BBB...bowls before bed

type it where?:-?:-? i understand about the code but where do you put it, do you go advance and add it there?:confused: like in a post after you write something then type out the code and it will post the video?

You type it exactly where you typed your post. You can post ONLY a vid if you want.
aunty, you no need go just do a regular post . YOU gotta put the.....
*youtube*:rolleyes:the code:rolleyes:*/youtube*

but instead of * use [ ] instead......:D

That's the song of the night, once again inspired by someone near and dear to my heart :hug:

There ain't no rest for the wikid, money don't grow on trees, I got bills to pay, I got mouths to feed, there ain't nothin in this world for free. I know I can't slow down, I can't hold back though you know I wish I could. Oh no there ain't no rest for the wikid until we close our eyes for good.

Promised I'd try to get to bed earlier tonight, and I will do it! See? This is me doing it.

Not quite tired yet, but a few bong rips should take care of that.

Goodnight riu

No, you do it like this

OK, so that's the link to a youtube video of a 72 year old woman being tazed. Can you believe that shit?!

Anyways, to embed it, you take everything AFTER the =, meaning you take SFeuNipIShs and type it like this

[ youtube ]SFeuNipIShs[ /youtube ]

MINUS the spaces. I just put them there because otherwise the video would be embedded.


Get it?
i cant do it captain

As the Mexicans would say: Si, se puede! (Obama translated it to English and made it his slogan)

Yes, you can. You almost had it. Look at the youtube vid you want to embed, and from the URL copy everything AFTER the = sign, and put it between youtube tags like this

[ youtube ] [ /youtube ]

WITHOUT the spaces. Do it, I believe in you.
the hour is close at hand, it's getting to be that time bongsmilie.....
:sleep: nighty nite RIU!:hug:

That's the song tonight. I first heard it in a Gears of War commercial...liked it enough to go find it...

Another my kitties a cat nip toy for the first time and they went fucking NUTS for that was a trip. I had been just playing with it in my hands, and just their faces when they got close, both cats eyes just sorta drifted closed and I could tell they were smelling it. Then apparently my hands smelled very strongly of it, because I was attacked.

I already blazed my bbb, and now it's mimi time.

goodnight riu
Ive got alot of concrete countertops to install tomorow... Ill need my sleep. bongsmilie :sleep:

Just like popey had his spinach :weed:, Ill need my BowlsBeforeBed and tunes to help me fall asleep.......


That's the song for the night, totally takes me back to when my mom used to listen to this song.

Bowl is almost gone, and so am I.

Goodnight RIU


i win!

That's the song tonight, if you don't like it oh fucking well!

It ain't me, it ain't me, I ain't no senator's son...

It's scary how fast time flies...fucking insane.

Time for my bowls before bed...

Goodnight RIU

That's the song tonight, I kept hearing it in a Cadillac commercial, so I had to look it up.

It's been awhile since I've posted my bbb, someone reminded me today :wink:

Anyways, the bowl is loaded, the lighter is ready...time to go.

Night RIU

That's the song tonight, I kept hearing it in a Cadillac commercial, so I had to look it up.

It's been awhile since I've posted my bbb, someone reminded me today :wink:

Anyways, the bowl is loaded, the lighter is ready...time to go.

Night RIU

You should get the rest of that album, my friend introduced me to them over the summer and their incredible!~
plenty of songs do that for me. theres songs that will make me tear up at the drop of a hat, songs that make me smile just a fast

Smell can be a big influence for me to. Sometime I smell something from a certain timeframe, and it brings me right back there. Memory can do some wonderful things.