Damn jail sucks! Anyone ever been in the pen?


Well-Known Member
Well I'm fresh out the pen after being in jail for like 2 weeks. Probably the craziest moment of my life. Cops came to my crib saying I did attempted robbery. Moms refused to bail me out like a bitch. My pops was in a whole different country for 3 weeks and as soon as he got back he bailed me out. I called everybody and no one was tryin to bail me out. First day i was in holdig waiting for a cell and some dude walks up to me and says what's cracking pussy, you tried to rob my boy? I had no clue who the fuck he was but that didn't stop me from hitting him. Anyway I'm about to smoke some much needed weed and take some pills. Got a couple bitches comin over to show me some love. Just wondering if anyone else been in the slammer to :weed:


Well-Known Member
How am I a douche? Stick to the topic at hand. Basically I wanna know if anyone else been to jail and there experience. It's nothing like I thought and Ima get a good lawyer to beat this charge cuz I ain't going back.


Well-Known Member
How am I a douche? Stick to the topic at hand. Basically I wanna know if anyone else been to jail and there experience. It's nothing like I thought and Ima get a good lawyer to beat this charge cuz I ain't going back.
How are you a douche?
https://www.rollitup.org/search.php?searchid=4914871 Peruse those and you shall see.

The pen? You know that means penitentiary? You weren't in the pen.

Go back where? To dreamland?

There are kids in chess club that would work you; you would be mince meat in "the pen."


Lmao, real pen has fools waiting by the payphones to rob you when you get out.

But anyways, welcome back. I can't wait to read more of these soon to be quotes.


Well-Known Member
you know last time i checked pot smokers were supposed to be cool .i understand the SUBJECT is kinda fucked up, but that doesnt take away that fact that not 1 person has gotten in this thread and not been an asshole . people like that should leave or maybe get some better weed . i ll say it again BUZZKILL . and to any one who wants to reply to me with some kindergarten bullshit - save it your not worth the time of any real stoner. going to smoke a joint since i lost my buzz over this shit.


Well-Known Member
you know last time i checked pot smokers were supposed to be cool .i understand the SUBJECT is kinda fucked up, but that doesnt take away that fact that not 1 person has gotten in this thread and not been an asshole . people like that should leave or maybe get some better weed . i ll say it again BUZZKILL . and to any one who wants to reply to me with some kindergarten bullshit - save it your not worth the time of any real stoner. going to smoke a joint since i lost my buzz over this shit.
wow dude you got that shit all wrong. The SUBJECT is just fine the OP is a massive douche(last I saw). Shit if everyones flaming someone theirs usually a reason why...


Well-Known Member
you know last time i checked pot smokers were supposed to be cool .i understand the SUBJECT is kinda fucked up, but that doesnt take away that fact that not 1 person has gotten in this thread and not been an asshole . people like that should leave or maybe get some better weed . i ll say it again BUZZKILL . and to any one who wants to reply to me with some kindergarten bullshit - save it your not worth the time of any real stoner. going to smoke a joint since i lost my buzz over this shit.

Welcome to RIU, lemonyellow :weed:

I haven't been around for that long, but in the time I have been here I've caught on that this mysticlown150 really is sort of the village idiot of the forum.

He says a lot of stupid things, and people are always ripping on him for something or another.

I think it's just human nature to single out the oddballs, idiots, and other undesirable elements.


Well-Known Member
you know last time i checked pot smokers were supposed to be cool .i understand the SUBJECT is kinda fucked up, but that doesnt take away that fact that not 1 person has gotten in this thread and not been an asshole . people like that should leave or maybe get some better weed . i ll say it again BUZZKILL . and to any one who wants to reply to me with some kindergarten bullshit - save it your not worth the time of any real stoner. going to smoke a joint since i lost my buzz over this shit.
Hey stranger :wink: You haven't been around long enough to know what's going on, so why don't you sit back, relax, and watch the show?

So what was county like mystic? I assume that's where you went, right?


Well-Known Member

Welcome to RIU, lemonyellow :weed:

I haven't been around for that long, but in the time I have been here I've caught on that this mysticlown150 really is sort of the village idiot of the forum.

He says a lot of stupid things, and people are always ripping on him for something or another.

I think it's just human nature to single out the oddballs, idiots, and other undesirable elements.
hey man thanx for the welcome . :clap:


Well-Known Member
Hey stranger :wink: You haven't been around long enough to know what's going on, so why don't you sit back, relax, and watch the show?

So what was county like mystic? I assume that's where you went, right?
itz cool. jus ya know MEAN people blooow. i came to relax and all kinds of peeps fillin the +++ posative space with to much - - - negative.