first grow hydro


Well-Known Member
okey RIU both plants are still alive and looking good . the ppm is still at 550 and I am going to get some tape and spray paint so I can light proof the rez couse I am sick of algae . I wanna nuke the ocean but I love shrimp, so I cant . and still no nuts growing back , but there are alot of new pussy hairs growing



New Member
Looks great to me. Nice trim on the leaves! Mine take about a week - 10 days for rooting. Humidity ok? Them young ones like it wet.

Got the end caps on my posts today and have a maintenance port drilled over the E&f bulkheads ( I like to watch!). Checked the level of my little table and at some point this week I'll drill for my venting of my new 400. Good thing I have something to play with. Plan on running 4 LSD fems in my bubbleponics set up using my 250 and let that 400 have it's way with my Sannie Jack and Pandora's Box regs (one strain per tube). Figure on a 50/50 male/female split on the reg seeds so I'll have 10 fems going when I get back from my trip. That will give me about 20-30 oz of product come mid January. I'm a man with a plan!

You were right, building this was a piece of cake after I got the right tools for the job. Wife is amazed I actually have some skilz. Now I can't use my usual excuses anymore. What have I done! LOL!


Well-Known Member
Looks great to me. Nice trim on the leaves! Mine take about a week - 10 days for rooting. Humidity ok? Them young ones like it wet.

Got the end caps on my posts today and have a maintenance port drilled over the E&f bulkheads ( I like to watch!). Checked the level of my little table and at some point this week I'll drill for my venting of my new 400. Good thing I have something to play with. Plan on running 4 LSD fems in my bubbleponics set up using my 250 and let that 400 have it's way with my Sannie Jack and Pandora's Box regs (one strain per tube). Figure on a 50/50 male/female split on the reg seeds so I'll have 10 fems going when I get back from my trip. That will give me about 20-30 oz of product come mid January. I'm a man with a plan!

You were right, building this was a piece of cake after I got the right tools for the job. Wife is amazed I actually have some skilz. Now I can't use my usual excuses anymore. What have I done! LOL!
thats what I am takin about. 20- 30 oz's


New Member
When you end up with all fems that should be a piece of cake! Should be able to get close with 6 on the 50/50 split. Purple Widow this time, right?


Well-Known Member
When you end up with all fems that should be a piece of cake! Should be able to get close with 6 on the 50/50 split. Purple Widow this time, right?
yes it is purple widow and get close with 6 what . do you mean clones , if so I am going for all 8 couse they are all standing straight and vigorious , why would'nt they be at 165% humditity.. LOL. the dome I have is great


New Member
I figure if you plant reg seeds in a tube of 6 you will get on average 3 fems. 3 fems per tube x 2 = 6 fems per grow. Did you clone all of them and are going to pitch the ones that turn out male? Did you use fem seeds?


Well-Known Member
I figure if you plant reg seeds in a tube of 6 you will get on average 3 fems. 3 fems per tube x 2 = 6 fems per grow. Did you clone all of them and are going to pitch the ones that turn out male? Did you use fem seeds?
no those were reg seeds but the clones are from the plant that showed it's sex already , it has nothing but hairs growing. and all 8 clones are from that plant . the one that doesnt have any more branches


New Member
Well then when you grow those out you'll have 8 lovely ladies (and lots of bud). So you sacrificed one plant to the Clone god huh!

Setting up my grow room now and have the tubes placed and finished the ends with some more silicon. In a couple of days I'll do a test run and watch it like a hawk for leaks and flush out any remaining stuff from the cutting process. I'm telling you if I get this done my wife is putting me to work doing other projects I use to claim I couldn't do. I gotta make this look hard somehow! LOL!


Well-Known Member
well the clones are looking healthy and the the other rez just got painted and taped to prevent light from entering forwhen I switch lights , rez , and posts


Well-Known Member
clones are still looking healthy no roots yet . well this is the first time cloning for me and I just know how to clone and not how long it'll take for the clones to root . if anyone has a round about , please feel free and post



Well-Known Member
thanks dude . damn I thought you went on vacation , oh nevermind that was october . so I have to keep them under the propagation dome untill I see them coming out of the rw ?


New Member
Better than digging around in the rock wool to see. They look great. Another indicator is any new growth. They can't do that without roots. I add a drop of Superthrive and give them a little spritz every once in awhile.

Did my plumbing on the posts last night (about 2AM). I think today is the test run for leaks but college FB starts tonight so maybe not. 10 gal. res, 185gph pump and maintenance port so I can watch! LOL!


Well-Known Member
Better than digging around in the rock wool to see. They look great. Another indicator is any new growth. They can't do that without roots. I add a drop of Superthrive and give them a little spritz every once in awhile.

Did my plumbing on the posts last night (about 2AM). I think today is the test run for leaks but college FB starts tonight so maybe not. 10 gal. res, 185gph pump and maintenance port so I can watch! LOL!
lol why go online for bud porn when you can drill a maintanince hole . sound real good though . so how much did you spend so far for that system you're building


New Member
Well let's see:

$50 for the posts end caps and silicon
$10 for the res
$15 for new waterpump
$35 for new 600gph air pump
$15 for new air lines and oxystones
$25 for E&F and tubing

Total $150.

Learning I can build shit - priceless!

I also got the new 400, 265cfm squirell cage fan,and misc. parts for another $300 but I would have got that even if I was doing 5 gal buckets. Got it all for the price of a high quality oz locally. I think I can do better! LOL! Seeds, seeds, seeds! I got a boatload of quality genetics just waiting to get started. This vacation is cramping my style!