Active Member
thats funney ass shit but i got 2 type x 15" subs with two hyfonic amps and 600$ headunit he took, it cost me amost two grad and i want my shit bak[youtube]N1B-mQlQGFk[/youtube]
thats funney ass shit but i got 2 type x 15" subs with two hyfonic amps and 600$ headunit he took, it cost me amost two grad and i want my shit bak[youtube]N1B-mQlQGFk[/youtube]
fdd the more of this stuff you find the more i think your the purple bud lifter,from cars outside the co-ops.their has been 1006 differant purple bud thefts from parked cars at cali co-ops.that 1006 differant purple strains,like purple surple,deep purple surple,ultra deep deep purple surple,purple herple,deep purple hurple,bluish purple hurple etc etc.click this link, ..... http://www.keepshooting.com/lockpicks/autolockouttools/autolockouttoollist.htm
what do you do if you lock your keys in the car and your slim jim is in the trunk.
oh man i give up,i just bust my gut laughing and i never laugh/[youtube]4HfMUGsniJ8[/youtube]
of course it makes a sound! Are you telling me that if I placed a recording device in a forest and a tree fell near it, the sound would not be produced and recorded?
what you could do is, smash the window one night then come back the next day, when he has taped it up (assuming that he does) and steal it then.
na it needs to be a one night project, i need it to not be loud at all and i cant do anything else but the window and its a 09 ford truck with like manul windows, locks and it doesnt have a alarm for sure can any one help out?
Sounds like to me you're just gona have to run fast lol