Fast Food - A Tutorial


Active Member
\ill be the first to admit when i fuck up

today, i forgot to give a woman a spicy chicken, and i realized it as soon as she left

she came back in a few minutes later, i explained it was my bad

and because she wasnt a bitch about it and we were joking around i hooked it up with a free large fry

sometimes, you get rewarded for not being an ass
hahaha I used to give away tons of free food when a nice person would come into my old job... now I just don't check ID but that usually doesn't matter anyway :-(
dude i work at a gas station.... trust me i know.
thats how people are and you cant change that.
its a job.... suck it up or get another one!
me tooo! lol i've seen the weirdest shit lately :wall:
you complain too much!
thats life man. there isnt an excuse for everythin hahahaaah
oooh.... gotta say I hate the word excuse. why you bashing him???


Well-Known Member
alot of the people behind the talkin box are stupid, the customers are to blame, but i can't even count the times stupid ass people i have had to talk to while ordering fast food, like FDD said, where the fuc are MY damn FRIES!


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry, but I check my food before I leave. And I refuse to pull forward. Because the last time I pulled forward, they straight up forgot about me. We were blazin in the car so it took us like a half an hour to notice, and when I did, I was pretty fucking pissed.


Active Member
who here as EVER worked a minimum wage job?? I thought everyone has at least done it once! and like this is the ONLY option you have because (as keenly said) you don't get call backs no matter how many APPS you've turned in.... sorry but this is really making me wonder how a bunch of stoners can't imagine being on the other side or in another person's shoes... I very angry at the humanity right now just plain wow :(


Well-Known Member
i've been to carl's junior 1000' times. i still sit at the menu trying to figure out what i want. most people do. what abut all those "i'll be with you in a minute" times? good for the goose, ...

you're on the timer NOT me. deal with it or tell the boss to change it.

don't fuck up my order and i won't keep checking it for errors. i have learned my lesson. what? are you forgetting shit just so i'll get out of the drivethru and your clock will reset?

seriously, read the first post and tell me this isn't some BS. i'm a PAYING customer. get it right and you may move on to a "real" job. don't demand i accept your incompetence on filling a fry order though. :wall: :bigjoint::bigjoint:

oh, the humanity. :roll:


Well-Known Member
And no offense Keenly, but I don't think all fast food service workers are as good as you are (you seem to care about doing your job and doing it right). I've never worked in the food industry on GP, but I HAVE worked plenty of customer service jobs, and it has made me a better customer. I don't trip on the workers for long lines when I can tell they're doing what they can, I don't trip on someone missing something from my order -- because I check before I drive off.

But I DO trip on shitty service, because, having done customer service, I know the difference between doing the best that you can in a shitty situation, and just doing a shit job.


Well-Known Member
shit here in cali most the time is some Hispanic person haha, im down with the brown, but they got my order upside down


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="SICC";3033908]shit here in cali most the time is some Hispanic person haha, im down with the brown, but they got my order upside down[/QUOTE]

The Del Taco on Inglewood Ave, just past Rosecrans, I doubt this guy is still there, but when I used to live down near Manhattan Beach he was the fucking MAN!

He was this young Hispanic guy, kinda big, always wore a red sweatshirt. He was always at the drive thru window, and I'm sure it was cuz he had your order on LOCK.

You could ramble off a long list of random shit (which, usually being stoned, we did) and he wouldn't miss a thing. When he gave you your food he told you exactly what was in every bag as he handed it to you.

I fucking love that guy. If I go back down there and he's still there, I'm going to profess my undying love for him as a drive thru window operator.


Active Member
i've been to carl's junior 1000' times. i still sit at the menu trying to figure out what i want. most people do. what abut all those "i'll be with you in a minute" times? good for the goose, ...

you're on the timer NOT me. deal with it or tell the boss to change it.

don't fuck up my order and i won't keep checking it for errors. i have learned my lesson. what? are you forgetting shit just so i'll get out of the drivethru and your clock will reset?

seriously, read the first post and tell me this isn't some BS. i'm a PAYING customer. get it right and you may move on to a "real" job. don't demand i accept your incompetence on filling a fry order though. :wall: :bigjoint::bigjoint:

oh, the humanity. :roll:
yes I read the first post -all the posts actually...
yes you are paying cheap dollar for bad food and "quick" service.
but that money doesn't really find it's way to us.

everyone is mad over something because for some reason they think we are perfect. we are not machines, we are humen and can only take so much.

and usually the ones working at the stupid jobs are the ones who aren't paying electric bills and have piles of trash in their house, so there are much more issues than pushing the right buttons. not to mention managers are complete ass clowns because they are the ones who used to be picked on.

you really don't have ANY empathy for them/us?

oh god, good fucking night

you ALL must have come into my store today :wall:

:finger:-to customer service jobs.


Well-Known Member
yes I read the first post -all the posts actually...
yes you are paying cheap dollar for bad food and "quick" service.
but that money doesn't really find it's way to us.

everyone is mad over something because for some reason they think we are perfect. we are not machines, we are humen and can only take so much.

and usually the ones working at the stupid jobs are the ones who aren't paying electric bills and have piles of trash in their house, so there are much more issues than pushing the right buttons. not to mention managers are complete ass clowns because they are the ones who used to be picked on.

you really don't have ANY empathy for them/us?

oh god, good fucking night

you ALL must have come into my store today :wall:

:finger:-to customer service jobs.

empathy because you can't do the job you were hired to do?

we all make mistakes, but don't demand that i fix yours. sorry.

Big P

Well-Known Member
there are shitty fast food workers and there are asshole customers

there are cool fast food workers and cool customers

assholes and cool people

thats like every movie


Active Member
oh honey, I really want to know if you've ever worked min wage cust. service. because that Q was directed at you. respect is no more :(


Well-Known Member
oh honey, I really want to know if you've ever worked min wage cust. service. because that Q was directed at you. respect is no more :(
are you calling me honey? do i get a blow job with that? :bigjoint:

i worked at Mc d's for a day. walked out after i saw what was expected of me. what a fucking joke. :roll:

then i worked a private fast food joint down on the beach in LA. dealt with starving drunks all day. so, yes, i have worked minimum wage, customer service.

so i guess my answer is still "no", i have no empathy for someone who can't understand NO ONIONS!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
keep the onions :weed:

a whole bac, i went to a micky D's, got me my pops and my bro somthing to eat, paid with a 100, girl game be bac 120 in change :lol:

was a pretty damn good day


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="SICC";3033969]keep the onions :weed:

a whole bac, i went to a micky D's, got me my pops and my bro somthing to eat, paid with a 100, girl game be bac 120 in change :lol:

was a pretty damn good day[/QUOTE]

I can't do that to someone, having been a cashier myself.


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="SICC";3033969]keep the onions :weed:

a whole bac, i went to a micky D's, got me my pops and my bro somthing to eat, paid with a 100, girl game be bac 120 in change :lol:

was a pretty damn good day[/QUOTE]

it's because she was abused as a child. you should have given it back. ;-)

dude at round table gave me change for a 100 when i gave him a 50. i went back and told the manager. she gave me a coupon for a free pizza. :)

is that empathy? probably not. more like honesty. well, at least i got that. :)