Oh Goodie! ... More on 911 (inside job) :)

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This video is Michael Hess talkin right after him and Barry Jennings got un-stuck from wtc 7. They were stuck in 7 for a few hours while buildings 1 and 2 fell. They both heard multiple explosions while stuck in building 7. (In fact , explosions are why they were stuck in building 7) Now here is a Barry Jennings interview from right after they got un-stuck. He also claims there were explosions at the bottom of building 7 (Thats why they were stuck)


Now here is a recently released interview of jennings stating he was "walking over bodies" in trade center 7. You have to watch this:

Now this would be a KEY witness IF they were to ever do a REAL investigation on this case but very shortly after they released his interview he came up DEAD. The death is over a month old now and the cause of death has still not been released !! My opinion is the poor dude killed himself because he knew the elite was going to do it anyways.
Now the other key witness Michael Hess is saying that he never heard explosions or never seen any bodies ?? Of course he is just now changing his story cause i imagine he dont wanna die with Jennings.
WHY would jennings make up a horrid story like that ? 100% controlled demo :idea::idea::idea::idea:
I've been reading this thread and getting a headache...

You had a "headache" way before you got here. You seem to have a problem with pot smokers? Then what the fuck are you doing on this forum? You can give your stupid uneducated opinion, but don't come hear insulting us for smoking pot, you are in the wrong place for that.:dunce::finger:kiss-ass
I've been reading this thread and getting a headache...

I couldn't figure out how anyone made sense of it...

Then I remembered the kind of forum this is.

So I re-read some of the posts with the words... "Dude" inserted randomly and the occasional choke and cough thrown in here and there... and it all became clear...

It's like this...

"*Toke* - Dude... *talking while holding breath* I heard that the government *choke... cough* blew up the world trade centers for the insurance... 'cause Bush wanted to kill Saddam for fkin with his dad dude"


"*Toke* - Dude man... *holding breath*... no way... that was like... *choke cough*... that terrorist dude from Africanistan.."


"Yeah way dude!! *toke* I saw it *holding breath* on the internet dude... *choke cough* it's gotta be true..."


So u <--like that abbreviation dont you
read a post (a very serious one) and all u took out of it , is the word dude ? Did you watch the video's/are you concerned with 9-11 or are you just skimming through the thread *toke* and seeing mistakes in spelling *choke cough* and slang words like "dude", "bro"....ect.... or are u just callin me out cause my name is whiteboy mixed with the word dude *toke* HAS to mean *holding breath* I smoke pot and believe everything i see on internet ?
OR do u really believe everything you see on the tv ?
*choking almost to a puke* I saw it! man it was awesome bro *still trying to recover* David Gregory said the fuckin heat from those fires melted those buildings *finally another toke* man you shoulda seen um fall , it was somthing like outta the *puking* movies dogg. the arabs are gonna kill us all , we gotta go get all the ammo and guns we can get .

God bless u too though, and thank you very much for reading !
hey whatever your opinion is ...thats fine with me !
http://journalof911studies.com/volume/2009/WhatHitPentagonDrLeggeAug.pdf"What Hit the Pentagon?"
Written by Dr. Frank Legge, this is a good analysis of the reasons for contradictory evidence to exist about the Pentagon.
Crucial to this debate is the video testimony of the Secretary for Transportation, Norman
Mineta, to the 9/11 Commission. He entered the PEOC2 (Presidential Emergency Operations
Center) under the White House and saw that the Vice President, Dick Cheney, was already
there. A young man came in and said to Cheney "The plane is 50 miles out", then "The plane is
thirty miles out", and when it got down to 10 miles out the young man also said "Does the
order still stand?" and Cheney angrily confirmed that it did

Cheney gave the order to stand down.

http://whatreallyhappened.com/WRHARTICLES/wtc_fema_911.htmlThe FEMA WTC Collapse Analysis Farce
Fire Engineering has good reason to believe that the "official investigation" blessed by FEMA and run by the American Society of Civil Engineers is a half-baked farce that may already have been commandeered by political forces whose primary interests, to put it mildly, lie far afield of full disclosure.

http://www.911video.de/news/fujita/fu-en.htmMajor 9/11 Breakthrough in Japan Spectacular Support for Yukihisa Fujita
Councilor Fujita is a current member and former director of the Committee on Foreign Affairs and Defense. In this function he questioned 9/11 three times in parliament. Fujita claims that 9/11 as the main reason for the "War on Terror" needs to be newly investigated in order to find peaceful solutions.

http://whatreallyhappened.com/WRHARTICLES/9-11BasicQuestions.html9/11: All In One Chunk
Webmaster commentary:

