CFL Blackberry Indica/Sativa (Pics)


Active Member
Yes she was a little droopy, I actually took a pic to compare for myself...and I just realized that it was curled before I watered...The last time i watered was..2 days ago? Back on friday..


Well-Known Member
Under Watering

Under watering can show the exact same symptoms as over watering can, they show the droopiness along with the top soil being hard. To avoid this make sure every other other watering you give your plants a good watering, like use a bit more water then you normally do, because sometimes your plants will need a good quenching once in a while. So doing this will help the bottom roots and root hairs get enough water to produce newer growth. For new growers they tend to do both over watering and under watering.
More over watering then anything else, they tend to be to "generous", and then you have ones that are to afraid to water them to much and then they get the under watering symptom. Under watering seems to droop more than over watering does, the fan leaves will droop closer to the stalk and won't be as yellow as over watering looks like, under watering looks like this picture below, only way to stop under watering is to water when the pot feels lite. Make sure few drips of water come out at the bottom of the holes, that way you know the plant has enough water.


Active Member
That's already how I water, except I use the finger method instead of lifting the pot, because I am bad with muscle memory. I wait till the soil dries out then I water until there is drainage.
"under watering looks like this picture below" <--what picture?


Active Member
Ok. So they are all 3", the one with least leaves is actually 3.5" (it stretched so far because I was afraid to manually remove the seed and it stretched to 2" before I took it off)
Going to start 12-12 tomorrow, because I was reading a thread on here about a DWC Blackberry grow and they get very bushy.


Active Member
Heres the picture of the bushy one I was talking about:

And from nirvana, Blackberry&#8217;s mother, Black Domino, was a clone sent to the Netherlands from the area around Seattle. Its father is Nirvana&#8217;s very own Raspberry Cough. Domino's tight leaf structure has been preserved well in this hybrid. Blackberry smoke is thick and heavy with subtle hints of Asian Sativa flavours. Yields are very good for a strain that already displays so many desirable traits.

I really shouldn't be growing it to flower indoors, but I figure I can get a lot of 'free' seeds and be ready for next season ;) Btw, indica/sativa mix


New Member
Good luck with the flowering. Are you gonna start more seeds to grow while these are flowering so you can have a few clones?


Active Member
Nah I am hoping I will harvest these in a few months, by November in the latest. Hopefully I will have a male and female plant so i can pollinate. Then I will start the new seeds in about january/february and veg to 3-4ft. to transport outdoors in April/May.

PalmDale Kush

Active Member
Nah I am hoping I will harvest these in a few months, by November in the latest. Hopefully I will have a male and female plant so i can pollinate. Then I will start the new seeds in about january/february and veg to 3-4ft. to transport outdoors in April/May.

and grow a outdoor monster

if u put them out at the end of feb u can pull off 2 outdoor harvests just watchout for frost


Active Member
I don't know if it is because I haven't looked at my plants in a while, or what...but it seems to me they have exploded since I took that picture on Sunday :D
(What's also weird is that they have been on 12-12 since Sunday, so less light and more growth? Odd... Dunno...)
Before, Sunday:

After, Today :) (Tuesday):


Well-Known Member
I can notice a difference, lookin great, nice and healthy, gonna be an interesting grow, stocky and short, kush for sure, how long are your planning on vegging them?


Active Member
Already on 12-12..and I'm even happier about that choice now because being bushy in that small space...with no CFL lighting on the side would be bad (canopy penetration)


Active Member
Well I decided to go back to 18/6..I dont think this 12-12 for two days will hurt them much...Im gonna veg till I can get some identification of preflowers


Active Member
A bit of a scare, found a gold, burn looking spot on my plant but I agree with someone who suggested it was only fert'd water that sat on it.

Also, the bigger plant has a bit of an odor and the 2nd biggest a decent one...didnt expect this only 2 1/2 weeks in!? (Maybe because I 12-12ed em for two days?)