What Michael Moor Forgot to Tell You ...


New Member
AYN RANDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Just read Anthem, that book rocks.
Just the author's foward in Anthem is worth the price of admission. :)

This story was written in 1937.

I have edited it for this publication, but have confined the editing to its style; I have reworded some passages and cut out some excessive language. No idea or incident was added or omitted; the theme, content and structure are untouched. The story remains as it was. I have lifted its face, but not its spine or spirit; these did not need lifting.

Some of those who read the story when it was first written, told me that I was unfair to the ideals of collectivism; this was not, they said, what collectivism preaches or intends; collectivists do not mean or advocate such things; nobody advocates them.

I shall merely point out that the slogan "Production for use and not for profit" is now accepted by most men as commonplace, and a commonplace stating a proper, desirable goal. If any intelligible meaning can be discerned in that slogan at all, what is it, if not the idea that the motive of a man's work must be the needs of others, not his own need, desire or gain?

Compulsory labor conscription is now practiced or advocated in every country on earth. What is it based on, if not the idea that the state is best qualified to decide where a man can be useful to others, such usefulness being the only consideration, and that his own aims, desires, or happiness should be ignored as of no importance?

We have Councils of Vocations, Councils of Eugenics, every possible kind of Council, including a World Council -- and if these do not as yet hold total power over us, is it from lack of intention?

"Social gains," "social aims," "social objectives" have become the daily bromides of our language. The necessity of a social justification for all activities and all existence is now taken for granted. There is no proposal outrageous enough but what its author can get a respectful hearing and approbation if he claims that in some undefined way it is for "the common good."

Some might think -- though I don't -- that nine years ago there was some excuse for men not to see the direction in which the world was going. Today, the evidence is so blatant that no excuse can be claimed by anyone any longer. Those who refuse to see it now are neither blind nor innocent.

The greatest guilt today is that of people who accept collectivism by moral default; the people who seek protection from the necessity of taking a stand, by refusing to admit to themselves the nature of that which they are accepting; the people who support plans specifically designed to achieve serfdom, but hide behind the empty assertion that they are lovers of freedom, with no concrete meaning attached to the word; the people who believe that the content of ideas need not be examined, that principles need not be defined, and that facts can be eliminated by keeping one's eyes shut. They expect, when they find themselves in a world of bloody ruins and concentration camps, to escape moral responsibility by wailing: "But I didn't mean this!"

Those who want slavery should have the grace to name it by its proper name. They must face the full meaning of that which they are advocating or condoning; the full, exact, specific meaning of collectivism, of its logical implications, of the principles upon which it is based, and of the ultimate consequences to which these principles will lead.

They must face it, then decide whether this is what they want or not.--Ayn Rand.April, 1946


Well-Known Member
All other crap aside he didn't take people to cuba to get socialized medicine from cuba or to say anyhing about cuba were you paying any attention at all to the movie?

They went there to show that we americans are providing top level free socialized healthcare to all the terrorists held in Guantanamo Bay detention facility while at the same time even american heroes get squat. Just like all convicts in prison in emerica also get full socialized medical/dental care with zero co pay at our expense. The only americans that don't get decent care are the free law abiding hard working poor ones. If you completely do not work you get government care, if you do work but just don't make enough money you are SOL and doomed.

Pay attention people...


Well-Known Member
This writer is classic. He hammers Michael Moore with things, and then fails to give the information on what the numbers where.

It is essentially a huge Nuh-Uh, I'm telling.

And anyone that things Michael Moore is going to give you the truth is about as bright as those that think Alex Jones is not lying or that this guy doesn't have an agenda.

1. On which page of Obama's health care bill will I find tort reform?

2. On which page of Cap & Trade will I find nuclear energy addressed?

3. On which page of the Stimulus Package will I find tax cuts?
3. http://finance.senate.gov/sitepages/leg/LEG%202009/021209%20Leg%20text%20of%20Divsion%20B%20of%20the%20American%20Recovery%20and%20Reinvestment%20Act.pdf Whole link covers this for you.

2. http://www.opencongress.org/bill/111-h2454/text?version=pcs&nid=t0:pcs:1832

Should take you right to it.

1. http://www.opencongress.org/bill/111-h3200/text

Although it doesn't directly address tort reform, almost every section is dealing with the enforcement and responsibilities of the people that section is dealing with.


Well-Known Member
Actually Sesame Street was awesome back in the day. I've moved on to muppets for entertainment since then. :joint::mrgreen:
Wait now I am all confused, is muppets for Obama, and sesame street for the republicans or the other way around???

I fail at emoticons.....


