SoG Grow Room Discussion


Well-Known Member
looks like your back in action!

i wouldnt worry tooo much about the ppm issue your having... i doubt a 60 ppm difference would cause any problems whatsoever, but i do understand that when you buy something you want it to work!! And it IS nice to have everything super dialed in for peace of mind.

anyhow, roots are looking good now.... stoked!


Well-Known Member
looks like a fast turn around...

you did all i told you to do?
nop, all i did was add concentrated oxy to the existing soup,
left it to run till now
i was about to go through your instruction
as i was observing the roots, figuring out where I'm gonna cut'em
i noticed the frosty new growth, which didn't make sense
half of the roots are white the other are dark brown
both in the water in the same soup, go figure

i think the closeups make's easier to judge
you can see the rock wool left overs better

I'm freaking out about the meter
the Merline meter also converts @0.5 ec
when i adjust my hand held to read the same, its still off 50% when i cross reference with the water inside the RO tank

checked the disposed water reading,
it reads higher incoming on my hand held, then whats disposing



Well-Known Member
and watch those roots.... as im still skeptical and still see of the brown roots in the water

you cant just get rid of pythium like that. its like cancer and herpes.... you can keep that shit at bay....but that shit comes back soon as optimal conditions are right.


Well-Known Member
and watch those roots.... as im still skeptical and still see of the brown roots in the water

you cant just get rid of pythium like that. its like cancer and herpes.... you can keep that shit at bay....but that shit comes back soon as optimal conditions are right.
still gonna clean them out, run them in rhizo + some rhizo foliar feed

found the problem, got the meters dialed in
i assumed my 1000ppm calibration solution (which has no info on the label)
and the sells person in the local shop (not bghydro) who i got it from
could barely speak English, i asked if its 0.7 or for 0.5 1000ppm
he kept saying yes, yes we do all with this; make it go to 1000
every body happy, no complaints
so i figured he's an idiot
if they use it with their stock its probably for a 0.7

i assumes wrong!
its a 1ms, not 0.7 and not 0.5
dialed my meter to 500 with this solution
all the numbers lined up like magic

FYI: all HM Digital TDS meters convert EC @0.5



Well-Known Member
yup!!!!! HM meters go .5 scale

glad you found the ghost in the machine.

also, a rhizotonic treatment is okay ....however, dont be scared to use Roots Excellator as it will finish your problem (rid root rot) and you can only use Roots Excellator til 4th week of flowering


Well-Known Member
i gave exactly 3 tbs
over over 9 gallons soup


i hope not!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Oxy Blast! should be added at the rate of 1 teaspoon per 10 gallons of water or nutrient solution. This will maintain a reasonably constant level of around 30 ppm peroxide (H2O2). For sterilization of trays, plumbing, etc. in between crops, use Oxy Blast! at a rate of 1 teaspoon per gallon. This will give you 300 ppm of H2O2 and kill all bacteria the solution comes in contact with. BUT, DO NOT water plants with the 300 ppm solution! "


Well-Known Member
yup!!!!! HM meters go .5 scale

glad you found the ghost in the machine.

also, a rhizotonic treatment is okay ....however, dont be scared to use Roots Excellator as it will finish your problem (rid root rot) and you can only use Roots Excellator til 4th week of flowering
ill give it a day or two of straight rhizo re cope
should i also mix root exel?

will foliar feed right after i FIM them; which will happen in the process
then in a day or two; flush or just top off the existing with soup mix
that's the plan



Well-Known Member
FIM them NOW!!!!

get them out the h2o2 nute soup!!! it only needs to be run through the system only a couple of hours (if you arent one of the ones who plan on using h2o2 constantly)

run them a fresh bath.... you can give them rhizo and fim them now if you like.

but all is not necessary. i just say give them a fresh bath with roots excellator and give them light nutes.

forget the rhizotonic, yo


Well-Known Member
i hope not!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Oxy Blast! should be added at the rate of 1 teaspoon per 10 gallons of water or nutrient solution. This will maintain a reasonably constant level of around 30 ppm peroxide (H2O2). For sterilization of trays, plumbing, etc. in between crops, use Oxy Blast! at a rate of 1 teaspoon per gallon. This will give you 300 ppm of H2O2 and kill all bacteria the solution comes in contact with. BUT, DO NOT water plants with the 300 ppm solution! "
i read the label bra, meant 3 tsp

I'm high, and your not enough :hump:
(jk aside, still appreciate your noticing, makes me love ya more :hug:)

i also read somewhere
to treat for path, run at 2 tsp per gallon then flush
the dude himself run it at 4-5mm per liter, as a one time shock treatment
so i figures 2 tsp per, is still safe
i gave it half of that



Well-Known Member
FIM them NOW!!!!

get them out the h2o2 nute soup!!! it only needs to be run through the system only a couple of hours (if you arent one of the ones who plan on using h2o2 constantly)

run them a fresh bath.... you can give them rhizo and fim them now if you like.

but all is not necessary. i just say give them a fresh bath with roots excellator and give them light nutes.

forget the rhizotonic, yo
10-4, i'm on it



Well-Known Member
lol shit iono bra, i've killed plants with h2o2 before.... so i just go low :p

then again, Oxyblast is nowhere near as concentrated as Advanced Nutrients HyOxy stuff i was using. that shit is some strong shit. they say its only 35%...but that shit burnssssss


Well-Known Member
and yea you're right. im out of weed temporarily unfortunately sucks to be me

and good luck bra, glad to see you are back on track!!!!! we back in business for sure