Cannacopia genetics?


Active Member
Anyone has any pics from grown seeds from this place or any input on there genetics?

I saw them from hempdepot and found some VERY interesteing strains such as Government Mule and Chuck D...

I heard someone vouching for this breeder saying they themselve gave them the clone only Sour D... Just wanted some inputs.!
no info, other than i'm really curious myself - working my way through the low priced breeders - already stocked up on nirvana strains
I acutally got this info from a other forum... From the actual breeder who supported them with the Sour D clone..

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I've seen all of the currently offered ones growing, and have smoked the results.... they are certainly worth the price. I know for a fact that these guys are using the real deal clone only's- I passed them the cuts myself.

There has been some speculation by other seedmakers that the 'copia boys are an old board member, but this is simply not the case. I've known these guys for a few years now, and have nothing but great things to say about them.

The full line up of Cannacopia seeds will be available via the THC Farmer auctions within the commming weeks.

i see just about everything they have is a double chunk hybrid
nirvana gets ripped occasionally for everything it has as being a skunk hybrid
wonder if there is a 'sameness' in their strains?
Im really just interested in the Chuck D and Gorvernment mule.. Sounds too dam too to pass for $35 lol
yes, they are ALL fathered by Deep Chunk. If I had a good breeder I'd always use it too, just good sense.

fair enough answer, but some say the sativa dominant nirvana strains all 'feel' alike, not sure if that is a fair criticism or not
doubt anyone has a good answer for this for the cannacopia strains, since i don't think they've been around that long, or as long as the nirvana strains anyways
im doing the geniusxdeep chunck and chocalate chunk,wont know for awhile how they turn out,but i know their good because i saw what they can for them useing only deep chunk,many breeders have all the same genetics,would i order 8 packs of deep chunk crosses,no.but i see some breeders use 2 strains mixed and matched in 10 strains,just differant names and slight twistas.
Greetings people! New board member here.

Picked up some Chuck (Chunk? ) D, Govm't Mule, and Kush x DC from Cannacopia recently. The GM is amazing. Popped 8 of 10 seeds as female. I think that's a record ratio for me. However, I should note that some of the plants have shown a weird gene or two (see last pic, plant on left) that show in the fan leaf development, otherwise they all look GREAT!!!

After 45 days growth in veg plant is at just over 5.5ft. tall in veg. (see wife standing beside for reference!) and I just put seven of the eight in flower and will keep two GM "Moms" .

The Chuck D (sour diesel cross) just sprouted last week and I've started with a lite nute regime. These seeds didn't turn out as well as the GM. Six of the 10 seeds popped, and only four survived. I hope theres some females in there!

The kush was a bit better, of five seeds germed four popped and are looking nice 'n's to much success! Anyone interested in following the progress of these? I don't mind posting updates...

-MH (Legal MMAR grower in Canada)
Government Mule and Roadkill and Chuck D's planted!! Took my chance with cheap seeds and on other forums i was happy to see dank ass test grows so i pulled the trigger. Vegging great so far.!
Yea man that BC Roadkill is awesome bro. You should check the link I posted if you haven't already. Got some pretty wicked pics of the Roadkill if I do say so myself. Beautiful plant.
I know this is an old post, but some of the best stuff I EVER grew came from their $45 10 packs! They had a lot of Tom Hills Deep Chunk stuff! Killer especially for the price, are there still genetics around? I haven't been able to find any!
Anyone has any pics from grown seeds from this place or any input on there genetics?

I saw them from hempdepot and found some VERY interesteing strains such as Government Mule and Chuck D...

I heard someone vouching for this breeder saying they themselve gave them the clone only Sour D... Just wanted some inputs.!

Same dude! They has insane fire for dirt cheap. I was just a kid but completed their Lapis Mountain Indica and it was crazy. Super fire beautiful frosty purple nugs. I would love to find those old packs again. The Chunk D was looking great too but I was young/dumb and got locked up b4 it finished.