Marijuana Bloom with 504W LED

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"I am a WOMAN, and I have a WIFE." - priceless, but only after " Even after I publicly ignore him" ...

How is that not female verbage?! HOW DARE YOU NOT PICK UP ON THE SOCIAL CLUES JR?


i've been watching a lot of curbed, and you ledgirl, are a true character .

People, please, let this thread die, and take away this marketer's soapbox. She is not dispensing of any advice, but rather hording the information for personal gain.

She flaunts her advantage to you, on a public forum...

So let it die?

" It only takes reading 2 or 3 of his posts to see that he has absolutely NOTHING POSITIVE to add to this thread. " - i just have to say, posting isn't about being positive, - It is about adding to the discourse. The argument. Your quickness to anger and inability to disclose any information of 'use'... is parasitic to the community, flooding the "discourse" with unnecessary noise, which is all this thread has been thus far.

And all it will be, because i now i have nothing to share with you.

You can't cry and get attention if all you're looking for is... attention. Which is all you came here for {name here}

(I wanted to say, slag, but i wasn't sure if that was appropriate, however if i crossed 'the' line a mod may delete this line.
The consideration to the death of a thread that is seemingly progressive in terms of providing input and examples for what LED technology can bring to the table. I ask you Treeth, out of my own curiosity, what has brought you to your conclusions? I lack the simple intelligence to pick up on simple ques and subtleties.

Explain further, for the sake of detriment of all reading.

Thank you,

lol, I'll never understand why people will read, post, read some more, and then post some more in a thread that they deem unnecessary or a waste of time. Hey genius, if you don't like it, don't click it. It's a really simple concept, one that even the foggiest potheads should be able to grasp.
yea its stupid, but your allowed to post your opinion, whatever it is, if you respond to them, thats when they keep coming bac, your only adding to it
Treeth thanks for wasting my time with your post. Google LED Marijuana growing and let me know how much of a result you get. LED girl is at least giving info. Who gives a shit if she is talking up her product that is what a sales person does. I want to see a LED grow start to finish and that is what Cammie is trying to do. I have found no LED grow start to finish if you have one please post it. Hell if she can prove a descent harvest I will buy the lights. I honestly appreciate the vendors who are out their pushing the product to the Marijuana community. Then I can see results for growing the plant that I want to grow.
Alright everyone, here are the last update photos for about 10 days! :eek:

The first photo is a the AK47 Bud I showed you last time, except the bottle is at the bottom of the bud this time :cool: You can also see that it's entering it's final stage of bloom, with lots of new hairs bursting out of it.

The second photo shows all 4 plants in the room (2 large ones, 2 small ones). My friend has the capacity for 11 plants, but she hasn't quite figured out sizing the plants yet lol.

The third photo shows two Strawberry Cough x White Rhino buds next to our friend, the 1 quart hydrogen peroxide bottle :wave:

The fourth photo shows almost the entire Strawberry plant, but one bud got cut off :( Anyhow, you can definitely see that she's a big plant, that's packing a lot of weight!

The fifth photo is of a small AK47 bud, from the bottom branches of the plant. This is just to show how well the lights penetrate ;)


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lol, I'll never understand why people will read, post, read some more, and then post some more in a thread that they deem unnecessary or a waste of time. Hey genius, if you don't like it, don't click it. It's a really simple concept, one that even the foggiest potheads should be able to grasp.

Stupid people do stupid things, that's all... They like to push their stupidity on others, to try and make themselves feel better :sleep:
Look good LED, i love this grow, those buds are really chunky, how much longer until they are done :weed:
About 2 more weeks until they get chopped and dried. I'll take a before and after pic of the two when they harvest, and when they're dry. I'll also take pictures showing total weight once trimmed ;) I'm just glad I'm not the one that will be trimming it lol.
hey cam, dont get frustrated with all the fuckfaces trying to take away from the really good info on LEDin your thread. Theres been great info pro/against LED growing, TY +rep
About 2 more weeks until they get chopped and dried. I'll take a before and after pic of the two when they harvest, and when they're dry. I'll also take pictures showing total weight once trimmed ;) I'm just glad I'm not the one that will be trimming it lol.

lol thats good, ALOT of work right there ;)

Its ok,

I really do love you guys!


After all,
I don't want to be sharing any information with you,
other than pricing information as well!!! ///

-open it up, go inside, trash it, eat a snickers bar in there, toss the wrapper, go back outside, and leave it open for everyone to see-

edit- I am sorry, you will not see me posting in the GENERAL MARIJUANA GROWING section again, but you don't have to act like a -gasp- 'cunt' led girl. really. (even if I am being an asshole)

marihuana is illegal. who knew. wait,

maybe not everyone lives in 'your' country, eh?
(And i dont want to sell bud, genius)///
I don't want to share anything with you other than pricing! ///

Last I knew, the sale of marijuana is illegal. I don't know what your "pricing" is, but I wouldn't pay much for that bud. It's all scraggly and kinda sick lookin... What did you do (or better yet, forget to do) to that poor plant?
As you know, yield is dependent on a lot of conditions, the most of which is light. The more light you have per plant, the more your capable yield will be. With that said, how much do you want to yield per plant? If you're doing 9 plants, in a 9' x 9' area, I'm guessing those are some BIG girls! So how tall are they? How wide are they? Once I have those three answers, I can make a good recommendation.

