How to end operation with partner?

Heres the situation im in with my friend/grow op buddy... I want to get out and go on my own, however we have some plants that just started flowering and I dont want to have my share mysteriously vanish after I tell him. I want to part ways for too many reasons. We split the cost of the equipment and i know hes gonna try to keep everything b/c thats his way of thinking. What should I do to not get screwed & keep a friend? Any questions & or suggestions about the situation would be great.
tell him you don't wanna grow anymore and tell him your taking your stuff and then grow without him knowing
i wish it was that easy. that would work but i want my share of this last crop and i know he will screw me over if i say im out before i get my share. last time every colla was gone but one somehow.
I think my best bet is to not split/buy anything new then hack em down and harvest the crop. when thats done i`ll say something while were trimming them and take my share to dry out elsewhere. also since everything is split shouldn`t he have to pay me for the equipment if he keeps it or just split the equipment up between us which would be a pain to try to have each person get equipment so it equals the same amount for each
I think my best bet is to not split/buy anything new then hack em down and harvest the crop. when thats done i`ll say something while were trimming them and take my share to dry out elsewhere. also since everything is split shouldn`t he have to pay me for the equipment if he keeps it or just split the equipment up between us which would be a pain to try to have each person get equipment so it equals the same amount for each

i think your right. It's gonna be a pain no matter how you go about it at least this way you get your bud and equipment.
well, this guy seems like he stole the last crop a bit. lets get some more info like where the crop is? outdoor in his backyard? indoors in his house? I think the best way to do this is wait for the harvest, and while trimming say your taking your share and gonna try your own thing. And for the equipment your just gonna have to split it. Dont try to have one person take it and the other pay for one half cause i guarantee it will cause problems. what kind of equipment is it anyways? hydro stuff or just nutes and a light for soil?
Heres the situation im in with my friend/grow op buddy... I want to get out and go on my own, however we have some plants that just started flowering and I dont want to have my share mysteriously vanish after I tell him. I want to part ways for too many reasons. We split the cost of the equipment and i know hes gonna try to keep everything b/c thats his way of thinking. What should I do to not get screwed & keep a friend? Any questions & or suggestions about the situation would be great.
If I were you I'd wait until you harvest, take your share of the bud and let him keep the equipment. That way he can't really be pissed and you'll avoid any confrontation or hassles over it.
Yea, just let him keep the equipment to avoid confrontation. I know its a lost but as long as your get your harvest share you can buy new stuff if you sell. This guy sounds like if you wanted to split the equipment he would be a dick or something.

wait till harvest, take your share, let him keep the equipment, and buy new equipment with your harvets money.
jesus, you're asking a bunch of strangers how to break up with butt buddy?

My leaves are curling, what do I do?

How big of a fan will I need?

Whats a good strain?

Not : How do I end a relationship with a friend?

Are you THAT socially retarted you can't figure out yourself how to take action?
jesus, you're asking a bunch of strangers how to break up with butt buddy?

My leaves are curling, what do I do?

How big of a fan will I need?

Whats a good strain?

Not : How do I end a relationship with a friend?
I think this is a perfectly legitimate question. Now be nice and try to help will ya?
It is inside soil at his house. thequipment is 600 watt ballast/ light,dutch passion seeds, lots of advance nutes, fans, T5 lights, & other small items. In the begining we agreed everything from the plants is 50/50. i dont know if he thinks he should get more since its at his house and took more last time. however i had to take care of these recent ones for two months b/c one of his family members found out. so he cant say he has had all the risk. shit if i didnt take them they were goin in the trash
jesus, you're asking a bunch of strangers how to break up with butt buddy?

My leaves are curling, what do I do?

How big of a fan will I need?

Whats a good strain?

Not : How do I end a relationship with a friend?

Are you THAT socially retarted you can't figure out yourself how to take action?
haha no im not this is a question asking for advice about life experience b/c im sure others have had the same situation. also it is so much more to the story &this person
It is inside soil at his house. thequipment is 600 watt ballast/ light,dutch passion seeds, lots of advance nutes, fans, T5 lights, & other small items. In the begining we agreed everything from the plants is 50/50. i dont know if he thinks he should get more since its at his house and took more last time. however i had to take care of these recent ones for two months b/c one of his family members found out. so he cant say he has had all the risk. shit if i didnt take them they were goin in the trash

i would tell him we need to come to an agreement on who gets what..ur using some expensive shit for wat is most likely illegal , and you both would save yourselves some trouble and $ by making a deal of who gets what ... just talk about it..LACK OF COMMUNICATION is the start of alot of shit. just tell him wat u think u should get and come to an agreement. me and my buddy dropped on a light and i said wen we got it if shit goes down ill take the ballast or the light and we will split wat herb we got and nutes in half and start over , we r still good freinds!:bigjoint:
Just finish up your crop with him. try to have him buy you out after this yield. if he doesnt suck it up and move on. lesson learned parnterships with friends always end badly.

remember what the godfather said. Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer! you dont want to piss this kid off and have him do something childish down the road.
Just finish up your crop with him. try to have him buy you out after this yield. if he doesnt suck it up and move on. lesson learned parnterships with friends always end badly.

remember what the godfather said. Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer! you dont want to piss this kid off and have him do something childish down the road.
bongsmiliebongsmiliewell said........
well if hes gunna screw you every which way what kind of friend is that? ... im sure you have known him for so long blah blah but suck it up and take what is rightfully yours .. if he disagrees fuckin get a gun or somethin and rob his ass hahaha just kidding but seriously take what is yours and split the crop, should have made him sign a waiver!
since the grow has primarily been in his house he does have more risk and most likely spent more time/effort tending to the plants. How was the operation paid for? Did you go 50/50 on all or most parts? With that being said I would be patient and wait till the primary grow is over. Start talking in simple conversation about your excitied interest in growing because of why your now able to grow? Why didn't you grow at your place to start with and now that has changed? Make a box or room for drying out the plants at your place. Mention you want to try it out with 1/2 the next main harvest. Make it fun not negative about your excitement. Then after the dry. Start some seeds germing. Buy a few cfs to take care of the sprout period. Start asking him what he tought would be a good split so you can have your own grow. Be fair and start growing on your own. Be happy with whatever is split and move on. 1 good grow will pay for the stuff needed. Keep the friendship and start growing new strains. Anything negative will sour the whole deal.
i kinda already know im gonna lose equipment which can easly be replaced as long as i get my share. it just sucks cause we were great friends and something like this shouldnt be a prob. i know its gonna be crappy just b/c i have brought up the idea of going on my own and he got all weird bout it. i wish we would of had a plan incase of this happening like dednbloted said
no reason to talk about you going on your own until the grow is done. just keep going like everything is fine and dandy. once you get what is yours yield wise. then lay it on him. if he over-reacts just let him keep whatever he wants. you dont want someone mad at you that knows you grow.
I think if you sit down with him in a calm manner and basically say almost exactly what was in ur very first post...... you guys can work it out.