BBB...bowls before bed


Well-Known Member

It's about that time again, and that's the song tonight. Don't like it? Then find your own music :razz:

I'm one bowl in. I think two more oughta do it...maybe.

Weed is so much better than alcohol. Last night I drank more than I have in a LONG time, got FUCKED up, and paid for it this morning :sad: I generally don't regret smoking too much weed the next day...unless it's because I'm out :lol:

Anyways, got the second bowl loaded, ready to blaze.

Goodnight RIU! Time to :sleep:
Thats a great song to chill too after getting your a$$ whooped in fantasy football :)
I couldnt handle 2 or 3 bowls....either I am a lightweight or I grow "da dank" :hump:
Thats a great song to chill too after getting your a$$ whooped in fantasy football :)
I couldnt handle 2 or 3 bowls....either I am a lightweight or I grow "da dank" :hump:

I have a pretty high tolerance. I didn't realize it until I managed to smoke an ex of mine under the table. We hadn't seen each other in a long time, and when he had known me I hadn't really been into smoking, so it totally took him by surprise :wink:

wish i could blaze directly before bed :( but it keeps me up

If I don't blaze a bbb, I can't sleep, my eyes are like this :shock:

I love to smoke myself to sleep, I don't get nightmares and I usually wake up bang on 6AM, perfect.

A man after my own heart :hug:

Except for that whole wake up at 6AM part :razz: That's closer to when I've been GOING to sleep, lately anyways.

anybody ever wake up all ashy because they fell asleep with the half cashed bowl?

Sadly....yes *wikid hangs her head in shame*

bowl before bed bake bongsmilie

Bowls before bed are just what the doctor ordered :wink:


That's the song. As always, you're free to find your own music :grin: Joan Baez always reminds me of my mom listening to her music. The night they drove old dixie down, prison trilogy, and all that jazz.

Does a song ever have such a strong tie to memory for you that just hearing it can, if only for a second, make you feel like you were back there, wherever it is that the song takes you? I started a thread on that a long time ago...I need to revisit that.

Time to go to bed, or at least turn off this lap top and attempt to go to bed. I need to get on a more normal sleeping pattern. And I need to stop SAYING that and actually DO it.

I was taking bong rips a few hours ago and feeling pretty good, but my high has begun to fade. I think one more bowl outta put me back up where I belong.

Goodnight RIU
Does a song ever have such a strong tie to memory for you that just hearing it can, if only for a second, make you feel like you were back there, wherever it is that the song takes you?

plenty of songs do that for me. theres songs that will make me tear up at the drop of a hat, songs that make me smile just a fast
plenty of songs do that for me. theres songs that will make me tear up at the drop of a hat, songs that make me smile just a fast

It's weird how that works.

yeah mon! BBB, nothings better bongsmilie
jah live!!

That's right :wink:

I have this heavy indica mexican acapulco gold. kicks my ass pretty good.

bowls before bed for me . . . . :D

Now that sounds like a good bbb to me :grin:


That's the song tonight. Always reminds me of the scene from the movie Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band. Strawberry in the glass casket.

My bbb is already loaded, the music is playing, time to blaze and go mimi.

Goodnight RIU.
bowl before bed, cause that's how the dr. does it;)
here's the song of the night....bongsmilie :eyesmoke::sleep:

Goodnight doc


That's what we're listening to tonight boys and girls. That song takes me back to hot boxing the car, back when I first started smoking....

Anyways, it's mimi time. I don't really feel tired yet, but it's been pretty dead on RIU lately, no one to keep me company :sad:

*Wikid misses everyone*

The bowl is loaded, time to blaze my bbb

Goodnight RIU
could somebody please lern me ta put videeos in da posts?

wow, its actually hard to type that do these kids do it?

seriously, how do embed?
could somebody please lern me ta put videeos in da posts?

wow, its actually hard to type that do these kids do it?

seriously, how do embed?

I'll teach you :hug:

OK, so that's the link to a youtube video of a 72 year old woman being tazed. Can you believe that shit?!

Anyways, to embed it, you take everything AFTER the =, meaning you take SFeuNipIShs and type it like this

[ youtube ]SFeuNipIShs[ /youtube ]

MINUS the spaces. I just put them there because otherwise the video would be embedded.


Get it?