BBB...bowls before bed


Active Member
Got some invisible bud right here...with my invisible bowl.
laughing histerically at that lady getting tazed.



Well-Known Member
Got some invisible bud right here...with my invisible bowl.
laughing histerically at that lady getting tazed.

Invisible bud sucks :sad: And I'm very close to finding out just how much...grrrrr


That's not the song for tonight, but it's what lead me to the song for tonight. I haven't seen this movie in FOREVER


That's the song tonight. If you don't like it, change the station :wink:

I found one of my kittens batting around a black widow spider, and now I'm worried about them getting bitten. It wouldn't be good for them, I looked something up that said dogs usually do ok, but cats not so much :sad: They both have very thick I hope that would protect them, but what if it bit the pad of his paw? Or his face? :cry:

Anyways, I've already smoked one bowl, feeling pretty good. One more oughtta do it...I think that some time recently I meant to spell that but instead I put "outta"...but I'm not sure...(random high thought)

Goodnight riu


Well-Known Member
test run...

this is one of my favorite acts these days. Pretty Lights. its one guy with a sick computer running ableton live with a midi controler and a monome(rediculous piece of programming equipment) and a live drummer.


i really hope you enjoy.

EDIT: I Win!! thanks wikid, they tell me youve had enough rep for now.

opium grower

New Member

It's about that time again, and that's the song tonight. Don't like it? Then find your own music :razz:

I'm one bowl in. I think two more oughta do it...maybe.

Weed is so much better than alcohol. Last night I drank more than I have in a LONG time, got FUCKED up, and paid for it this morning :sad: I generally don't regret smoking too much weed the next day...unless it's because I'm out :lol:

Anyways, got the second bowl loaded, ready to blaze.

Goodnight RIU! Time to :sleep:
Nice.. :p

I remember the best weed I had in the 80s.. It was black and really sticky.. It was called "Black Gunji" ( or something like that ).. I think it was actually "Love Boat" though.. 2 tokes and I slept for 10 hours lol.


Active Member
im probably gonna get bitched out for this but bbb kinda seems like a waist of weed if you actually gonna go to sleep right/soon after... unless im stessed or cant sleep or somthing.


Well-Known Member
im probably gonna get bitched out for this but bbb kinda seems like a waist of weed if you actually gonna go to sleep right/soon after... unless im stessed or cant sleep or somthing.
If I don't smoke a bbb, I CAN'T sleep. That's pretty much why I started smoking weed in the first place, to help me sleep. Then I realized it was good for so much more than that...

But I won't bitch at you, because I see where you're coming from. On nights where I'm so exhausted that I CAN sleep without a bbb, I DO.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
It helps put you in the state of mind to go sleep, if you're going to bed right after you toke, then it is a waste....


Active Member
oh yeah i have nights were i need to for sure. Last night i actually rolled a nice j and walked to the bench down the road and just sat there under the oak tree for a while.. i guess i'm just saying i dont like to go straight to sleep after the bbb


Well-Known Member
oh yeah i have nights were i need to for sure. Last night i actually rolled a nice j and walked to the bench down the road and just sat there under the oak tree for a while.. i guess i'm just saying i dont like to go straight to sleep after the bbb
I rarely go straight to sleep after smoking, unless I straight smoked myself stupid and it's like I NEED to lay down.


Well-Known Member

That's the we're listening to tonight.

Bases are loaded and Casey's at bat, playin it play by play...

Twas a good Sunday. A good weekend in general. Good times...shit's getting back to normal, sorta.

And we don't need the ladies cryin cuz the story's sad...cuz the rocky mountain way is better than the way we had...

I'm almost done with this bowl...watching some tv and getting ready to go to bed.

Goodnight RIU

opium grower

New Member

That's the we're listening to tonight.

Bases are loaded and Casey's at bat, playin it play by play...

Twas a good Sunday. A good weekend in general. Good times...shit's getting back to normal, sorta.

And we don't need the ladies cryin cuz the story's sad...cuz the rocky mountain way is better than the way we had...

I'm almost done with this bowl...watching some tv and getting ready to go to bed.

Goodnight RIU
Sounds like a hootin good ol time


Well-Known Member
That's what we're listening to tonight! Good choice doc.

Just smoked a bbb...gonna finish watching this episode of venture bros and go mimi.

Kush (my Siamese kitty) is on the shit list, for darting outside and then RUNNING from me. Lolo will walk outside and kick it on the porch, or wherever, but Kush's punk ass wants to run away. So he's on lock down.

There was something I wanted to post....*think think think*...oh yeah! I found out that my rep power is 69! :lol: Thought it was funny

Anyways, bedtime, goodnight riu


Active Member
i usually fall asleep with a huge doobie on the go,gotta make sure you finish it BEFORE you conk out tho,woken up still stoned out of my face and with half a joint in the ashtray,i was like DAMN!light that shit!!!

I have horrible,horrible nightmares either the day,or a few days after i dont smoke weed around night time,sometimes its ok if i had it in the day.

but yeh,really scare the living shit out of you nightmares,never happens when i drift off stoned,weird