250 per month sounds reasonable and manageable. Less than an 1/8th of your monthly income.
I am not trying to embarrass you, I am just speaking plainly. Try to find ways to reduce/remove monthly incurring bills. Especially ones that you do not have equity in. Obviously you need to eat. I know a coupon clipper who saves almost that much monthly. I don't want to go over your monthly expenses here... it is frankly none of my business. That is why I suggested taking a course... or spend a few days researching the web on how you can reduce your bills. It is amazing how much you can consolidate. I am not suggesting you don't take care of your bills or feed your kids... I am suggesting that health care is equally important. Living outside your means is much easier when you have such a small margin. It is one of the things that keeps people poor. Some people, no matter how much they make, will always spend to the limit of their capability. I was one of those people. It is impossible to save in that mentality. You tend to let go of "invisible" bills, where you do not see the fruits of your labor. I am not trying to be cold or offensive. I am trying to help. I feel I can because of MY experience. Once I stopped thinking that I was entitled to other peoples money, I found a lot more value in mine.