New ideas for ordering seeds safely?


Active Member
Paying for seeds without it being traced back to you seems easy: gift card.

Is there no method to safely have the seeds delivered?

For the "paranoid" (which in all honesty is an inappropriate term when considering our hobby), I've seen mainly one suggestion: ship it to a friend's address. If I'd prefer not to complicate another person (no one trustworthy enough), how would one suggest getting seeds delivered?

Or are the paranoid simply shit out of luck...

Thanks for all replies, and please:
1. Stick to the op. No useless side-conversations
2. Be respectful.

PalmDale Kush

Active Member
Paying for seeds without it being traced back to you seems easy: gift card.

Is there no method to safely have the seeds delivered?

For the "paranoid" (which in all honesty is an inappropriate term when considering our hobby), I've seen mainly one suggestion: ship it to a friend's address. If I'd prefer not to complicate another person (no one trustworthy enough), how would one suggest getting seeds delivered?

Or are the paranoid simply shit out of luck...

Thanks for all replies, and please:
1. Stick to the op. No useless side-conversations
2. Be respectful.
well i was worried about all the same things but i just went ahead and put in my order with attitude today so i will see how it goes


Well-Known Member
this is the tough question that gets asked many times, but i understand completely, took me a while to work up to ordering seeds
there is some calculated risk here, but currently customs seems unlikely to pursue a small seed order beyond the form letter
i've done 4 successful orders this year, no losses, get a po box in a nearby town, it's not 100% free from 'problems', but it's close


Active Member
if you order from Attitude, U.S. customs most likely won't confiscate your product, since they do a pretty good job of making their mail seems like any other piece you might get


Well-Known Member
just always pay with a gift card but attitude is the shit with the guaraanted delivery no problems there and don't even have to ship it somewhere else...
get a po box in a nearby town, it's not 100% free from 'problems', but it's close
I disagree.. This is even more obvious.. Why would you get a P.O. box in another town/city ? You STILL HAVE to show a VALID I.D. to get a P.O. box.. I have no earthly idea why people think that P.O. boxes are safe for ordering seeds.. Its just doesnt make sense..
I have heard of cases where someones order was seized by customs and then customs notifies the highway patrol ( because shipping/recieving MJ seeds is considered interstate drug trafficing.. look it up ) and the highway patroll then works with the local sherrif to obtain search warrants and have been known to bust you right away OR they set up surveillance and watch for months ( im sure they do this anyway, even if its only for a week or so ).. So in reality, even having them shipped to a "safe house" is not "full proof".
IMHO its jsut a crap shoot at this point.. IMHO there is no full proof way to order seeds online and be 100% "safe"..
Some people say never use a credit/debit card and to always send cash or money order.. I say why? All that does is makes it take 3-4 times longer to get your seeds.. When your seeds come to you they dont have a gd reciept w/ your card info or anything else.. There just adressed to the name and adress you put on your order ( which brings up another myth.. see below ).. So ( IMHO ) I dont see using a card to order them any more "dangerous" than using a money order.. And you dont have to sit and wait and wonder ( the worst part of ordering seeds ) for 2-3 extra weeks if you just use a damn card..
Also, some people say to always use a "fake name" on the order form and on the adress.. This is where I think the worst mis info is going around.. Alot of seedbanks ( ESPECIALLY Attitude ) send there seeds in a way ( registered mail? ) that THE PERSON THAT THE NAME SAYS ON THE PACKAGE MUST SIGN FOR IT.. So if you use a "fake" name, even though the adress is right, you WILL NOT BE ABLE TO GET YOUR SEEDS.. Alot of times, the postman will not even attempt to get your signature at your home, but instead will leave a note saying you have a package at the post office and to come get it.. EVEN THOUGH YOU CHOOSE "NO SIG REQUIRED SHIPPING" or w/e the case may be..THIS HAPPENS ALL THE TIME!!. So if you use a fake name you will be "S.O.L.".. And trying to pick up the seeds with a fake I.D. etc is a really good way to really get into trouble..
So, IMHO its best to just use a credit/debit ( note- most "gift" cards WILL NOT WORK TO BUY THINGS INTERNATIONALLY, this incldes seeds obviously, and will be basically a waste of money ) card and to put a REAL NAME ( doesnt "have" to be yours.. But the more people that are involved, the more risk youa re taking ) on the shipping address.. Where you have them shipped is up to you. Whether it be your house or a relative or friends.. But this is another issue that is debatable.. Jsut make sure that if you sue someone elses adress that they know about yout plan and are OK with it..

be safe.


