meridan13's bagseed grow volume 2!


very cool grow. im interested in seeing what flowering a large plant under CFLs will look like. ive seen people flower smaller plants under CFLs cuz that way the limited lumens can penetrate well but ive never seen a real good size plant be flowered under CFLs. can't wait to see her bloom keep up the good work


Active Member
very cool grow. im interested in seeing what flowering a large plant under CFLs will look like. ive seen people flower smaller plants under CFLs cuz that way the limited lumens can penetrate well but ive never seen a real good size plant be flowered under CFLs. can't wait to see her bloom keep up the good work
well im really sorry to disappoint but i fell into some really good luck the past day.

lookin good
thanks welfare.

the good luck that ive fell on will bogle everyones mind. my friend has been txting me all day saying that i will lick his balls with the good news he has. and im not gay so fuck that but seriously he fucking surprised me with a 430watt hps light with ballast and everything! it is amazing and i cant wait to get the plants under this light within the next week. FUCK CFLS ive been dying to get my shit under an hps and have been checking craigslist/ebay everyday for one.

now one fell in my lap and i can finish these gorgeous 4 sativas the right way. im currently testing for temps and shit like that and am really in need of a good way to vent this light but my babies will be under a 430watt hps light soon! this grow just turned from mediocre to amazing over night all thanks to my boy who was cleaning out his garage with his dad when he found an old hps light that his mom used to use for seedlings early in the season.

GREAT NEWS FOR ME! im so excited and thought id share my excitment with ya'll.

stay tuned for new set up and great buds to come from my beautiful flowering sativas!

stay up everyone!


Active Member
the bulb runs 104 degrees to the touch. any ideas on how i should ventilate a closet with 2 mirror doors and no other vent holes but a hole for a cable in the bottom of the closet and about 2 inches of the bottom door all the way across for exhaust. im guessing i will need ducting but what do you all think i should do for it. the sooner i get this done the better! cuz the soooner i can get the gorgeous hps up in it!


Active Member
Here's some random pics. mostly of the new set up. Got the light about 12 inches from the tops. running at about 85 to 90 degrees F. hows that sounds for now until i make a cool tube.

My fan is hung now and blowing directly on the lights and tops of the plants. they are starting to sway a little with the wind now so ill be rotating them. I've also noticed that many of the tops are falling due to not so strong stems. I will be stringing them up most likely in the next week.

I left 2 SW lights and a day light cfl in there for side lighting. We'll see what happens and how these babies like the new light within the next couple days im sure.

Pics the close ups are of michelle who is my favorite obviously.

The last pic is of a leave that has been getting some minor discoloration. It looks dark on the tips and has been curling down. any ideas what it might be?

Comments as always everyone

Stay up and macros will be coming next week when i actually have something to take pics of.


Well-Known Member
check the plant problem thread, that shit always helps me out. also i see your homie in the mirror hes just waiting for them to be done lol


Well-Known Member
Everything is looking bang on target, great work man. Now you've got the hps the stems should thicken up. Have you got a fan in there? coz that'll help.
What seeds are they?


Active Member
Everything is looking bang on target, great work man. Now you've got the hps the stems should thicken up. Have you got a fan in there? coz that'll help.
What seeds are they?
Just some bag seeds. i am on low budget so i work with what im given. it was some dank shit though. my buddy just gave me some good kush beans that i cant wait to get in the ground. 5 weeks or before this one is going to finish i'll start vegging.

i still gotta hook up my veg bucket though.

check the plant problem thread, that shit always helps me out. also i see your homie in the mirror hes just waiting for them to be done lol
yeah im gonna check that out now i always forget about that thread. i pretty much just always log in and go straight to myRIU and hit all my sub'd threads.


Active Member
oh and yeah theres a fan in there. thats most of the reason why they are all leaning to the left. ill try and rotate from time to time when i water. also i had a question my room is about 4 feet wide and my light is on a track how often do you guys think i should move the light along the track? ive never dealt with tracking and with only a single light but im trying to do it everytime i think of it really. im always in that fuckin room i love lookin at my girls and how they are progressing!


