, steal, commit adultery, etc?

I would agree that it's wrong to have blind faith in anything. You should always keep your common sense.
convert to your own fucking truth for the sake of all think for yourselves how complicated is it to use your own minds and souls without influence of others thats the truth no less no more.
no good person should have to be taught the proper way to live life if you need to be taught your a mediocre individual good and bad people are born not taught there are exceptions but for 95% of us its something you should not need to learn.
well genesis 1:30 puts it this way "also, to every beast of the earth, to every bird of the air, and to everything that creeps on the earth, in which there is life, i have given EVERY green herb for food"; and it was so. although i smoke it, if u are that worried about it, i would vaporize it as it also says in the bible that ur body is the temple of god and u are not to destroy it as smoking would. The only conflict i have heard is that it also says in the bible that you must obey the laws of your country, however i have never read that for myself. so to conclude, the big man put it here for us, he said so, so why the hell not?
no good person should have to be taught the proper way to live life if you need to be taught your a mediocre individual good and bad people are born not taught there are exceptions but for 95% of us its something you should not need to learn.

That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. You are TAUGHT how to act by those who raise you. How do you think people become racist and prejudiced? Do you honestly think they were just born thinking that way? That's absurd.

You know right from wrong because someone teaches you. You really think kids are just born knowing the difference? You must not be around many kids if you really think that.
so you base your life on a book written by other men such as yourself? think for yourself its uplifting trust me come on what is your opinion based on your own experiences? or do religious types only repeat what they have read and been told if thats the case well religion's a hard sell to free minds.
so you base your life on a book written by other men such as yourself? think for yourself its uplifting trust me come on what is your opinion based on your own experiences? or do religious types only repeat what they have read and been told if thats the case well religion's a hard sell to free minds.

Where the fuck did I say anything about a book? I said you're taught how to act by the people who raised you, meaning my mother. I haven't brought any book up, that's all you :cool:
yeah i do think that as a kid i never understood racism prejudice hatred etc.. i was loving of all why would a child not be? your born free of all that crap. as you grow up your influenced by weak individuals not the other way around at least in my experience. but then again i have been a free mind for quite a while. maybe it was different for you but for me my statements are spot on. if your upbringing was different well im sorry particularly if you still follow religion good luck breaking away from that false training now thats ridiculous.
I'd say it's a mixture between the two. You learn what is right and wrong through the people around you as you grow up, and your experiences further shape you as an individual later in life.

Though you're right there are a lot of people who claim to get their morals directly from the bible, which, if that were true, they'd be some of the most immoral people walking around, and that there is no other source of morality. That last claim is sort of like how straight people claim being gay is a choice... only a gay person would know, exactly the same goes for atheistic morals, believers say they don't have any morals because they don't believe in God, yet here I sit, a perfectly moral person, without the crutch of religion to 'guide' me... they will never understand that because they don't see how it's possible to derive any sort of morality without God telling you what's right and wrong.
yeah i do think that as a kid i never understood racism prejudice hatred etc.. i was loving of all why would a child not be? your born free of all that crap. as you grow up your influenced by weak individuals not the other way around at least in my experience. but then again i have been a free mind for quite a while. maybe it was different for you but for me my statements are spot on. if your upbringing was different well im sorry particularly if you still follow religion good luck breaking away from that false training now thats ridiculous.

Of course you didn't understand racism and hatred, because those things are taught to people. But I'm sure you weren't an angel. I'm sure you had to be taught that you can't take things that don't belong to you, and to share, and to wait your turn, to be polite. No child is born knowing these things, if you claim you were, you're a liar and I don't think we can continue this debate.

my previous post was not directed at you but another post stay on topic if your gonna attack me.

Show me where I attacked you. And sorry I assumed your post was directed at me, it just came right after my post, and you didn't quote anyone. How was I to know you meant someone further up? Maybe you should use the quote function to avoid confusion :wink:
How is it wrong to base your life on religion? I mean, whether you agree with organized religion or not, what's wrong about believing you shouldn't kill, steal, commit adultery, etc?

I would agree that it's wrong to have blind faith in anything. You should always keep your common sense.

if you are going to base your life and collect your morals from a fairy tale.... i can think of much better books. There is so much garbage in the Bible it is useless as a guide to life.

I could raise you on the Grimm Brothers fairy tales and you would turn out just as moral and a little bit more level headed without all the controlling mechanisms which are in religion.

In the end religion is used to control the masses.
if you are going to base your life and collect your morals from a fairy tale.... i can think of much better books. There is so much garbage in the Bible it is useless as a guide to life.

I could raise you on the Grimm Brothers fairy tales and you would turn out just as moral and a little bit more level headed without all the controlling mechanisms which are in religion.

In the end religion is used to control the masses.

Where did I say anything about the Bible? :confused: