Damn jail sucks! Anyone ever been in the pen?


Well-Known Member
itz cool. jus ya know MEAN people blooow. i came to relax and all kinds of peeps fillin the +++ posative space with to much - - - negative.
Did you ever think that maybe people reacted negatively to his post for a reason? Maybe you don't know enough about the people involved to understand the situation.


Active Member
who cares though? nobody has to be an asshole to him, which of you are being. ya his storys are wild and crazy and he does say a lot of stupid things but you dont know him. I laugh at the storys he writes hell they may not even be storys ;) but yah i always read these posts and everyones just bein an asshole to him. If you dont like him get him kicked off the site.


New Member
I did 10 months when I was 12 for armed robbery. 2 months when I was 14 for disorderly conduct,assault& possesion of weed. I did 2 weeks at 14 again for disorderly and conduct and intimidation I did that twice when I was 14 and the second time did 3 months and 6 months probation. Stayed clean till just recently when I fed a cop dog and did a 1 month and now have 5 yrs probation. The last one was a cop being a dick. I used to be a gang member of EMF (el monte flores) and got jumped in when I was 9 and jumped out at 17.The thing I will never forget is the smell of the places I've been to.



Well-Known Member
I think everybody is kinda being A-holes to the OP honestly. No doubt he may say something(s) stupid or think where he was is the "pen". But for someone thats never been to any kind of jail....I'm sure it does suck balls. Not that I care......it is amusing and a good time passer:grin:......I do doubt that he punched a dude for calling him a pussy. It seems if he did that he would probably be held longer.


New Member
Did you ever think that maybe people reacted negatively to his post for a reason? Maybe you don't know enough about the people involved to understand the situation.
I have to agree with what you've said in this thread. He hasn't been around long enough to know anything on here but he acts like he has. He's like the new guy at the fry station in my burgerking. I usually hate you IDK why but I gotta give rep for this one. How do I do that LOL:clap::clap::clap:


Well-Known Member
I have to agree with what you've said in this thread. He hasn't been around long enough to know anything on here but he acts like he has. He's like the new guy at the fry station in my burgerking. I usually hate you IDK why but I gotta give rep for this one. How do I do that LOL:clap::clap::clap:
Didn't we each agree to pretend the other doesn't exist? You are violating our agreement fellows :sad:


Well-Known Member
who cares though? nobody has to be an asshole to him, which of you are being. ya his storys are wild and crazy and he does say a lot of stupid things but you dont know him. I laugh at the storys he writes hell they may not even be storys ;) but yah i always read these posts and everyones just bein an asshole to him. If you dont like him get him kicked off the site.
Are you talking to me? *looks around*


Well-Known Member
Kinda hard to do that your on every thread. This is what I'm talking about you can't be civil. This is last thing I will ever send at least for a good while.
*I* can't be civil?

I have to agree with what you've said in this thread. He hasn't been around long enough to know anything on here but he acts like he has. He's like the new guy at the fry station in my burgerking. I usually hate you IDK why but I gotta give rep for this one. How do I do that LOL:clap::clap::clap:
Don't go starting shit with me and then acting like *I* can't be civil. Fuck off with that bullshit.


New Member
*I* can't be civil?

Don't go starting shit with me and then acting like *I* can't be civil. Fuck off with that bullshit.
You started with ME first. We should just drop it instead of fighting for hours again like we did the other night. Plus this isn't our thread to take over.


Well-Known Member
You started a couple days back. I agreed with you that was it and you jumped my case like usual.
A couple days back when we decided to ignore each other? And then you quote me and make some off hand comment about how you usually hate me? Sounds like YOU starting it back up because you want some attention.