Well-Known Member
Our plants are almost exactly the same age, how long have yours been in 12/12? They are the picture of health, great work man. i'll rep you again when it lets me


Well-Known Member
oh and yeah theres a fan in there. thats most of the reason why they are all leaning to the left. ill try and rotate from time to time when i water. also i had a question my room is about 4 feet wide and my light is on a track how often do you guys think i should move the light along the track? ive never dealt with tracking and with only a single light but im trying to do it everytime i think of it really. im always in that fuckin room i love lookin at my girls and how they are progressing!
I know exactly what you mean, i can lose two hours just looking at 'em lol its my favourite obsession


Active Member
I know exactly what you mean, i can lose two hours just looking at 'em lol its my favourite obsession
yeah ill be doing it forever. even when im older and a medical doctor haha and it will be my most prescribed drug to my patients as well. um they were planted same time as urs im sure and went 12/12 under the cfls on august 12th.

the first was sexed on the 23rd and the next was about 5 days after. so 1.5-2weeks. The cfls sucked so bad now i know why u never commented before. but hopefully more people will take notice of my op now that i have something to look at.

what about yours when were they 12/12d and sexed?


Well-Known Member
They got 12/12'd 3 weeks ago today and they were fem seeds. i took clones from all of them in case i get a plant i wanna keep.
You'll notice a huge difference in growth in about a week now you got that hps


Active Member
yeah i cloned mine but im just flowering the clones right next to them. i dont have a veg box set up yet. but i really enjoy starting from seed so i think im going to be doing the same next time. and i was dumb this time around but got lucky. i only cloned one plant before sex luckily it was fem. but next time i will probably take 2 cuts from each and keep the best. idk we'll see i have plenty of time before i have to decide what to do.


Active Member
Ok so heat is a major issue here. I went out and got some ducting, an inline bathroom fan that i realized blows and doesn't suck. I dont know how im going to string that up but right now i just have it blowing the bottom of my reflector. it's keeping the area around 86F. is that good or still too high. I also ghetto rigged my A/C to blow into the room in a little whole. I reall need to get my hands on some big pieces of cardboard though to seal the closet off better. Pics will come soon maybe later today?

Any ideas on what to do while I wait for my pyrex bake a round to come in to keep the heat down? I am going to use the DIY tutorial on here for the 4 inch cool tube but then there goes my reflector. I got the 4 inch pvc elbow and also the 4 inch open pvc already so now all i need is the pyrex. Should i also try and find an inline sucking fan to suck air away from the bulb? PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE leave comments and answers to these questions!


Well-Known Member
You've probably already thought of this, but why don't you just turn the fan around 180 degrees? Then it would be sucking. I'm sure you'll think of something to get all that hot air out. Is your light as high as you can get it? You can drop it back down once you've sorted out a cooltube. Good luck man.
You're doing the right thing by asking questions coz if you don't you'll never get the benefit of other peoples experience. Thats what i do and this site is great for sharing knowledge, if it wasn't for this site i'd have made loads of mistakes and killed more than a few plants. Keep up the good work and i'm looking forward to the pics


Active Member
You've probably already thought of this, but why don't you just turn the fan around 180 degrees? Then it would be sucking. I'm sure you'll think of something to get all that hot air out. Is your light as high as you can get it? You can drop it back down once you've sorted out a cooltube. Good luck man.
You're doing the right thing by asking questions coz if you don't you'll never get the benefit of other peoples experience. Thats what i do and this site is great for sharing knowledge, if it wasn't for this site i'd have made loads of mistakes and killed more than a few plants. Keep up the good work and i'm looking forward to the pics
Right now the light is as high as it can go without me removing my wire shelfs that it is hanging on. I will see about removing them and hanging the light from the ceiling tomorrow when they come back on but i just cant wait to get the cool tube so i can get the light closer than 12 inches away. We'll see ill definitely be working on it when i get out of classes tomorrow. Cheers man!

Stay up everyone and keep it growin.