One single URL/file to send around.
Posted (along with the below stories) in anticipation of the National Geographic Channel's latest 9-11 hatchet job tonight.
Smithsonian Channel is much more informative and less propagandistic than NatGeo anyway. You should trade channels with your local cable company.

http://whatreallyhappened.com/WRHARTICLES/wtc_fire.htm?q=wtc_fire.htmFLASHBACK - The 9/11 WTC Fires: Where's the Inferno?
The official story is that the World Trade Towers were engulfed in an inferno sufficient to melt steel, yet people are clearly seen standing in the gaps made by the aircraft, and the glass windows, which would melt at a far lower temperature than the steel, remain solid.
You all need to watch Loose Change Final Cut: http://youtube.com/watch?v=Mk7htWPF874 Part 1 http://youtube.com/watch?v=yAS4TIYF68A Part 2. That is all you need to know about 911. IT WAS AN INSIDE JOB! DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH, INSTEAD OF JUST CALLING PEOPLE LIKE ALEX JONES CHILDISH NAMES!!!!!!!!! I also recomend watching Terrorstorm( http://youtube.com/watch?v=2dYWP9AOGBo) and The Obama Deception( http://youtube.com/watch?v=eAaQNACwaLw) if you really want to be in tune with what is currently going on. Even celebrities like Charlie Sheen, Jesse Ventura, and Willie Nelson are waking up to the truth. The sooner everyone else wakes up to this NEW WORLD ORDER we can all live free again, like our forfathers had envisioned!
80,000 New Yorkers demand a new investigation into 9/11
On Friday, September 4, the New York City Coalition for Accountability Now (NYC CAN) submitted 28,000 petition signatures as a supplement to the 52,000 signatures submitted on June 24 calling for a citywide referendum on the creation of a local, independent commission to investigate 9/11.
More ...

Richard Gage article on 9/11 WTC contolled demolitions appears in WorldArchitectureNews.com
Conspiracy theory or hidden truth? The 9/11 enigmas...
Richard Gage, AIA, Gregg Roberts, and David Chandler

In all likelihood, you are unaware of the most important facts involving the destructions of the World Trade Center buildings. Nearly all the mainstream information sources and government officials have kept crucial information hidden from the public. This brief article will provide a clear explanation as to what actually happened to the Twin Towers and Building 7 (WTC 7) on September 11, 2001.
{Readers can add comments at the end of the article /StingRay)

Mr. Roff, 9/11 Truthers Are No “Fringe” Movement
An acerbic attack on Charlie Sheen for the crime of questioning the official story behind 9/11, a sentiment shared by the majority of Americans and indeed the majority of the 9/11 Commission itself, appearing in U.S. News and World Report this morning relies upon cliched and completely unfounded terms of reference in a poor effort to smear Sheen as part of a “conspiracy fringe”.
In his hit piece, author Peter Roff labels 9/11 truth as an “extremist theory” and compares its adherents with those who believe Lee Harvey Oswald did not act alone in killing Kennedy.
So that’ll be over two thirds of the entire population of the U.S. then, Mr. Roff! In what possible way can this be described as “fringe” thinking?

9/11 Radio Transmissions of WTC 2 Firefighters
Battalion Seven Chief: "Battalion Seven ... Ladder 15, we've got two isolated pockets of fire. We should be able to knock it down with two lines.
Webmaster's Commentary:
This was the floor supposedly engulfed in an 800+ degree fire.

9/11 Firefighters: Bombs and Explosions in the WTC
[Firefighter Louie] Cacchioli was called to testify privately [before the 9/11 Commission], but walked out on several members of the committee before they finished, feeling like he was being interrogated and cross-examined rather than simply allowed to tell the truth about what occurred in the north tower on 9/11. "My story was never mentioned in the final report [PDF download] and I felt like I was being put on trial in a court room," said Cacchioli. "I finally walked out. They were trying to twist my words and make the story fit only what they wanted to hear. All I wanted to do was tell the truth and when they wouldn't let me do that, I walked out. ... It was a disgrace to everyone, the victims and the family members who lost loved ones. I don't agree with the 9/11 Commission.

The 9/11 WTC Collapses: Questions the Media Won't Address

The Collapse of WTC 1: Madrid Exposes a Fundamental Flaw
The core of Madrid's Windsor Building withstood an 18+ hour 800ºC fire. WTC 1 collapsed in minutes even though its core was solid and received no significant heating. Why?

http://whatreallyhappened.com/WRHARTICLES/wtc2_fire.htmlWorld Trade Center 2: There Was No Inferno
If the official account of the WTC fires were true then Mr Praimnath would not have survived because the floor he was on would have been consumed by an 800ºC inferno.
The fact that he is alive proves an inferno did not exist.