Where I am located I am limited by the number of plants and not the space to grow them in. I will be splitting 18-24 plants between indoor and outdoor starting in the spring, so I am interested in being able to host 9-12 ladies in the grow room. If that just means I end up having lots of space to move around in, great!
My strain for indoor this year will be Super Lemon Haze. It is my first time working with this strain so I have no first hand experience with the sizes and yields. I have heard that they grow about 140cm, and many of the seed stores rate their indoor yield at 700 gr/sqm, but I am guessing anywhere from 350 to 500g /plant is a more reasonable assumption. I do not believe that they are very tall plants, but again, I have no first hand experience with these genes.

Another thing, there are techniques I use to influence a plant's hight/width so I have some control in that regard.
I hope this is enough info for you to give me some feedback, I appreciate the time, and knowledge, and that you share it here with the hungry (like me!)

btw loved the new pictures today, juicy!!
Where I am located I am limited by the number of plants and not the space to grow them in. I will be splitting 18-24 plants between indoor and outdoor starting in the spring, so I am interested in being able to host 9-12 ladies in the grow room. If that just means I end up having lots of space to move around in, great!
My strain for indoor this year will be Super Lemon Haze. It is my first time working with this strain so I have no first hand experience with the sizes and yields. I have heard that they grow about 140cm, and many of the seed stores rate their indoor yield at 700 gr/sqm, but I am guessing anywhere from 350 to 500g /plant is a more reasonable assumption. I do not believe that they are very tall plants, but again, I have no first hand experience with these genes.

Another thing, there are techniques I use to influence a plant's hight/width so I have some control in that regard.
I hope this is enough info for you to give me some feedback, I appreciate the time, and knowledge, and that you share it here with the hungry (like me!)

btw loved the new pictures today, juicy!!

I'm not limited to the amount of space I can grow in either, but my plant limit is rather high compared to most. Even though I'm not limited by space, I still try to get the most yield I can, out of as small an area as possible. For me, it just makes more sense to have smaller plants, in a smaller area, that produce a lot, rather than be like some of my friends, and grow 3x the plants, at 3x the height, in the 3x the area, with half the yield per plant. They haven't figured out yet that the height of the plant doesn't have a whole lot to do with yield, unless you're a gardener who has an understanding of how to shape a plant as it gets taller.

To me, it sounds like you do this, so you're not like some of my friends lol ;) So 160cm tall plants huh? That's just over 5' tall. I'm going to guess that the plants (being 5' tall) will be quite a wide bush, maybe 3' in diameter? Anyhow, for a plant that tall, you would need the 30 degree angle if you want budding on the lower branches. If you're only concerned about budding out the top 3'-4' of the plant, I'd go ahead and use a 60 degree, as they have a larger coverage area vs the 30 degree, meaning you'll need less lights to cover your space. Anyhow, for 9 large plants, I'd likely use about 12, 126W 60 degree units as I'm doing now. If you did the 30 degree, you'd want 15 - 18 units.
Treeths bud shot looks fine !

LEDGirl...are you a grow expert also? Are there a special set of nutes you use for your grow under LEDs?

The bud shots you show look fluffy in the pic. The yield/watts will tell all.
So 160cm tall plants huh? That's just over 5' tall. I'm going to guess that the plants (being 5' tall) will be quite a wide bush, maybe 3' in diameter? Anyhow, for a plant that tall, you would need the 30 degree angle if you want budding on the lower branches. If you're only concerned about budding out the top 3'-4' of the plant, I'd go ahead and use a 60 degree, as they have a larger coverage area vs the 30 degree, meaning you'll need less lights to cover your space. Anyhow, for 9 large plants, I'd likely use about 12, 126W 60 degree units as I'm doing now. If you did the 30 degree, you'd want 15 - 18 units.

Revisiting the space I will be working in revealed that I will have a 49 sqf area to work with (about 5.5 sqf per plant) which is much smaller than I thought but may actually work out to my advantage.
If I FIM at the right time and apply some other techniques, I should be able to make the plant fill out the space as I see fit with multiple "main" colas as a result.
I'm not concerned with the lower branches and like to remove them early anyway (they usually end up as my clones).
If I raise or lower my LEDs concurrent with canopy growth (maintaining a 12" space between canopy and light), doesn't this mean that I "only" have to design a configuration that will efficiently cover that 49 sqf from beginning through bloom?

I noticed on the website that the 126W has a coverage area of 2'x3' at 12". I wonder if I can squeeze more coverage area out of fewer lights if I experiment with configuration... I also noticed on the website that IR is included in the spectrum. You may have already covered this and I missed it but enlighten me on why this is so?

I'm beginning to think your haters are in cahoots... :lol:
got a question for this here LED forum..

i was going to try and build a new grow box (not to big ) and use LED christmas lights and line the whole box with a shit ton of them

question is... would the plant grow.. would it get to hot with a simple ventilation one fan in one out ???
I have been a hater on LED's for a loooong time. I still don't think they are worth their weight.

I have a 4x4x7 grow tent that I currently run a 600w light in. I will purchase your LED panels if you will offer me a 90 full money back guarantee. If I am not impressed with the results and/or don't out yeild my 600w I want a refund. Does that sound fair? If you are that confident in the equipment, extend that confidence to me.

I don't mind dropping the money on the lights if they work, but I can't see the risk in it.
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