Well-Known Member
I disagree.. This is even more obvious.. Why would you get a P.O. box in another town/city ? You STILL HAVE to show a VALID I.D. to get a P.O. box.. I have no earthly idea why people think that P.O. boxes are safe for ordering seeds.. Its just doesnt make sense..
I have heard of cases where someones order was seized by customs and then customs notifies the highway patrol ( because shipping/recieving MJ seeds is considered interstate drug trafficing.. look it up ) and the highway patroll then works with the local sherrif to obtain search warrants and have been known to bust you right away OR they set up surveillance and watch for months ( im sure they do this anyway, even if its only for a week or so ).. So in reality, even having them shipped to a "safe house" is not "full proof".
IMHO its jsut a crap shoot at this point.. IMHO there is no full proof way to order seeds online and be 100% "safe"..
Some people say never use a credit/debit card and to always send cash or money order.. I say why? All that does is makes it take 3-4 times longer to get your seeds.. When your seeds come to you they dont have a gd reciept w/ your card info or anything else.. There just adressed to the name and adress you put on your order ( which brings up another myth.. see below ).. So ( IMHO ) I dont see using a card to order them any more "dangerous" than using a money order.. And you dont have to sit and wait and wonder ( the worst part of ordering seeds ) for 2-3 extra weeks if you just use a damn card..
Also, some people say to always use a "fake name" on the order form and on the adress.. This is where I think the worst mis info is going around.. Alot of seedbanks ( ESPECIALLY Attitude ) send there seeds in a way ( registered mail? ) that THE PERSON THAT THE NAME SAYS ON THE PACKAGE MUST SIGN FOR IT.. So if you use a "fake" name, even though the adress is right, you WILL NOT BE ABLE TO GET YOUR SEEDS.. Alot of times, the postman will not even attempt to get your signature at your home, but instead will leave a note saying you have a package at the post office and to come get it.. EVEN THOUGH YOU CHOOSE "NO SIG REQUIRED SHIPPING" or w/e the case may be..THIS HAPPENS ALL THE TIME!!. So if you use a fake name you will be "S.O.L.".. And trying to pick up the seeds with a fake I.D. etc is a really good way to really get into trouble..
So, IMHO its best to just use a credit/debit ( note- most "gift" cards WILL NOT WORK TO BUY THINGS INTERNATIONALLY, this incldes seeds obviously, and will be basically a waste of money ) card and to put a REAL NAME ( doesnt "have" to be yours.. But the more people that are involved, the more risk youa re taking ) on the shipping address.. Where you have them shipped is up to you. Whether it be your house or a relative or friends.. But this is another issue that is debatable.. Jsut make sure that if you sue someone elses adress that they know about yout plan and are OK with it..

be safe.
po box in another town adds a small layer of complication to the investigation, if such a thing occurs
much depends on your local leo situation, the notification would probably go to that municipality's leo, which means they would have to initiate an investigation with another leo organization - it adds effort, but is not going to stop a determined barney fife
and i hope obviously, do not have seeds shipped to the po box in your name, send a few pieces of mail to the box in the name you want to use to establish that such mail comes through without a problem


Well-Known Member
To be honest i just sent al my orders that i used with my own debit card straight to my apartment. I never had a problem. I too didnt feel like getting anyone else involved by sending it to their house so i just said fuck it and sent it to me. Im still here too.


Well-Known Member
i have to go back several years to find documented arrests that started from seeds, as more states go MM(and they will), this will reduce the incentive for investigating small seed orders

Brick Top

New Member
Gift cards/prepaid credit cards: Most seedbanks use a billing service to handle their transaction. Not all seedbanks and not all billing services will accept gift cards/prepaid credit cards especially in the case of international orders.
The names used that will show up on your credit card statement or checking account statement if you use a debit card will not say something like Tokin’ Joe’s Illegal Marijuana Seeds. It will say something like Amusement Novelties or some other fake business name that unless previous shipments with the used name on it have been intercepted in transit and therefore alerting the authorities to watch for packages with that name there is no fear of tracking due to names used on packaging or on credit card or checking account/debit card statements. Now do not use a personal check. I only said checking account statement because that is where a debit card purchase will show up. A check would still be made out to Tokin’ Joe’s Illegal Marijuana Seeds and that would be a red flag if someone at a bank wanted to rat you out.
No form of delivery is 100% secure but many are highly secure and if the seedbank used offers a guaranteed delivery option pay the small extra amount because if your order does not reach you they will then reship and that will greatly increase your chances of receiving what you purchased and of course paid for even if it means waiting for a second shipment.
My best advice as to how to order beans online is to pick a very reputable seedbank and use your real name and your real address and use a credit card so if there happens to be some intentional monkey business on the part of the seedbank you can dispute the purchase and be reimbursed, that is if you have no problem of explaining to your bank/credit card company what the purchase was for and what all happened. Otherwise use a debit card if you have one.
The other viable option, but one many do not have the patience to chose, is to use a money order and snail mail. It will not increase the chances of safe secure timely delivery but it does make for a more difficult trail to be tracked back to you. While you would still want to use your real name and address for purposes of delivery you can use any name you like on a money order. Once purchased and signed, no matter what name is used, it is as good as gold. You could fill it out in the name of and sign it in the name of Emily Rugburn if you wished and if it made you feel more secure and the seedbank could deposit it and collect their funds.