FLASHBACK - FEMA was in New York the Night Before 9/11
Kenney: "We're currently one of the first teams that was deployed to support the city of New York for this disaster. We arrived on late Monday night, and went into action on Tuesday morning. And not until today did we get a full opportunity to work the entire site."
With the anniversary of 911 coming I'm sure there will be plenty of news to post ... stay tuned.
Nice work GrowRebel! Nice to see there are some awakened brethren on here!! Keep it up! There will be a 911 street action Thurs, Fri, and Sat if anyone can make it. Check out WeareChange.org!!
they still had burning coals (and metal) in december ?! :confused: wasnt there already enough miracles that day........geeeez. So now we are up to 4 or 5 things that have NEVER happened in history ............all happened that day.
FIND IT ALL GR ! :clap::clap:
I am starting to feel a lil better about this mess because of how many more folks have picked up on this and decided to join the Truth.

9/11 Commission Report Questioned by
Senior Military, Intelligence, and Government Officials

Many respected senior members of the military, intelligence services, and government have expressed significant criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report. Some even allege government complicity in the terrible acts of 9/11. Below are the highly revealing public statements on this vital topic of over 50 prominent public servants with links for verification and further investigation.
did you already say something about how 6 out of to 10 people on the 9/11 commission have come out publicly saying that its false?
did you already say something about how 6 out of to 10 people on the 9/11 commission have come out publicly saying that its false?

Wow, really? Is that true Keenly?

You wouldn't happen to have a source for that would you?
Copied and Pasted this from something I said in another thread...

To those who think this was a conspiracy:
1) You're fucking stupid... (I had a much larger statement here, but after re-reading it, I decided those 3 words summed up what I had to say).
2) Yes, lets kill 3,000 people, destroy the airline industry, destroy the stock market, destroy the 2 most important buildings in the world economy all in the pursuit of oil.
3) 1993 WTC bombing - They tried and failed, 2001 was them finishing what they had attempted.
4) Lets crash a plane in a field and kill hundreds of lives here just to make it seem like a terrorist attack.
5) Lets crash a plane into the most/second most important government building in America to add to make it seem like it was terrorists.

Honestly, use a little logic every once in awhile instead of spouting ignorant bullshit solely in the pursuit of finding another flaw in Bush.
On the first page of this I read a person post something along the lines of "Willie Nelson said he has seen a lot of explosions in Las Vegas and says the 911 explosions look exactly the same."
Wow, you are trying to make an argument and you use Willie Nelson as a source. Please go back to 8th grade and learn the difference between credible information and bullshit. Seriously, I am yet to see a credible argument, with solid facts, from respected people supporting 911 as an inside job. I wonder if Willie Nelson has ever seen 3,000 people die in one day out in Vegas?

Also, I saw someone reference Michael Moore. Have you watched any of his movies for christ's sake? They are propaganda and nothing more. For example, in "Sicko" he talks about how prisoners at Guatanamo Bay have better health care then we do as Americans. He also hints that Cubans have better health care than us. He then insinuates that countries, such as France, which he references a lot, have cheaper/better healthcare. What he fails to mention is that France also has a pay roll tax that is 3 times our own. Again, learn to dig through stupid, one-sided arguments in order to make a point.

If you honestly want to make a point that the most economic savvy country would do everything I listed above, with the myopic goal of refining/collecting more oil, as I mentioned above, you're fucking stupid.

This video is Michael Hess talkin right after him and Barry Jennings got un-stuck from wtc 7. They were stuck in 7 for a few hours while buildings 1 and 2 fell. They both heard multiple explosions while stuck in building 7. (In fact , explosions are why they were stuck in building 7) Now here is a Barry Jennings interview from right after they got un-stuck. He also claims there were explosions at the bottom of building 7 (Thats why they were stuck)


Now here is a recently released interview of jennings stating he was "walking over bodies" in trade center 7. You have to watch this:

Now this would be a KEY witness IF they were to ever do a REAL investigation on this case but very shortly after they released his interview he came up DEAD. The death is over a month old now and the cause of death has still not been released !! My opinion is the poor dude killed himself because he knew the elite was going to do it anyways.
Now the other key witness Michael Hess is saying that he never heard explosions or never seen any bodies ?? Of course he is just now changing his story cause i imagine he dont wanna die with Jennings.
WHY would jennings make up a horrid story like that ? 100% controlled demo :idea::idea::idea::idea:

Have you ever seen the South Park episode with the Mormons? I am specifically referencing the song "Dumb, Dumb, Dumb, Dumb, Dumb." Ok, back on topic.

