first grow, 100% fem snow white t5ho


Well-Known Member
Yea, its looking good! Mines are at 33days and 26 days. So will start flowering in a week or two.


Well-Known Member
I had a good percentage of the clones to develop roots, and I believe I should have transplanted earlier. The only problem I seen, was that the root development was not big, they never worked their way all the way through the rockwool. Maybe next time I'll put a rubberband around it to keep it closed and allow it to work through better or something.

I ended up planting them in keg cups like the start of the grow with FFOF and perlite, and took them out of the rock wool and planted directly.

Before I clone next i will have to look more into it again. But still pretty happy I had some to survive. The ladies in 12/12 are filling out pretty nicely, and I think they have finally stopped growing (thankfully), leaves are covered trichs and it smells very nice in there. More pics in the next day or two.

I think I figured out my problem during cloning. My dumb ass never introduced nutes to any of them, and wasn't watering correctly. No wonder the leaves never picked back up, must have been deficiency. Oh well, live and learn.


New Member
rockwool oversaturates easily and if you handle it a lot it gets crushed and isn't any good, which is why you snap your wrist to get water out or use a salad spinner


Well-Known Member
thanks for the advice.. I had been straight dunking them in a cup of water every day.. no wonder it never wanted to try to reach out.


Well-Known Member
I actually purchased one of those myself, but wasnt aware it didnt come with a needle. Needle is about $7. Syringe only cost $2.50


Active Member
hey those plants r lookin real good and healthy. i need to get me some t5's and possibly an hps. you think flowering coulda taken place with the t5;s or are u very happy with the hps purchase.

were those feminised seeds?


Well-Known Member
I do believe that they could have been flowered under the T5, although it would need good side lighting, but I'm extremely happy with the HPS , I still may do some side lighting, since everything is so close together in there, but HPS is definately the way to go.

And this is still a T5 grow, I have 2 cabs, 1 cab has the T5 and is vegging 5 clones, my other cab has the HPS and is flowering the 5 ladies.

But Id say you can easily get your money back from buying an HPS 10 fold. If you only have 1 growspace, I would just spring for a convertible ballast and get a MH and HPS bulb and switch them out when you go to flower, HID is where it's at.


Well-Known Member
Looking damn good! Loving that 2nd picture. Hope mine turn out the same. Must resist harvesting too early! haha