what drug and how many times?


Active Member
You think your the only one?
mmm two equally arrogent guys fighting over the internet... who will win?? who will be the bigger loser??? questions that will be asked for centuries to come...
your both biatches line em up and watch me knock you 2 the fuck out
everything but crack.

heroin 4 to 5 times
everything else lost count
OMG the only person who can really stay on track in STEVIE'S thread congrats bro!


Well-Known Member
lol yeah i know.

i was gone for a day and come back to useless fucking banter. i hate when people post in threads they think are dumb... honestly doesnt make sense at all.

so instead of sifting through the filth i decided ah fuck it...


2 be fair i tried to post all my drug habits on here but it wouldnt let me it said it would need to be seen by the admin then i saw 2 bitches arguing and thought it mite be game for a laugh :)


Well-Known Member
are there really people who are keeping track of how many times theyve used drugs? thats just sad.

i know it would be easier to list the drugs i havent done


these new chemical drugs ive been reading about...

crack and meth

i couldnt count the # of times ive done what drugs.....


Active Member
i have never seen so many angry potheads, for the record.
someone give these guys some red seal hash, calm their selves down LOL


Active Member
are there really people who are keeping track of how many times theyve used drugs? thats just sad.

i know it would be easier to list the drugs i havent done


these new chemical drugs ive been reading about...

crack and meth

i couldnt count the # of times ive done what drugs.....
meh I wouldn't say I've kept track, that's the times I remember ya dig?

i have never seen so many angry potheads, for the record.
someone give these guys some red seal hash, calm their selves down LOL
haha right?? everyone on here's been real on edge lately... can you say drought? I've been out for weeks-that's my excuse :lol:


New Member
yay...i do as much drugs as i can because maybe people will think im cool....yaaaayyy....maybe ill get a girlfriend because i do so much drugs yay!! im so cool!!

ps. im outta weed


Active Member
You ready for my huge list? Besides weed:

Salvia 30x.... once.

34 years old

There you go. Sorry for the long post! :D


Well-Known Member
lol thank you ri.

honestly id rather have this thread closed.

i hate when people aregue. bluntz420 is just fucking annoying. why waste the time? so i just choose to ignore it.

im actually going to unsubscribe to my own thread... haha


Well-Known Member
Cannabis- onli thing i smoke (off the fags :D)
Alcohol - the od time
salvia - dozen or more times will defo try again but cudnt do it ocasionally maybe once a year ;)
coke- once or twice hated it
extacy - once, gud at the time ..overdid it, bad come down and never do it again.
Magic Truffles- only once :( truely the funnest time on any drug no come down, and gigles like mad

other legal stuff like blue lotus coffee smoke etc etc etc tried and dont bother anymore..

edit: plz dnt leave op ):


Well-Known Member
im 22

weed - for bout 3 years (stopped for a while, what an idiot!)
booze - bout 10 years!
speed - 3-4 times
coke - prob upwards of 50 times, barely bother anymore tho, stuff is fucking shockingly addictive
xtc - 4-5 times

thats about it, wanna try shrooms soon and salvia.


Well-Known Member
go to a head shop or legal high store.. its a trip enducing drug which onli lasts 5-10 mins its pretty good but takes alot out of you and trips can vary

Cheech Wizard

Well-Known Member
Eh... Ill stick to cannabis and do acid or shrooms when i want to trip... no one I know has ever tried "salvia" but i have heard of it... If its for only a few minutes tho I wont bother... thanks for the answer to my question tho


Well-Known Member
Eh... Ill stick to cannabis and do acid or shrooms when i want to trip... no one I know has ever tried "salvia" but i have heard of it... If its for only a few minutes tho I wont bother... thanks for the answer to my question tho
i think thats what i like about it tho. never tried proper hallucenagens before and couldnt be doing with a bad trip for several hours!!