1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)



so 5 dairy queen hit the ground running. and im not sure whats going on with the clones they look like they've had too much water which i thought was impossible as they need close to 100% humidity they look like they'll pull through tho im just not sure where im going wrong?!
Mine always yellow (when I'm not killing them) and loose a few lower leaves while they try to grow roots. It's not unusual for me to loose 3-4 leaves, they get all dried up and crispy. I just pluck them off. No reason to over think it.....
kool cheers! did you buy a cloner 5 or make one? i got various bits of kit to make one and had 0 success, the bubbles did keep the cutting really green n healthy but didnt get any roots
I made mine. I bought one at the hydro shop but when I looked at it at home I thought why would I spend this much for something I can make myself and took it back. I didn't ask for a refund just found other stuff to spend my money on. I just picked up a pond/foutian pump. I think it's 250gpm, and glued some PVC together drilled some holes and put sprayer heads on. I don't use the bubler method. The tub is just a rubbermaid. I used a hole saw and drill to make the holes. I think I went over the making of it in my winter garden thread before the TGA thread.
just make sure when the door opens to her, that she is hit by a cannonball of smoke right in the kisser! everything will be woooooonderrrrrrfulllll (we're talking a new age of physics, smoke with a physical presense, like iron! rar!)
Get your arse to the 24 hour garage for some ropey flowers and a box of chocks. If she's just rang you that means she has only just remembered lol