Fast Food - A Tutorial


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="SICC";3037258]if he spoke to me like that I'd slap the taste out his mouth

yea hes a good chef, what makes him think he can act like that, didnt he make one guy cry[/QUOTE]

I'm surprised nobody has whooped his ass yet but all the guys look like pussys.


Well-Known Member
the reason they havent is thats what they expect from him.. or any great chef at that...

they are passionate about their food... and expect only perfection... and sometimes it can get a little crazy... i would LOVE to work for ramsay.. and wouldnt feel bad at all if he yelled at me like that.. it would only push me harder to cook better...

im no pussy.. if a normal person talked to me like that i would have a huge problem with that.. i guess its just the mentality of chefs... its like if you had a mentor who was yelling at you.. but was yelling to make you push harder... then you wouldnt mind.. same thing here really...

but some of those people do deserve to be yelled at like they do.. i have seen some people that should be cooking at home let alone in hell's kitchen on there...


Well-Known Member
then how about you and the other 10 half brain dead retards who can't read anything besides a menu do a good job so we don't have to do the before mentioned


Well-Known Member
who are the retards you are referring to??

what job should they do better??

and what before mentioned thing are you talking about not having to do if those 10 retards did a better job??


Well-Known Member
dont work at mickey d's

apparently there are a few people who think they are above being nice to people

im sure you wouldnt treat your doctor like you treat you local fast food worker

were both just doing our jobs trying to pay the bills but some how its ok to be a dick to the fast food guy
How do you compare a doctor to a fast food worker? A doctor went through years of schooling to do what he does. A fast food worker walked in and filled out an app.

A doctor holds your LIFE in his hands (quite literally if it's something like open heart surgery or delivering a baby). A fast food worker holds your...burger in his hands.

And if a doctor fucks up, you file a malpractice suit against him. I don't see anyone suing the kid at McDonalds.

I really don't get the comparison.


Well-Known Member
thats his attitude tho... as far as the food is concerned.. you either like it or you dont.. and if you dont, fuck off... lol

he's what i consider a "real" chef... he cooks for the love of food.. and what tastes good to him.. the fame doesnt mean shit... some chefs, like rocco dispirito (i think thats spelled right) cook for fame.. they want the glory of being a famous chef (which isnt really that glorious unless you are a fellow chef or really like food)...
I've worked for quite a few guys who were trained by Rocco. The guy is a real prick but he is actually an amazing chef. I have a journal full of recipes taken by the cooks in his restaurant. The truth is all these guys even Ramsey are ego maniacs.


Well-Known Member
that might be.. but i guess its egotistical on different levels.. there are definitely chefs out there that care more about getting their name out there and people knowing them for them then to be known for their food..

im not taking anything away from rocco.. he is an amazing chef.. i could only wish to train with guys like him.. im just saying he is one of the chefs that cares more about his fame than his foods fame.. if that makes any sense...

its much easier to see if you watched him when he did "the restaurant" a few years ago... he was really on the fame ego trip then...


Well-Known Member
LOL I went to Wendy's tonight. I was thinking about you Keenly.

Super nice to the guy (I always am), ordered my #2 and #10 with no modifications. Pulled up to pay, he gives me the straws, drinks and my change and asks me to pull forward. The wife asks me why he wants me to pull up when there is no one behind me. I tell her it is all about the timer. She asks me how I know that - I say rollitup.

The dude HOOKED us up on the fries and I am pretty sure he gave us free large drinks (says NCAA BIG SCORE). We ordered mediums but there were so many fries that they were poured over the top. The dogs loved the extra fries.


Dude, I couldn't agree more with the OP!

Holy shit, I work a drive thru and know exactly what you're talking about.


Well-Known Member
just like to say i went to BK last night and got another awesome performance. Tasty fries and pretty quick.


Well-Known Member
just like to say i went to BK last night and got another awesome performance. Tasty fries and pretty quick.
i just had an idea for a internet service. a site where you can review and look up reviews on which local fast food joints are grimey or poorly staffed so you can avoid these places like the plague.