Active Member
So tell me 7X, how much do you pay yearly for your medical care, and is it really all that good? Mines fine, and I pay squat.
You fail to realize that it ISN'T free. Taxpayer's pay for your healthcare. Somehow, every single employee, electricity, water, supplies, everything is paid for. Just because you don't pay for it, doesn't mean it's free. Don't get me wrong, I'm all about supporting our military/ vets, I'm a former Devil Dog myself, but to give this misinformation is ridiculous. How would it even be possible to add so many people to a healthcare plan, without decreasing quality of care and increasing waiting lists? And once the government gets their foot in the door of healthcare, it will eventually lead to a full blown government controlled system. There would be no competition, no motivation for anybody to find the next disease, and the numbers of doctors would drop dramatically. Why is somebody going to go and pay tens of thousands even hundreds of thousands, and spend years in medical school, when the outcome is miniscule at best. Many small businesses in this country are family owned doctor and specialty offices. They provide jobs, and also certain services that save peoples lives. Giving control to the government will decrease productivity and effectiveness by allowing beaurocrats to make vital decisions. They will be more concerned about getting their bonus's, while decreasing funding to medical care. The government has a track record of being completely incompetent at running anything. If healthcare is such a necessity, why doesn't the government step in and start providing food, clothing, and shelter? Those are higher priorities than healthcare. You need to eat to survive, so why don't we just forfeit even more of our incomes to provide for those who are "less fortunate". Let's just go all out communist and have the government provide everything. We don't need the OPPORTUNITY to be successful, we need the government to dictate how successful we are, right? How much power does the government need to take before you realize you are not living in America anymore? I know you saw what Bush was doing, how he disrespected and disregarded the constitution. Why has that opposition subsided? Do you not see how each party is slowly chipping away at our freedoms? Just because your man is in the big house, doesn't mean that your freedoms aren't being diminished. They claim to be doing this for "compassionate" reasons. How they just want to make healthcare more "affordable" for everybody. This has got to be the biggest scam in American history. The CBO has shown the deficit would increase by over 1 TRILLION $$$$ over the next ten years. The president spouts lie after lie, and people believe it, even though facts prove otherwise. The last time I checked, I was an American. America isn't about huge government, quite the opposite. Stay out of our lives, and quit taking our money. Why is this so hard to understand?


Well-Known Member
You fail to realize that it ISN'T free. Taxpayer's pay for your healthcare. Somehow, every single employee, electricity, water, supplies, everything is paid for. Just because you don't pay for it, doesn't mean it's free. Don't get me wrong, I'm all about supporting our military/ vets, I'm a former Devil Dog myself, but to give this misinformation is ridiculous. How would it even be possible to add so many people to a healthcare plan, without decreasing quality of care and increasing waiting lists? And once the government gets their foot in the door of healthcare, it will eventually lead to a full blown government controlled system. There would be no competition, no motivation for anybody to find the next disease, and the numbers of doctors would drop dramatically. Why is somebody going to go and pay tens of thousands even hundreds of thousands, and spend years in medical school, when the outcome is miniscule at best. Many small businesses in this country are family owned doctor and specialty offices. They provide jobs, and also certain services that save peoples lives. Giving control to the government will decrease productivity and effectiveness by allowing beaurocrats to make vital decisions. They will be more concerned about getting their bonus's, while decreasing funding to medical care. The government has a track record of being completely incompetent at running anything. If healthcare is such a necessity, why doesn't the government step in and start providing food, clothing, and shelter? Those are higher priorities than healthcare. You need to eat to survive, so why don't we just forfeit even more of our incomes to provide for those who are "less fortunate". Let's just go all out communist and have the government provide everything. We don't need the OPPORTUNITY to be successful, we need the government to dictate how successful we are, right? How much power does the government need to take before you realize you are not living in America anymore? I know you saw what Bush was doing, how he disrespected and disregarded the constitution. Why has that opposition subsided? Do you not see how each party is slowly chipping away at our freedoms? Just because your man is in the big house, doesn't mean that your freedoms aren't being diminished. They claim to be doing this for "compassionate" reasons. How they just want to make healthcare more "affordable" for everybody. This has got to be the biggest scam in American history. The CBO has shown the deficit would increase by over 1 TRILLION $$$$ over the next ten years. The president spouts lie after lie, and people believe it, even though facts prove otherwise. The last time I checked, I was an American. America isn't about huge government, quite the opposite. Stay out of our lives, and quit taking our money. Why is this so hard to understand?

It seems there are two distinct groups of people in our society today;

Those who care about the state of the country and the welfare of others,


Those who care only about themselves, and money (not necessarily in that order).

It's clear to me which group most of you belong to.

