first grow hydro


New Member
Ran into a little problem assembling the e&f fittings. How do you fit a screen on top of the overflow. Couldn't seem to angle it in. Holes are a couple inches from the first netpot. Is a screen needed? I've heard it both ways.


Well-Known Member
Ran into a little problem assembling the e&f fittings. How do you fit a screen on top of the overflow. Couldn't seem to angle it in. Holes are a couple inches from the first netpot. Is a screen needed? I've heard it both ways.
no the screen is not needed couse you are using net pots . the screen is for so you dont get clay pellets cought in the drain and fill tubes


Well-Known Member
okey the large plant with the nuts is a hermi and I will try to keep up with the nut , but I am going to keep a few on there couse I want a few seeds of this strain for the future .


New Member
I figured it out last night about 2am how to get the screen in. I'm going to drill a maintenance port over the e&f setup so I can get an angle on it. I thought it might not be necessary. Using the 3/4" for drain and any root material should just pass to the res which I change weekly.

Still a little dangerous to pick a hermie as needed. Those nuts hide everywhere! Is it on just one branch? Don't think so but I thought I'd ask. One grower had it on one branch only and cut it. One nut can seed the whole plant. Thousands of pollen spores per nut. If you have anymore of those seeds a better idea may be to harvest the nuts/pollen and seed one good size bud on the next grow. Just let the nuts air dry far away fromthe mother. The seeds will also have a hermie trait. Not all but some.


Well-Known Member
I figured it out last night about 2am how to get the screen in. I'm going to drill a maintenance port over the e&f setup so I can get an angle on it. I thought it might not be necessary. Using the 3/4" for drain and any root material should just pass to the res which I change weekly.

Still a little dangerous to pick a hermie as needed. Those nuts hide everywhere! Is it on just one branch? Don't think so but I thought I'd ask. One grower had it on one branch only and cut it. One nut can seed the whole plant. Thousands of pollen spores per nut. If you have anymore of those seeds a better idea may be to harvest the nuts/pollen and seed one good size bud on the next grow. Just let the nuts air dry far away fromthe mother. The seeds will also have a hermie trait. Not all but some.
no I dont have anymore of those seeds . that is why I am debating keeping it , couse I wanna beable to choose a good mother and be stuck with what I have . these plants mature real early . the nodes been alternating . I've been bending the branches sideways a little and I am going to let them grow like that and then take clones .


New Member
Sounds like you are doing what you can but that hermie trait scare me a bit. I plan on pulling every male and put it in a pot of perlite just long enough to let the pollen mature. I will have a male from every reg seed grow. I will then pollinate each female of the next generation on just one or two lower buds to get seeds. I will then let the mother grow out and only use the seeds from the best mother and pitch the rest.


New Member
Great, that's even easier. And to think I got a good timer just in case! LOL! Do you think more time "on" is better or worse for the plant?


Well-Known Member
Great, that's even easier. And to think I got a good timer just in case! LOL! Do you think more time "on" is better or worse for the plant?
well you dont want too much more . there is still going to be some residual water that does'nt drain .but when the roots dry out and then water comes in the picture for a short time like 15 - 30 min , they will do nothing but drink . win win . o2 for the roots and food for the plants .


New Member
It's all becoming clear to me now. Wish I was starting now but I have a vacation and son's wedding the first part of Oct and I'm stocked up for personal needs from my previous grow. 10 mason jars of beautiful bud just staring at me when I open the file drawer. That allows me to experiment and expand the grow room and that's where you come in! LOL!

Think I'll start at 15-20 min 4xday and adjust as needed. Getting another of the sunleaves 600gph air pumps with the big oxystones and a new water pump since my current setup has a year on it and with E&F you really don't want breakage of components.

Working on the honeydo list before we go on vacation but I'll get those post built soon. Those Botanicare bulkhead fittings look solid. Glad I can install the screen if needed through my maintenance hole. That way I can see it working and adjust if needed.

Still wonder if the roots will fill the tube to the point of impairment of the flow but I am comforted by the fact that water finds a way somehow. It will be an absolute tangled mess when I harvest but I have big scissors if needed. LOL!

Do you think this set-up lends itself to mini sog? I'm kinda planning on a 3 week veg on the first trial run. Do you think I am being over cautious?


Well-Known Member
i have been watching your grow and i like what ur doing but what is the problem with the constant drip system
which drip system . the one I had in the begining ? if thats the one I relized I really did'nt need a drip system when I can place the rockwool at the bottom of the net pots and the rockwool will just suck the water right up. plus I really dont have time for cloged tubes . with this system I somtimes dont check on the plants for 3 days and when I come back they look nothing like I left them . that way you can notice change


Well-Known Member
It's all becoming clear to me now. Wish I was starting now but I have a vacation and son's wedding the first part of Oct and I'm stocked up for personal needs from my previous grow. 10 mason jars of beautiful bud just staring at me when I open the file drawer. That allows me to experiment and expand the grow room and that's where you come in! LOL!

Think I'll start at 15-20 min 4xday and adjust as needed. Getting another of the sunleaves 600gph air pumps with the big oxystones and a new water pump since my current setup has a year on it and with E&F you really don't want breakage of components.

Working on the honeydo list before we go on vacation but I'll get those post built soon. Those Botanicare bulkhead fittings look solid. Glad I can install the screen if needed through my maintenance hole. That way I can see it working and adjust if needed.

Still wonder if the roots will fill the tube to the point of impairment of the flow but I am comforted by the fact that water finds a way somehow. It will be an absolute tangled mess when I harvest but I have big scissors if needed. LOL!

Do you think this set-up lends itself to mini sog? I'm kinda planning on a 3 week veg on the first trial run. Do you think I am being over cautious?
yes it is a mini sog . well why should it be mini , it is a sog . but I realized I dont need 12 plants to flower, four is fine , giving them more room for them to grow which really comes out with the same end result 10-18 oz