cause I LOVE YOU and I did not wnat to end this on a sour note...
I am not good at jokes or sarcasm Bro...
ok. all good?
it ALWAYS backfires... and as I try to "save it" I make it worse...
not worse at all, just thinking too hard, breath in the reefer brother!!!!
My forst remar to your "eewww" was MEANT very lightly and jokingly... but you did not read it that way... like I said.. I always fuck it up..
i get it, which is why i got technical with you, yanno? pulling yer leg like you pulls mine?
wasn't the first or the last that I fuck up things...
like i said, all good brother, dont kick yerself, all good
Never used it, but I believe you if you say it's good...
Like I said.. I was just "pulling your leg".. as I would with a friend in real life..
errr?? me too
I wasn't even expecting a reply to be honest.. I totally expected you to get it and just blow me off... like some kind of inside joke that OBVIOUSLY didn't exist..
what can I say?
It just back fired.. several times in a row...
I never meant to confront you, or meat offense...
I have said it many times over that I have nothing but respect for you...
see? this is where you are thinking too far into it....just because i dont always use smilies doesnt mean i have serious face on...just too lazy to pull them up
remember inhale the ganga with me now gypsy
I think I agree with you... most of it anyway...
I guess we thinkk so differently, that if we actually sat down and TALKED for an hour, I would see you point of view... ENTIRELY...
yes, but you would need to slow down, no need to drive so fast 
But between your "jagged edges".. and your short answers followed by technical knowledge beyond me.. I really don;t know what your philosophy is...
you say no organic in hydro... but them you say no h2o2 as if it was part of an organic regime..
i say no h2o2, just because its another expense...i've stated this plenty of times. roots and hydroponic reservoirs like cold water and high DO, not warm water with h2o2.
just because i dont use h2o2, surely you cant be implying that its organic, no?
confuses the hell out of me..
Dude.. I am NOT the sharpest crayon in the box... I am easliy amused but also easily confused...
said it once, say it again, just because i dont use h2o2 doesnt mean that im organic. why would i need to use ANOTHER additive (h2o2) when i dont have pathogen problems? YOU DONT NEED IT, IMHO. cold water and HIGH DO is all you need, imho!!!!!!
I don't wanna sue you...
I want you to take one notch above EEWW and one notch below the LAB...
sure, when i get technical, you back into your AL B. Fuct corner, and that is while i extend my hand... you get why do i need to elaborate, when i do plenty.... 'you can lead the horse to the water.....'
Eww is not enough for me... but I am simple folk... I do not wear a white coat...
i've explained it plenty o times before, see previous
What I have today .. I have because I XEROXed Fuct's op... h2o2 and all...
yes, i know this
See.. you're right... I DON'T
you just threw me completely off again... I was startting to believe that you were against it...
reading too deep, i speak in general, not just direct to you
And AGAIN...
Please explain to me where warm water came in to this conversation?
speaking in general again. this is another example of you reading too deep
did you say something about warm water?
see previous
My res might be too cold if anything.. NEVER wam...
And I do not use h2o2 to add oxygen to the water.. my cold mountain water has PLENTY DO...
I use it as a pathogen control..
Now.. cutting back on nutes is awsome.. less is more..
but how does that fit in with warm water and h2o2...
Was it on purpose to throw me off???
if not, please explain I REALLY want to know...
hmmm, i dont see how i could have made it any simplier. my base nutes PERIOD, not grow nutes or blooms, but my nutes period, that i use for both stages A & B is ALL that i use. NO h2o2 which is an additive, no other shit...nothing except for my flowering boosters and stimulators which arent needed but it increases way heavier yields.
this is what i am talking about. im very simple, yet people think its harder than what im saying, cutting back on all additives period. nothing against h2o2 just an added expense that i could be using elsewhere, imo
Right I asked you that... and your answer didn't convince me...
you still reading too hard, it was in reference to an analogy of me spending my money to buy h2o2 when i dont need it
But that doesn't mean that I can't be taught, just that the specific answer you gave me did not jive in my head... it did not make me see the light..
see previous
If you believe that you are right... and I know you do... I would love to be convinced.. cause that would mean I learned something...
But it has to make sense to me...
I cannot substitute logic with something else... I get confused..
And I am NOT being sarcastic... I still love you
and I still want to go to sleep on a good note...
OK.. I said you filter the water and put stuff back in... double work negating itself...
see previous
How does adding h2o2 to kill the pathogens relate to that?
see previous
I do not add organisms... my ONE NUTE is NOT organic...
who adds organisms? who is organic? certainly not me. you have obviously missed that i dont buy different grow and bloom nutrients. i buy a & b that i use for both grow and bloom stage. and it is chem. what are these organisms that you speak of? are you assuming again? the only thing i add other than my base nutes which can be used for both grow AND bloom not separate nutes are flowering boosters and stimulators which i described earlier 
THIS is what makes my head hurt gypsy.... i say this shit on the regular and you claim that i dont tell you this, nor do i elaborate...and thas bullshit bro... you know you have selective reading
I am working in ONE direction only.. removing organisms from he res...
again? what organisms? i dont have organisms in my res.... and have one of the cleanest running res
At no point do I negate the h2o2 by adding bacteria or any other shit..
okay gyp
The ONLY reason it's there, is that it is my hired assassin...
Now you are for it again??
Bro.. I tell you... fuckin A... I have no idea if you like h2o2 or not... honestly.. every paragraph sounds the opposite..
no, you just dont know anybetter
Colonize... with what?
huh? conFUCKINGfused again...
I use h2o2 exactly in hopes of PREVENTING any colonization...
I hope NO ONE lives in my hydroton...
And if h2o2 doesn't kill.. the please.. for the ELEVENTEENTH time.. what DOES it do...
As far as I know, very few things can deal with such a corrosive...
you obviously arent reading. this is speaking in general again.
And back to against it???
Fuck me... I give up...
would you just simply say if you do like h2o2 or not????
you need to read read and read. no i dont use nor need h2o2...dont need to. i run a chem op with cold water and high DO all i need.
I thought h2o2 was BIG NONO in organic...

