CFL Blackberry Indica/Sativa (Pics)


Active Member
Eeek, I think I have some hermies. I know I see pistils on the two I have back in the woods, but I also think I see the beginning of male sacs. I guess I'll just wait a little longer and be sure.
One near the house: (Scrawny plant, but epic picture haha)

Two outside:




Well-Known Member
diddo, but i was reading a few other journals, and Ive seen people chop the male parts of the hermie and problem was actually solved...

but lets just hope you smoked some amazing weed when you were out there, so you were so high you imagined the sacs :D

Lets go females!

at first I thought that first word there ^^^ was dildo!


Active Member
Heh, well the point of this grow is to get seeds for next season...So hermies would completely defeat the point, I'm not as worried about seedy bud than bad genetics.

--I dont THINK its hermie though, because the 'sacs' i thought I saw were on the bottom half of the plant, and I'm pretty sure the rule of thumb is male parts at the top so the pollen falls onto the pistils...It may just be the 2 beginnings of the pistils...I'd show you but my camera phone is only 5.0

Damn, I realized I haven't been keeping track of the # of days...Last friday was the completion of Week 5 I think...Hmm, thatd be about Day 40 today?
(Lol if they finish before Freeze, which is estimated at 35 days from now, Imma go to the outdoor forums and post a huge thread about it, lol..tons of outdoorsers told me it was way to late and I shouldn't even try it...)


Well-Known Member
Heh, well the point of this grow is to get seeds for next season...So hermies would completely defeat the point, I'm not as worried about seedy bud than bad genetics.

--I dont THINK its hermie though, because the 'sacs' i thought I saw were on the bottom half of the plant, and I'm pretty sure the rule of thumb is male parts at the top so the pollen falls onto the pistils...It may just be the 2 beginnings of the pistils...I'd show you but my camera phone is only 5.0

Damn, I realized I haven't been keeping track of the # of days...Last friday was the completion of Week 5 I think...Hmm, thatd be about Day 40 today?
(Lol if they finish before Freeze, which is estimated at 35 days from now, Imma go to the outdoor forums and post a huge thread about it, lol..tons of outdoorsers told me it was way to late and I shouldn't even try it...)
I hope they make it, already gettin chilly here in Cali


Active Member
Well I guessed correctly, the one I kept by the house is a male, and the two outdoor are female. Can I get a woot woot for beginner's luck? haha --based my guesses on development, the one by the house was tall n lanky, etc

Agh RIU is being a bitch about these pics... I'll try again later...fuckin shit


Active Member
Ok, the site finally let me upload the pics...

Two females:

There is a huge lack of internodes, and I know its not stretching because they are in sunlight, lol....So I guess this is why it's sold as an outdoor strain ;)


Active Member
Well Ive been checking on them every few days...They are a bit taller and bushier now. The nodes are starting to get some thick bundles of hairs... but the internodes are still bud yet. I'm getting worried..only 20 days left till first freeze. I know they can survive a couple of them so I won't freak out and yank em at that time, but idk...guess I'll just have to keep waiting. Lots of sacs on the male, geeez lol

I saw a couple of deer near my site today...If those fuckers eat my shit, I'm going to be soooo Pissed off....Bringing some fishing wire out there tomorrow...and lots of water ;) gonna piss alllll over the place lol


Glad I found this before they started budding. Their all looking great so far man. Healthy, and happy as they should be. It sucks that the colds coming soon, but it should help to bring out the purple in the blackberry. Where did you find nirvana's blackberry? I've been looking, and the only blackberry I've found is from sativa seeds on the attitudes website.