CFL Blackberry Indica/Sativa (Pics)


Well-Known Member
well it takes about 2 weeks for most plants to show sex, didnt know you were flowering now, they are growing fast tho, should be a good harvest


Active Member
Yay....forced to do it outdoors. Whoopdy-fucking-doo... The est. for my harvest was late october, and late october is the average time for the first frost of the year...Hopefully the sunlight will make them grow a bit faster. Using a preventative spray and Vigoro plant food..lmfao..


Active Member
Ok here goes...about 6 miles of hiking last night in the darkness, fun times? Few ticks...3 1.5" long brown spiders o.0..huge webs...anyway...

The pictures have some weird coloring and bad visibility because it was nighttime...
Spider on the first trip out (later saw 2 more):

Aaand, the site:



Active Member
Lol well I got a bit lazy, but this is the basic set up:
(plant = H and o = light)
H o H
o o o
H o H

Overhead view, where the o is a vertical row of CFLs, 2 or 3, in a 4ft vert. space, plus some overhead CFLs for veg
--PS by vertical row I mean like..
Where the wires are just hooked up straight to the plug on the socket converter


Active Member
bongsmilie cheers to that!

I just moved into my new place yesterday, so today im measuring out the new grow space (HUHE unter the stairs closet) and im going to start my next grow journal :D
Got it got it, jolly well, ol brotha. lol
--Im not to good with keepin up on the forums, i dont mind if you link to your grow journal in here ;)


Active Member
Well here are some pics of the outdoor sight in daylight, no sign of sex on Friday..Sunday today...I'm going to go check on them tomorrow again....If they don't show in at least a week I don't think they are gonna make it :/ Deadline is about 40 days from now.



Well-Known Member
They look good man, good thing you put them in those containers, should keep infestation away, im sure they will show soon enough


Active Member
I don't know how well it will protect against infestations, we have a decent amount of critters ;)....I sprayed em both with some anti-fungus, mite, and something else spray that is 'organic' and can be used up till 2 weeks before harvest or something. But yeah the bins..really helpful because of storms we've been having. Less direct wind, etc etc...And not much sunlight loss, might protect against some larger critters, too...heh, but I doubt it. xD
We've got a few deer, but idk...

See the spot is on this rock like 15ft above ground level, most the sides being straight cliff like but one is climbable, that's how I get up...and I'm pretty sure if a deer wanted to it could easily climb up it but I don't know if it'd go through the trouble...guess I'll find out haha


Well-Known Member
Wish i would have found this journal earlyer. First, Your cfl setup is fucking awesome. You have inspired me to build one So thanks lol. Also the plants are looking great. Glad to see the jump from indoors to outdorrs didnt cause issues.

i smoked some blackberry about a week ago and it was awesome. you tryd it yeah?


Active Member
No, but thanks for makin me even that more anxious to try it :joint:xDDDD hahaha. Thanks man And thanks dragon; yeah, I got lucky with that site ;) About 1.5m uphill from my house, then 1.5m downhill back, and there is a trail for the first mile so i got to use a wagon for the bins/soil :mrgreen:

--I was supposed to go out today, but seeing as its already 8:30pm, and I highly dislike spiders, that'll be a no, lol. Update tomorrow probably