Topping advantages and disadvantages?


Well-Known Member
That plant looks like the perfect Bush to me lol. Yea, I'm trying to keep them short and bushy as much as I can. I'm trying to increase yield while keeping them small as possible. any other training that you would suggest while they're still vegging that would hopefully substantially increase yield? They're about 24 days old right now.

ganga gurl420

Well-Known Member
Well fiming would give you 4 instead of 2 branches. Super cropping is good. Look up mainlining/manifold for when u grow next yr. You have to start when it's a baby but it really does increase yields 35-50%!!!!! I did it to half of my plants last year, and the Yields was off the hook. I will always use it now! Then after I get that done I just keep pinching off all the new growth.


Well-Known Member
So fiming would pretty much double the amount of colas? And what is considered a baby? lol because my plants will be 1 month vegging on Sunday so I'm wondering if I could still try fiming? Topping them gave me 8 and 9 tops on the big plants but my small plant only got 4 lol so I trimmed it and I'm training it as well. I don't know if it counts as "manifolding" but I think it kinda is. IMAG0845.jpg
I also lsted the second of my big plants this morning which is going to create 9 tops, I let it's branches grow longer before tying down
Is it too late to pinch off growth?

ganga gurl420

Well-Known Member
When you fim you are only taking 80% of the new growth causing 4 to come out instead of 2 with pinching or topping. Mainlining is making a hub and topping when the plant reaches 5th node and bringing it down to the third. The stalk will look something like this then. 20160622_093731.jpg