I Have A ? For You Religious People.

what... huh?

Active Member
It is just that when I picture the Renaissance period... the notion of a fucking T-rex running around eating dignitaries just makes me laugh hard enough to spot myself.

OH NOES!!! luk out
Monaaaaas T Rex thinks
u is cheezburgerz!!!


Active Member
They had pictures of griffins too in the 1400s.

Looks like the Geico lizard to me. Why do you presume it is huge? Even if it were styled as huge... why would you assume it was any different than any other huge legendary person/animal/tree drawn throughout myths everywhere?

Are you aware of the incredible amount of literature and art we have from the 15th century? Ever hear about D'avinci drawing dinosaurs? The notion is utterly ludicrous. We have history from all over the world... for MUCH longer than that. No mention of dino's.

Plenty of literature about whales, elephants, hippos... and other huge animals... no dinosaurs. You would think they would get a mention.
theres lots about dinos

what do you see in that pic?




Active Member
pic below.
In 1990, samples of various dinosaur bones were submitted for Carbon-14 dating to the University of Arizona’s department of geosciences’ laboratory of isotope geochemistry. Bones from an Allosaurus and an Acrocanthosaurus were among those sent to the university’s testing facilities to undergo a “blind” dating procedure Not realizing that the samples were from dinosaurs prevented “evolutionary bias,” and helped ensure that the results were as accurate as possible (within the recognized assumptions and limits of the C-14 dating method). We have in our possession—on the official stationery of the University of Arizona—a copy of the test results for the Allosaurus bones (see reproduction at right, sample B). Amazingly, the oldest C-14 date assigned to those bones was a mere 16,120 years (and only 23,760 years for the Acrocanthosaurus fossils; see Dahmer, et al., 1990). Both dates are a far cry from the millions of years that evolutionists suggest should be assigned to dinosaur fossils.







Active Member
"Ecclesiastical establishments tend to great ignorance and corruption, all of which facilitate the execution of mischievous projects."
- James Madison, letter to William Bradford, Jr., Jauary 1774
I present to you the idea that I can rewrite the above quote (not that I disagree with it) with 'government' instead of 'Ecclesiastical', and the quote will still ring true.
My belief is that it is this world system that creates great ignorance and corruption and tons of BEYOND mischevious projects. Both religion and government have been intertwined for MILLENIA. This is one of the things that made America different: there would be a separation of Church and State. People would be free to believe whatever the hell they wanted.
But that's just, like, my opinion man.
You're Mr. Lebowski, I'm the dude.


Well-Known Member
In 1990, samples of various dinosaur bones were submitted for Carbon-14 dating to the University of Arizona’s department of geosciences’ laboratory of isotope geochemistry. Bones from an Allosaurus and an Acrocanthosaurus were among those sent to the university’s testing facilities to undergo a “blind” dating procedure Not realizing that the samples were from dinosaurs prevented “evolutionary bias,” and helped ensure that the results were as accurate as possible (within the recognized assumptions and limits of the C-14 dating method). We have in our possession—on the official stationery of the University of Arizona—a copy of the test results for the Allosaurus bones (see reproduction at right, sample B). Amazingly, the oldest C-14 date assigned to those bones was a mere 16,120 years (and only 23,760 years for the Acrocanthosaurus fossils; see Dahmer, et al., 1990). Both dates are a far cry from the millions of years that evolutionists suggest should be assigned to dinosaur fossils.
Haha, I can't believe creationists are still trying to use this one, which has been discredited over and over again.

This is about as far from a standard scientific dating method as it is possible to get, and was deliberately set up that way by unscrupulous people, trying to push a religious agenda by discrediting science.

The only test requested on this sample was the C14 test, which is only accurate up to 60k years. This was deliberately done so as to provide a single, flawed number.

Scientists know the limits of each of the testing methods, so when dating any unknown sample, they use a barrage of tests with different isotopes. The accuracy range of these tests overlap. When a sample is tested, numbers at either end of the test scale are usually wildly inaccurate, and this is obvious in the data. However, there is always a range where the numbers match up over several concurrent tests. It is this range that gives the accurate results.

By deliberately requesting a single testing method rather than the full range, the proponents of this hoax were trying to deliberately skew the test results for their own ends.

You really should learn about what you are trying to discredit, before you try to discredit it.


Well-Known Member
Burn ^^

I always like the nuts who tell you that dinosaur fossils were planted by "Satan", so we would question our origins and our faith would waver (which supposedly gives him more satanic power, or something).

The one about people living with dinosaurs is laughable, too.


Well-Known Member
Hey Sicc, I just left your Kush Grow Link, and it seems that some of your fans have assumed you have been banned for some reason, wussup wit dat?

