Damn jail sucks! Anyone ever been in the pen?

Cheech Wizard

Well-Known Member
Clown, you are a lunchbag. But, an annoyingly amusing one so I will take a seat next to Stoney and NG while you entertain us


Well-Known Member
Ha I got caught burning in my car in a parking garage, after some illegal search and seizure, I was charged with Felony Possession (2 Oz(one of which was weighed out in halfeighths in separate bags) of some INCREDIBLE Gainesville Green):wall: With intent to distribute:wall: ( took two scales off me along with 11 counts of beautiful paraphernalia):wall:. I spent 32 hours in county before my first hearing, during which time I had experienced a holdin cell full of crackheads and heroin dealers (Palm Beach County) for 6 hours, showered naked with the afore mentioned inmates, more time spent naked for no reason in front of fuck-head guards, then into temporary holding with 60 other inmates. I watched an arab guy about 23yr/o get literally bitch slapped TO THE GROUND and then kicked in the head MULTIPLE times just for trying to use the phone, but he kept trying it was pretty sad. The security guards literally did nothing for this man. I spoke when spoken to and made some unlikely 'connects' for just about every drug on the list.

Mind you this was all two days before my Senior Highschool Prom. Im 18 and I plan on NEVER being incarcerated for the rest of my life fasho:finger:
Court Date is October 8th, WISH ME LUCK!!!:-P

lmao!! +rep for an awesome story man :clap: funny stuff. but for real, good luck at your court date. I hope your lawyer does you well!


Active Member
I'm sorry mystic-Jail really must suck. umm and I hate to add to the neg. but you DO always say you are robbing/ripping people off.... and you're lucky you haven't had to do more time. enjoy the freedom!!!

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Fires up another for the boys...man this is becoming like a roleplaying game.Mystic, you rolled a 1, that's an automatic fumble.On the fumble chart...we rolled a 50...that means you have to lie face first on the ground for 20 rounds while everyone else dry humps you to establish the pecking order.
<Snuggles up next to Stoney.>
Clown, you are a lunchbag. But, an annoyingly amusing one so I will take a seat next to Stoney and NG while you entertain us


Active Member
omg! yes, stony I think you found the key, now who is going to "take one for the team".... *nose*

Cheech Wizard

Well-Known Member
Thats a good, true observation... Stoney, you are filled with insight. I totally mean that. Thanks for helping me out a few months back with the advice btw

Cheech Wizard

Well-Known Member
yeah, maybe he wanted to make the most of his "time' and organize something good like dodgeball for the rest of the convicts in hopes of early release?