Literally wardrobe growing


Active Member
I think the buds have dried out way too quick and I think not having any air movement over them has not helped - however, I've seen people dry in cardboard boxes before without fans???

Anyway, I'm going to stick an orange peel in the jar over night with them and see if it plumps them up by the morning! Feel pretty brittle. Damn - fucked it up!


Well-Known Member
Naw man just being in the jars will return moisture to them. Don't do the orange peel trick unless the bud is like really old. Make sure you burp those jars very well everyday. Now is where the mold starts to come into play.



Active Member
Thanks for the advice man, I'm pretty pissed off but I guess I can only learn. Just have to make sure I am better prepared for next harvest in a few weeks time of my AL.

Will it deffo build up more moisture in the jar? Because those buds were damn dry!!!


Well-Known Member
Ya man I'm telling you the first 24hrs it moistens it back up. Leave the lid on for 24hrs the first time. After that once a day for 1 week burp twice a day, after the first week burp once everyother day for 2 weeks. Then leave it shut till a month in the jar for a proper cure. Ya ya I know it still got another month to smoke but it will be so much more worth it if you let it cure fully. ;)



Active Member
Hey, it definitely got a little more moist over night. The smell is kinda weird. Smells a little bit like green tea leaves or cut and dried up lawn grass. Is that normal?

The main cola is about 3-4g and the whole lot I'd guess based on that weight would be around 11-12g. So not very much really, but hey it's a start I guess. It looks like a lot in the jar.


Well-Known Member
Yes this is very normal. At the end of the month when its ready youll open it up and smell heaven lol. My Great White Shark jar would make me sneeze when i opened and took a big whiff. It gets very strong and also very potent. Try not to smoke the buds that are in the jar till the full cure is done my man.



Active Member
Some updated pictures of the Amnesia. She is doing well but seems to have stopped growing upwards now.

The main cola has got really fat at the top. I squeezed it and it's dense and tightly packed.

She is frosting up nicely!

Some lower bud sites

And here's the White Moscow (Lowryder strain) curing

The Amnesia Lemon is soooo lemony. Even though it's still young, the resin has such a strong lemon zest type smell. Doesn't smell like weed at all. Very strange - nice though. :D


Well-Known Member
Ya that amnesia is looking killer man. Nice round crown on top with no major fan leaves I love it man good job. And those WM nugs are looking good in that jar. Is the jar starting to smell like weed now? The buds are probably gonna still smell like hay or grass at this point but after the full cure they will smell to high heavens hahaha.



Active Member
A few more pictures!

She's just over 2 feet tall and doesn't seem to be growing any taller now.

I'm not sure how long she will be. But I'm guessing about 3-4 weeks tops.

What do you guys reckon? :idea:


Well-Known Member
Sounds/looks about right. Where did you pick up those seeds man if thats what it looks like under cfls I can just imagine what it would look like under an hid. Its pretty beefy for its age I hope she swells another time for ya.



Active Member
I got her from Pick n Mix Seeds. She’s a Barney’s Amnesia Lemon Feminized. The main cola is looking really good and as I say, to squeeze she feels really dense.

I’m watering her probably every 4 days at the moment – whenever I feel she is dry enough and I use about 4-5ml of BioBizz per 1LTR of water every watering. And I’m currently filling her up each time with about 4LTRS of water.

I’ll give her another fortnight and then I’ll flush her. How many litres do you suggest I flush her with? Or do I literally stick her under a tap until she’s running clean water through the bottom?

I know the mistake I made last time with my White Moscow was mainly the hanging part – this time I’m going to hang her in cardboard boxes – I saw a cardboard box and string method on here somewhere. So I will adopt that.

Also, I flushed my White Moscow and I soaked her with so much water that she was still soaking wet right up until harvest – didn’t dry out at all.


