Garden Knowm
The Love Doctor
It is not the rush hour that you dislike it is the noise, the chatter, the story you tell your self. inside your brain that bothers you..Do you even know what you're saying? Who LIKES rush hour? Wait for 3 days to call WHOS number? How does it say more of a relationship if it "withstands the test of time without forced labels of responsibility?" I think it says more of a relationship to trust someone with 50% of all of your stuff, trust your credit rating with them, trust them with all of your most secret details.........
the trade center bombing.. nothing bad about it. just the story we MAKE UP... the fictious story we make up..(no more valid than any other story)... that bothers us...
somebody bashes our new escalade.. nothing wrong..until we START telling ourself a story... "that's my fooking car you crashed into you fuck head"
YOUR GIRLFRIEND fucks your dad.. nothing wrong.. except for the story you tell yourself..
The fact that you said it was your girlfreind or YOUR JUST another fictious story!!!

and why are you telling yourself ANY bad stories... it is because ONE is not disciplined... ONEs mind runs rampant making up negative stories...
YOU ARE FOOKING asleep if you have any negative thoughts... Because a man who is awake, does not tell himself stories.. he does not make up reality... he lives with GOD (or whatever you want to call it - big bord, the tao, your KAK and balls whatever)
THERE is NO event in this world that is evil or negative.. THERE are just stories TOLD by peoples brains... STORIES motherfooker.. stories... try and turn the volume down... LOL
THE WORLD is the BODY of GOD..
NOW why are you telling negative stories in GODs body.. why are you a cancer in GODs body...
"BIG BIRD has one rule.. SHE says.. BE happy... NOW go obey my child"...