

Well-Known Member
That is VERY SIMPLE answer

Intensity = Light at Source/ Distance squared

600w at source = 95,000 lumens
Let's suggest distance 2 feet

Intensity= 95,000/ 2 feet ^2(4)
Intensity = 95,000/4= 23750

Now put it at 3 feet away
Intensity = 95,000/3 feet^2
Intensity = 95,000/9=10,555

no potlike you did not answer my question my question was [purpose look it up]not how many lumens are in a 600w source and not how much intensity is at 3 feet away. so why don't you just move on. oh i moved from third grade to sixth grade thanks and if you read my second post i did ask for a simple answer oh but wait you being a collage boy you might not know what simple is [ simple is a college boy with book learning an no common sense thus simple minded


Well-Known Member
hi everyone just woundering why dos the light have to be so close to the plant thank's for reply's
and the answer is NOT "because it makes the plant dencer and not stretch"

Since you are simple like me then the answer would be......
It is hard to replicate the sun, so since the BULBS are only fake sun, we need to get them very close to mock the sun. OR

what the fuck is the problem here ? The only wrong answer is the one your gonna go with ? That aint math buddy , that is simple shit..... he is simply saying more light is better , with an EXAMPLE to go with it... what more do u want? The reason we put lights close is because they are brighter when they are closer :wall::wall: very simple.

By the way i graduated the 8th grade....
HOW did you find this website, how did u make your OWN thread ?


Active Member
Don't thank me for my reply. It was a sarcastic insult of your intelligence level. Just the fact that you don't understand that says even more.


Well-Known Member
God damn this thread ha ha ha.Twosaws with your comments in this thread I almost want to say there is a reason they call it dope,Now im sounding like my right wing grandpa.A idiot is a idiot pot does not make people ignorant,Its ignorant people walking around in greatful dead t shirts that makes pot look bad.Smarten your self up read some books and shower.


Well-Known Member
and the answer is NOT "because it makes the plant dencer and not stretch"

Since you are simple like me then the answer would be......
It is hard to replicate the sun, so since the BULBS are only fake sun, we need to get them very close to mock the sun. OR

what the fuck is the problem here ? The only wrong answer is the one your gonna go with ? That aint math buddy , that is simple shit..... he is simply saying more light is better , with an EXAMPLE to go with it... what more do u want? The reason we put lights close is because they are brighter when they are closer :wall::wall: very simple.

By the way i graduated the 8th grade....
HOW did you find this website, how did u make your OWN thread ?
lol im gonna use multi colors and brag about my eigth grade education to sound like i know somethin ... ps where is your grow where is your experience cause i looked but just couldnt see it.... anyone can google or talk shit to ppl learn by experience then talk shit to ppl


Well-Known Member
no potlike you did not answer my question my question was [purpose look it up]not how many lumens are in a 600w source and not how much intensity is at 3 feet away. so why don't you just move on. oh i moved from third grade to sixth grade thanks and if you read my second post i did ask for a simple answer oh but wait you being a collage boy you might not know what simple is [ simple is a college boy with book learning an no common sense thus simple minded
ROFL I don't have any common sense???? Look in a mirror buddy. I have more common sense in my dick than you ever will have. So why don't you just suck on it, and maybe you'll glean some from it.

I bet there are apes at local zoos with more intelligence AND common sense than you. I just hope to god that you never get caught by the police, because you would be their poster child for an anti drug campaign and give every one of us a bad rep. How the fuck are you so retarded?



Well-Known Member
allright you guys, the name calling needs to stop, chill out its just a forum. As soon as everyone reads the next thread they have already forgotten about this one. your Ego's are safe.


Well-Known Member
damm potlike you want me to suck your little peter i am very sorry i did not know you were gay! never let it be said that i am a gay basher i am sorry i will leave you alone please forgive me


Well-Known Member
kaiser sarcastic ha you not very good at it keep trying you will get there but you do make it as an ass hole


Well-Known Member
jimmypot a clown well that says it all post on threads just to get some attention sad ok i'm done with you kids keep being assholes if you must


Well-Known Member
lol im gonna use multi colors and brag about my eigth grade education to sound like i know somethin ... ps where is your grow where is your experience cause i looked but just couldnt see it.... anyone can google or talk shit to ppl learn by experience then talk shit to ppl
you might want to LOOK a lil harder........ its on here just look , like you say you did...!
plus i was being as nice as i could (I always do:joint:) The guy attacked a person who gave a Perfectly normal answer to a VERY simple question. Then you attack me for ?????? Are u sayin my answer is not correct? Does it look like i am big headed? I am a very simple person and nice person myself (with experience)
You dont know me to judge me so have a good day sir.... god bless


Well-Known Member
oh yipppeeee... and u did not answer his question u gave a explanation for a diff question one that was not asked. if you had said it has to be closer cause the intensity of the light will help promote better growth and prevent stretching that would b the answer he needed... but hey thanks for playin and tell your god i said hi


Well-Known Member
damm potlike you want me to suck your little peter i am very sorry i did not know you were gay! never let it be said that i am a gay basher i am sorry i will leave you alone please forgive me
apology accepted douchebag ... now get a life.



Well-Known Member
hey dkg4life thank's! like i said before after all the stupid shit started and the ones getting on just to be smart asses! i went on other threads an asked other's with a lot more experience the other's on this thread and that was their answer less stretching and bigger fatter buds. but hey i am on here to learn but sometimes you have to put up with dumb asses to get to the smart ones on learn and you sir are one of the smart ones thank you again


Well-Known Member
Plants need as much light as they can get to help with photosynthesis (process of converting light into energy).

The closer the light the more intense the light. The further away the light, the less intense it is.

This is something you should learn in grade school science if not everyday observation that is why we might have assumed you knew this.

in red is the begining of the arguement and what triggered all folowing..... you defend yourself for insulting the op. he defends himself because he was attackedand called stupid you need to leave out theese smart little comment because it always escalates to a pissn match which noone really needs... good job your a douche


Well-Known Member
in red is the begining of the arguement and what triggered all folowing..... you defend yourself for insulting the op. he defends himself because he was attackedand called stupid you need to leave out theese smart little comment because it always escalates to a pissn match which noone really needs... good job your a douche
Actually he was being a smartass before to kaiser before. He needs to ask the right questions to get the right answers from them.

I'm asking this as respectfully as possible but please stay out of this tussel there is no need to insult any more people.

By the way twosaws more post does not equal more experience there are plenty on here with more experience than I, however I've got a few years under my belt as well. I was doing you a favor so you understand how it works. I would prefer being taught how to fish myself rather than being given one to eat for a day.

I did not start out with any bad intent just trying to help you understand what is going on and when I feel like I am personally being attacked berated then of course I will defend myself.

This shit is getting old can we just agree to disagree and call a truce?



Well-Known Member
you see that might be where the problem lie's i didn't ask how it worked i asked why it was done. and me and kaiser problem was are problem and if you read some of kaiser post on other threads you find it usually is a smart ass reply. any way i agree