The two planes that hit the WTC were from Boston and NY right? (I don't remember the exact cities, but my point is they were from the North East). The planes were both 767s. They can hold roughly 24,000 gallons of fuel. Again, 24,000 gallons. The planes were chosen because they would have basically all of their fuel after departure. Do you know what happens when fire and gasoline meet? I will put it so you can understand - they go Boom. Now, when things go boom, there is a lot of heat. Heat needs room, so it expands. It will even expand to elevator shafts and stairwells believe it or not! What you failed to mention is that there were people in the lobby who witnessed the giant fireball hurling through these areas and eventually leaving through the bottom.

Also, I saw someone claiming explosives caused the towers to fall. How were they not detonated with 24,000 gallons of fuel igniting? How did the pilots precisely navigate to the appropriate floors where the "bombs" were located to make it seem more real? You also said the towers were meant to withstand an impact from a 707 with a lot of fuel. Obviously this means the towers are strong. Yet in every video you posted those "explosions" looked pathetic and weak, not buying that bombs were set up to detonate and bring down the building - they would have to be bigger and not in the middle of the building... even 8 year olds who play Jenga know if you fuck with the bottom of the tower it goes down, yet they still decided to plant "bombs" in the middle - yah, ok.

Finally, I saw someone discussing thermite. Fe2O3 + 2Al are the required reactants. Iron Oxide + Aluminum. Iron Oxide = Rust and Planes are made of aluminum. Rust + Aluminum + Fire = Explosion. Wow, way to try and go scientific on us, without mentioning how common these reactants are. Thermite is also extremely reactive with fire. Just a little spark can make it explode... yet you are claiming it could withstand a huge fireball from a plane with 24,000 gallons of fuel without igniting... go retake chemistry, please.

Have you ever seen the South Park episode with the Mormons? I am specifically referencing the song "Dumb, Dumb, Dumb, Dumb, Dumb." Ok, back on topic.

The two planes that hit the WTC were from Boston and NY right? (I don't remember the exact cities, but my point is they were from the North East). The planes were both 767s. They can hold roughly 24,000 gallons of fuel. Again, 24,000 gallons. The planes were chosen because they would have basically all of their fuel after departure. Do you know what happens when fire and gasoline meet? I will put it so you can understand - they go Boom. Now, when things go boom, there is a lot of heat. Heat needs room, so it expands. It will even expand to elevator shafts and stairwells believe it or not! What you failed to mention is that there were people in the lobby who witnessed the giant fireball hurling through these areas and eventually leaving through the bottom.

Also, I saw someone claiming explosives caused the towers to fall. How were they not detonated with 24,000 gallons of fuel igniting? How did the pilots precisely navigate to the appropriate floors where the "bombs" were located to make it seem more real? You also said the towers were meant to withstand an impact from a 707 with a lot of fuel. Obviously this means the towers are strong. Yet in every video you posted those "explosions" looked pathetic and weak, not buying that bombs were set up to detonate and bring down the building - they would have to be bigger and not in the middle of the building... even 8 year olds who play Jenga know if you fuck with the bottom of the tower it goes down, yet they still decided to plant "bombs" in the middle - yah, ok.

Finally, I saw someone discussing thermite. Fe2O3 + 2Al are the required reactants. Iron Oxide + Aluminum. Iron Oxide = Rust and Planes are made of aluminum. Rust + Aluminum + Fire = Explosion. Wow, way to try and go scientific on us, without mentioning how common these reactants are. Thermite is also extremely reactive with fire. Just a little spark can make it explode... yet you are claiming it could withstand a huge fireball from a plane with 24,000 gallons of fuel without igniting... go retake chemistry, please.


Wow dude I have never seen a post that was so FACTUALLY inaccurate on this forum to date.

You have the wrong planes, the wrong fuel load, the wrong fuel type, your understanding of thermite is NON EXISTENT. you understand nothing being presented here because you refuse to read any of the evidence shown. IE you do not think for yourself because you are completely close minded.

If you really think that the planes aluminum deconstructed itself into a powder, then combined with rust from steel girders that are painted and covered with spray on asbestos and then somehow got the 2500F heat required to start the reaction you sir are the truly uneducated. You don't need a chemistry degree, thermite can get so hot that it will glow red, and yet still it will not start the reaction, you need something 4-5 times hotter than Jet fuel ( Which is NOT gasoline) burns at in open air. All these supposed "Facts" you are throwing out there have all been THOROUGHLY debunked as false, all of them.

When you can come up with some provable facts please post back, otherwise read the whole thread so you don't have to keep sticking your foot in your mouth, only to take said foot out and replace it with the other foot. Thermite does not explode. LOL just another "Fact" you got wrong.

Your posts did make me laugh though, +rep to you!!
Wow dude I have never seen a post that was so FACTUALLY inaccurate on this forum to date.

I dont think i have either , i mean geez , did you read ANYTHING ? You have NO idea what you are saying, so how can i even respond.......
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