Anyhow, I didn't come to RIU because I heard of the Great sub-forums they have (ie Politics, Spirituality,Philosophy, etc..) but kinda just stumbled across them like I'm sure many others have and only post because I feel, if their is anyone I can discuss other general life topics with, I would rather discuss it with others alike, thinking many will have some normalcy about themselves, but that's a phuckin' Joke :wall:..... I still would rather spend my time tho' around my MJ brothers, we argue, debate, then agree to smoke a spliff together :eyesmoke:, it's all Good :-P

Anyhow, hope your grow is going well, I just dropped using my AG nutes, always successful with them on each of my grows, but I wanted to up the ante and Grow bigger and better, So I'm dealing with PH probs, got it under control, but took a 2week set back, Update us on your Grow if not finished...HOlla


Active Member
Haha, I can't believe creationists are still trying to use this one, which has been discredited over and over again.

This is about as far from a standard scientific dating method as it is possible to get, and was deliberately set up that way by unscrupulous people, trying to push a religious agenda by discrediting science.

The only test requested on this sample was the C14 test, which is only accurate up to 60k years. This was deliberately done so as to provide a single, flawed number.

Scientists know the limits of each of the testing methods, so when dating any unknown sample, they use a barrage of tests with different isotopes. The accuracy range of these tests overlap. When a sample is tested, numbers at either end of the test scale are usually wildly inaccurate, and this is obvious in the data. However, there is always a range where the numbers match up over several concurrent tests. It is this range that gives the accurate results.

By deliberately requesting a single testing method rather than the full range, the proponents of this hoax were trying to deliberately skew the test results for their own ends.

You really should learn about what you are trying to discredit, before you try to discredit it.
why does that one have to be wrong? why not the one that would of said 50million years? but i really dont care how long ago god created earth


Well-Known Member
why does that one have to be wrong? why not the one that would of said 50million years? but i really dont care how long ago god created earth
If only one of the results said 50 million years, that would also be wrong. Didn't you read the part about accuracy ranges overlapping over several testing methods? Only when many different dating methods give the same numbers can it be considered accurate.


Active Member
The one about people living with dinosaurs is laughable, too.
Another discovery of a calcified human's footprint has been made in Turkmenia. Its age leads us all the way back to 150 million years, to the Mesozoic period, and ultimately to the time of dinosaurs. Can it be possible that humans inhabited this planet along with such monstrous creatures? Yes


In 1961, two Russian scientists Okladnikov and Rogozhin discovered a large variety of tools in Siberia not far away from a town named Gorno-Altaisk located by the river Utalinka. They concluded that their finds date back to 1,5-2 million years. Another Russian scientist Molchanov discovered absolutely identical tools on the river Lena near a village Urlak. Radiocarbon dating analyses of these finds has clearly identified a precise date: almost 2 million years.

But what about an entire chain of footprints found near Carson, Nevada (USA)? Those are incredibly precise and clear prints doubtlessly left by a human. Their size is gigantic. Their age is 213-248 million years. It is not hard to conclude therefore that such discovery cannot possibly go hand in hand with today's preconceived notions

check pic http://www.omniology.com/ARTIFACTS-2.html



Well-Known Member
Another discovery of a calcified human's footprint has been made in Turkmenia. Its age leads us all the way back to 150 million years, to the Mesozoic period, and ultimately to the time of dinosaurs. Can it be possible that humans inhabited this planet along with such monstrous creatures? Yes
Umm, no, not really.

Alleged human or human-like prints alongside dinosaur tracks in Turkmenistan have not been rigorously described or documented. In view of this, and the extensive evidence that millions of years separate non-avian dinosaurs from humans, the tracks in question cannot be regarded as reliable or even probable human prints.

You're really grasping at straws with this dinosaur thing. :roll:


Active Member
Another discovery of a calcified human's footprint has been made in Turkmenia. Its age leads us all the way back to 150 million years, to the Mesozoic period, and ultimately to the time of dinosaurs. Can it be possible that humans inhabited this planet along with such monstrous creatures? Yes


In 1961, two Russian scientists Okladnikov and Rogozhin discovered a large variety of tools in Siberia not far away from a town named Gorno-Altaisk located by the river Utalinka. They concluded that their finds date back to 1,5-2 million years. Another Russian scientist Molchanov discovered absolutely identical tools on the river Lena near a village Urlak. Radiocarbon dating analyses of these finds has clearly identified a precise date: almost 2 million years.

But what about an entire chain of footprints found near Carson, Nevada (USA)? Those are incredibly precise and clear prints doubtlessly left by a human. Their size is gigantic. Their age is 213-248 million years. It is not hard to conclude therefore that such discovery cannot possibly go hand in hand with today's preconceived notions

check pic http://www.omniology.com/ARTIFACTS-2.html
That pic says that macro-evolutionists wouldn't allow that evidence to be released publicly... How did they keep the information from being released? I don't think just any scientist, or any group of scientists, have the ability to stop the release of information, especially when we have the internet.

If it was possible to stop this transfer of info, we wouldn't have naked pics of celebs.