Brick Top

New Member
po box in another town adds a small layer of complication to the investigation,

Since at least in the U.S. you have to provide a valid acceptable form of identification on it to get a P.O. Box the most additional complication that could be added by getting a P.O. Box in another town or city would be the possible additional involvement of one more area of LEO jurisdiction.

If the State guys or Federal guys are the ones sniffing you out it will add nothing more of an additional layer of complication than a handful more miles to drive to your home from the location of your alternate P.O. Box.


Well-Known Member
Since at least in the U.S. you have to provide a valid acceptable form of identification on it to get a P.O. Box the most additional complication that could be added by getting a P.O. Box in another town or city would be the possible additional involvement of one more area of LEO jurisdiction.

If the State guys or Federal guys are the ones sniffing you out it will add nothing more of an additional layer of complication than a handful more miles to drive to your home from the location of your alternate P.O. Box.
let's put it another way, say you reside in smaller town/area, but you're within a 50 mile drive to a larger metro area
all other things being equal, i believe the chance of having a seed order followed up in the large metro order will be smaller than in a smaller population area
but from what i can tell from my web mining(not exhaustive, just best effort), you have a better chance of being killed by terrorists than being arrested for a seed order

Brick Top

New Member
let's put it another way, say you reside in smaller town/area, but you're within a 50 mile drive to a larger metro area
all other things being equal, i believe the chance of having a seed order followed up in the large metro order will be smaller than in a smaller population area

Once a package passes through Customs there is little to no later inspection.

Unless something tears open the package in some accident, like in the case of an equipment malfunction at a Post Office, or some less than honest postal employee peeks into your package the contents will almost never be discovered once the package passes through Customs.
Again though is what miniscule additional protection gained by opening a P.O. Box in some other town or city really of any real value in the end?
If by chance a bean order was discovered at some U.S. Post Office regardless of its location in relation to your home you still had to have provided a current valid acceptable form of personal identification to have opened up the P.O. Box in the first place. That means your actual location is already on record. That being the case how protected are you really?
So if only local authorities are involved, metro and or small town, what will you actually gain?

An additional day of freedom or maybe up to a week’s additional freedom while the information is shared between the authorities initially involved and your local authorities and they then go before a judge to seek the needed warrant for searching your home and or your arrest?
Is that honestly an additional layer of protection that is of any actual value?
Also as I previously stated if the State or Feds get involved then your anorexically thin additional layer of protection virtually evaporates almost instantly.

So again, is it really of any real value and is it really worth the additional time and the additional effort and the additional expense of getting a P.O. Box that will still be a very large arrow pointing to your exact location?
I think not.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the thoughtful reply, this is a much rehashed topic. But it's an important topic

The PO Box likely provides minimal protection, some seem to feel a reassurance using it.

But the only documented cases of arrests resulting from seed orders that I've been able to find did not involve warrants. LEO walked up to the premises. One case, the home owner consented to a search. The other, the guy had growing supplies in plain view which led to 'probable cause'. I am not aware of a small seed order resulting in a warrant.

Not being argumentative, just curious if you might be aware of such cases.


Active Member
what about these Mailing centers that rent "PO boxes". On these you can address the mail like it were going to an apartment or office. For example:

Joe Schmoe
1234 Main Street #1104
Anyplace, NJ 12543 USA

As i believe the Postman only delivers mail to the official address then the store worker/owner puts your mail in the right boxes. Of course, if the worker was a hip stoner ya might lose your package anyway. lol

But I don't think you have to show ID for these places, though I have not rented one. I am however considering it.


Well-Known Member
what about these Mailing centers that rent "PO boxes". On these you can address the mail like it were going to an apartment or office. For example:

Joe Schmoe
1234 Main Street #1104
Anyplace, NJ 12543 USA

As i believe the Postman only delivers mail to the official address then the store worker/owner puts your mail in the right boxes. Of course, if the worker was a hip stoner ya might lose your package anyway. lol

But I don't think you have to show ID for these places, though I have not rented one. I am however considering it.
this is what i've been considering for my next orders
i believe they are required to take id info, however, from some accounts, some are rather 'casual' in that process


Active Member
this is what i've been considering for my next orders
i believe they are required to take id info, however, from some accounts, some are rather 'casual' in that process
Yes I suspect if there is one of these places in the "hip" warehouse district in your town that might be a place to start.