Topping advantages and disadvantages?


Well-Known Member
Okay... i know that by topping the plant you get 2 top buds instead of one but when is the best time to do this? also does this effect the amount of time it takes the plant to bud? and 1 more thing where exactly do i cut it just cut the very top off and snap the end a little then put the cloning powder on it?thanksbongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Top right before flower. I topped some of my BB last time, and
left some untopped. The topped girls caught up eventually, and
the buds came out dense.

Snip it and leave a few leaf sets for a clone...GL

Father Jack

Well-Known Member
I like to top my plants at just above the 4th or 5th true node. Not counting the first node with the first set of leaves from seed.

This will create a nice even canopy of 4 to 6 tops.


Father Jack

Well-Known Member
Is this advice correct?? Can anyone confirm? Thanks!
If I do any topping or pruning...I like to let the plant veg for a couple days before putting into flower. That being said...I will prune the lower shite up to the 14th day of flower...but never top the plant in flower.


Pullin' weeds

Well-Known Member
Sometimes I "top" a few times during veg. Top the main growth, give it a week, then top each of the major side growth.

I like to give them a week of recovery after doing any cutting.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, a picture would be nice but i think i got the drift of it. Thanks for everyone's input you were all very helpful


Well-Known Member
These WW are still a little young, but heres an idea.

To TOP, just snip the whole top off leaving the two
top internodes intact (haven't developed yet on this
girl). This will cause the internodes to take off and
act as two tops.

To FIM (Fuck I Missed), snip it leaving about 1/4" or
so of stem. This will cause the nodes to shoot up,
and force additional tops.



Active Member
Nice pic couldnt be much more simple than that

BTW you dont need to use a razor but it is the cleanest way. You can just reach in and pinch with your fingers.


Well-Known Member
I'm just trying to revive a thread that I feel will help out many rookies like me increase yield. I seem to be having good success with topping my plants. This is only my second grow overall, and I decided to make the snips and hopefully increase my yield. I topped these plants after they had developed 4 nodes. Topped at the third node and prayed that it wasn't too early. They have been topped for 9 days now and I think it's crazy how quickly the main stems on each plant "beefed" up. The stems went from about 5mm stems to 10mm stems that look as if it's four stems in one. Guess that's a feature of breaking the "apical dominance" of the plants. I have also LSTed these plants with pretty decent
results overall.
This picture is at approx 2 weeks prior to topping
Second pics are right after topping
IMAG0748.jpg IMAG0749.jpg
Third pics are of LST
And These are of my plant with 8 main tops and one with 7 main with 2 that I'm trying to expose to light to become mains.
IMAG0820.jpg IMAG0824.jpg IMAG0822.jpg
And under the LEDs

ganga gurl420

Well-Known Member
Topping is a great thing. Keeps your plants short and bushy. You get more yield as well....though there are a lot of training techniques that will bring bigger yields as well.20160620_082558.jpg