Well-Known Member
Superb! many thanks for your updates, and great photos. plants are doing fabulous .... !! Walk on!!~~~



Active Member
I guess the White Moscow has been curing for about 2 weeks now and sheesh. I rolled a J last night and I only managed half of it. Okay I’m not really much of a smoker but that stuff sent my head spinning big time. All I wanted to do was go to sleep! I wasn’t expecting it to be that knockout to be honest – really ‘couch lock’ feel. Like gravity wanted my head to meet with the ground. Nuts.


Well-Known Member
great description. :clap::clap: and I totally know what you mean when you finally begin to enjoy the full fruits of your labour. Pretty freakin intense. I am a 24-7 stoner, but in very light dosage so I consider myself to be a lightweight compared to how I see some people smoke. but anyhooo .... I remember that feeling of smoking good weed that you yourself grew .... pretty frickin intense. :clap::clap::clap::clap: good on ya man ... you're LAmensia is goona be killer ... she deserves the full grow out and cure ... and then .....KaBooMMMM! :hump:
I guess the White Moscow has been curing for about 2 weeks now and sheesh. I rolled a J last night and I only managed half of it. Okay I’m not really much of a smoker but that stuff sent my head spinning big time. All I wanted to do was go to sleep! I wasn’t expecting it to be that knockout to be honest – really ‘couch lock’ feel. Like gravity wanted my head to meet with the ground. Nuts.


Well-Known Member
Lol I love the last part, like gravity wanted my head to meet with the ground :clap: great!! I remember the first time I smoked chronic. I was fucking lit as hell off of like 3 good tokes out a j. Been hooked ever since. Smoking small amounts at a time is the way to do it with nugs. It really doesnt take much comparied to this mexican brick weed shit I have now.......... Anyways can't wait for an update on the other....



Just read your whole thread as i am bored and have been looking into trying to grow my own stuff, and it gets me really excited! Your bud looks amazing and i can only imagine how hard it is to resist lighting up.

Anyways some questions:
Was the smell strong/very noticeable?
How much did the whole setup cost roughly in the end?
How great does it feel to have grown such a beautiful plant?

Thanks and enjoy!


Active Member
Haha – yeah I still have half of that J left over from the other night. As I said, I’m not a big smoker at all and I really knocked me for 6. It made me so tired that I couldn’t be bothered to go wash or even get unchanged. It took a lot of effort just to get my trousers off.

To answer Calad’s questions…

-[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]Yes the smell is quite strong and apparently noticeable. Because it’s in my room I got use to the smell – the only time I really smell it is either I’ve been away for a few days or I open part of the wardrobe in the morning to get my clothes out for work and I get hit by a very strong smell.
-[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]The whole set-up including seeds and everything probably cost me around £130 sterling. If that.
-[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]Yeah it does feel good. It’s cool I have my own little supply that I can share with my friends. However, as you see the plant every day when I air it and just look at her, you don’t really notice it developing as much. But it’s cool seeing how it started off as a small germinated seed and now she’s like over 2 feet tall and has a long big cola on her.

She probably has another 2-3 weeks left I’d say. I’ll keep feeding her nutes up until probably end of next week and then begin flushing.

After this though I’m done. I’m giving my setup away to a friend of mine for free. I only did this as an experiment really and to enjoy what I managed to get out of it knowing it’s 100% natural with nothing put into the buds other than some top quality nutrients.


Active Member
Well my friend and I tried quite a bit this past weekend and it’s pretty knockout – the WM still that is. It’s very potent. Serious couch-lock going on though. My mum wanted to try some, and then she took 3 drags and was like it doesn’t do anything then she was moaning about being dizzy. She had to go to bed as she felt pretty sick from being so dizzy! She is fine though!!! Although she did moan a lot and said I shouldn’t do it.

I can’t wait for the Amnesia Lemon to be done as hopefully it will be even better.


Well-Known Member
hahahaha funny man ..... I picture it .... mom wandering around takes a few hits, looks back and says son you shouldb\n't be doing this ... bytheway ..... I gotta go lie down, this is the shit son!