Diy bubbleponics


New Member
My pleasure! Wouldn't know what I know without you and Unc Rose. You leadeth me to lay in cool pastures. Really really cool pastures with pretty colors and melting trees! LOL!

southern homegrower

Well-Known Member

Yours is just a slight modification and we all adjust our experiment in the hope of doing it the best we can with our knowledge and available parts. I also like your logic as it seems sound. Fix the whole problem instead of just part of it. Well done!

Join the bubbleheads if you feel so inclined! We know you are with us either way.
if it was not for yall i would not be growing at all. to scared and have to many health problems to grow outside any more. i think i would have a stroke if i had to haul water to a outside grow in the woods


Well-Known Member
Bunch of kids on here,,too much for me.Got enough probs in my life than have to have to deal with one on here.I try to help anyone and everyone i could yet get treated unjust-Last post.
Man, I go away for a few days and all heck breaks loose. What's all the fighting about, anyway? Whiners gotta pick fights with one of the legends of ROI, and what? Now Purps pissed, and one of the most knowledgeable mentors is apparently gone...
Thanks, IS.
Just one guys opinion...


Well-Known Member
Quote: Originally Posted by Illegal Smile
The question is whether there is ever any benefit. I'm using the system without pump and tubes but with more airstones and a larger pump. The breaking bubbles water the netpots with no problem, and I can control how much with the water level. I get roots in the water on day 6. Try it both ways and see for yourself. It will be worth the cost of the pump and distributor and tubes just to see that you don't need them.

First of all.....why is a avid Hater of BP, in a BP thread trying to give advice? I don't really understand the logic in this but whatever. I've been growing BP for the last four years and I have also completed some DWC grows during this period as well. And I will say HANDS DOWN BP is better. Easier to manage, faster growther, fuller growth and has been a much more efficient way for me to grow. I start training my plants early and it definitely helps with all the new roots developing because of all the new growth from doing LST.

Just a little update for all those who listened to the dumbest ostrich in the world. Here is living proof that BP is better than DWC. What you see here is a Big Buddha Cheese seedling that was started 4 days ago. And lookie tap got to the water in 4 days....a whole 2 days faster than your supposedly more efficient DWC setup. So from all of us here doing it the BP way......put that in your pipe and smoke it rookie!!!



Well-Known Member
is that as soon as u come in my front door of my house it just hits you like wtf and my system is in a room in a closet so i was thinking on buying a tent and adding a ductless fart fan


New Member
I have no idea what a fart fan is! In my case not too many people come over and if they do I use a cup of Pinesol Blue, a bucket of water and a fan to hide the smell.