Ops that have medium fall in the same category as ops with organic nutes???

So even though I buy non-organic nutes,, cause I have hydroton, I shouid not use h2o2

You pretty much have to define with the person you are talking to what the definition means to you...
There are so many definitions... even coutries and governments cannot agree on a single definition...
it's no different in the marketing dept of nute companies or in the forums...
The way I treat it.. and it seems you are refering to the same thing here ( but I could just be confused..) is ORGANIC BASED FEEDING..
what the hell are you talking about? you are the only one talking about organic here...... just because i dont run h2o2 that means im organically feeding? lol you say you work off logic, doesnt seem much substance there!
I have even seen ECOLOGICALLY VIABLE being used as ORGANIC regardless of nute type...
But in this convo.. I have treated it as I said.. ORGANIC BASED FEEDING.. vs NON ORGANIC BASED FEEDING.. Chem nutes...or salt based I have heard them being called... is that a correct term?
And I will ask AGAIN...
Who's got warm water? do you?
Cause I don't and I don't remember ever saying TO ANYONE that h2o2 is used for warm water or raising DO...
I say if you got warm water... don't do hydro.. or get a chiller.. or move to alaska...
Who did that???
I know I didn't... I know NOTHING about root excellator..
But I have used hygrozyme in the past, when I freaked out that I couldn't get h2o2, and I went organic for 2 batches... 1 FF and one Humbolt..
Then I found h2o2 and went back to my ONE chem nute and h2o2...
Yeah... I don't use any of that.. I had some cloning powder... but I used it up and I never bought more...
I have a GROW JUICE...a Bloom juice.. and h2o2... oh and water...
NOTHING else I out anywhere or on anything...
no sprays.. no molasses... no sweetner...
Just a basic mute and h2o2
and honestly... how do you tell if your plants are stressed out enough to need a stress reliever?
and what stresses them? can we avoid stressing them?
Fuck man.. what do yo mean stop reaching?
reaching for what?
It's like you speak GREEK to me bro..
I am sure it's not on purpose.. we just process thought very differently..
I suspect we have very similar opinions... but we just keep misunderstanding each other...
I am not reaching for anything..
I have no hidden agenda...
You know more than I do... I have ALWAYS known that!!!
I was dinking around with a fucking AG barelya yrear ago.. WONDERING if I could do this... ask bugs...
You always think I am trying to star shit with you...
whether I am joking or trying to ask a serious question...
Dude.. there is no reason for you to defend your self from me.. I am not threat...
I am a newb looking up to more experienced growers and flinging thm a lil' crap now and them.. in good humor... once I consider like friends...
I hope we can get over this... there is a lot I can learn from you...
But whenever I get close you get up in arms bro...
Remember I am a happy go lucky hippie...
remember to add dirty, poor and old..
I sure hope so...
cause i never meant to start shit with you...
kinda like I never meant to get shocked when I stuck my finger in the outlet...
Dumb people fuck up bro.. sorry.. I'll try to amp up mu game a bit...