Has anyone who is still arguing over this legislation actually READ IT? :roll:


Active Member
It seems there are two distinct groups of people in our society today;

Those who care about the state of the country and the welfare of others,


Those who care only about themselves, and money (not necessarily in that order).

It's clear to me which group most of you belong to.

Has anyone who is still arguing over this legislation actually READ IT? :roll:
I guess you're implying that I'm just a greedy, old racist conservative. I hate poor people and I hate to see my country succeed. The way I see it, PEOPLE, not GOVERNMENT, should provide for themselves. There are plenty of ways to fix our system, without getting the government involved. What's going to be next? Are they going to start a government grocery store? They will start rationing out how much food we all get. We're too stupid to take care of ourselves, we need the government to have complete controll.

Mr.Therapy Man

Well-Known Member
If you dont think our halthcaresystem is fucked up then get sick with no fucking insurence.People with pre existing illness cant get covered.I had gall bladder surgery this spring, 40,000 $ ,who in the fuck can pay that,I saw Mickeal Moore make a fucking idiot out of Sanja Goofta on CNN when they checked Moores facts on CNN,


Well-Known Member
I guess you're implying that I'm just a greedy, old racist conservative. I hate poor people and I hate to see my country succeed. The way I see it, PEOPLE, not GOVERNMENT, should provide for themselves. There are plenty of ways to fix our system, without getting the government involved. What's going to be next? Are they going to start a government grocery store? They will start rationing out how much food we all get. We're too stupid to take care of ourselves, we need the government to have complete controll.

and how is making health insurance more affordable going to keep people from "providing for themselves"? The government wants YOU to buy YOUR OWN health insurance (if you can afford it, which right now most people can't - on the individual market, anyway) so they want the insurance companies to quit denying people coverage and dropping coverage for people who are ill (people who NEED insurance the most) - and they want a more affordable alternative for people whose employers don't provide coverage and can't afford it on the individual market.

How does that equate to food rationing? It doesn't.

Name one way that the citizens of this country can implement a federal law. We NEED the government to do this, because WE CAN'T.


Active Member
and how is making health insurance more affordable going to keep people from "providing for themselves"? The government wants YOU to buy YOUR OWN health insurance (if you can afford it, which right now most people can't - on the individual market, anyway) so they want the insurance companies to quit denying people coverage and dropping coverage for people who are ill (people who NEED insurance the most) - and they want a more affordable alternative for people whose employers don't provide coverage and can't afford it on the individual market.

How does that equate to food rationing? It doesn't.

Name one way that the citizens of this country can implement a federal law. We NEED the government to do this, because WE CAN'T.
There does not need to be a "public option", I don't know what they call it now, to reduce costs. And it is unconstitutional for the government to dictate how much a person is paid, or how much a person charges. This is nothing more than a sweep for power. The same people who can't afford health insurance, can somehow afford HD cable, new cars, marijuana, whatever else. They have their priorities wrong. They expect somebody else to fix what they have broken. If the government was to do anything, it would be to allow insurance companies to cross state lines, increasing competition. That would reduce costs. They would put an end to fraudulent cases against doctors and hospitals. That would reduce costs. They would quit taxing the crap out of the people who provide services to help everybody. That would reduce costs. They would provide tax credits and make it tax deductible for individuals and businesses to purchase their own insurance. That would reduce costs. Not raising taxes on everybody to provide for the small minority of people in America without insurance. Thats socialism. Take from the rich, give to the poor. There is nothing in the healthcare bill that would reduce any costs whatsoever. The facts show the opposite. And I guess you didn't get my point about government controlled grocery stores. Food and water are much higher of a priority than healthcare, so why is healthcare on the top of the list. Once the government takes control of healthcare, it will only be a matter of time before they start proposing government housing, government grocery stores, government clothing stores. The free market can not compete with the government. They put on regulations, and when they need to lower prices, they simply raise taxes. Putting private companies out of business, and creating a monopoly. Making people more and more dependant on the government for lifes necessities. People should be in control of their own fate. Americans have fought long and hard to keep these policies out. Everything this country stands for is being put in the trash, with a new social agenda replacing it.


stays relevant.
Michael Moore is a exaggerating nitwit and 90% of the US population proves to be the same by buying the bullshit they hear in his movies.


Well-Known Member
There does not need to be a "public option", I don't know what they call it now, to reduce costs. And it is unconstitutional for the government to dictate how much a person is paid, or how much a person charges. This is nothing more than a sweep for power. The same people who can't afford health insurance, can somehow afford HD cable, new cars, marijuana, whatever else. They have their priorities wrong. They expect somebody else to fix what they have broken. If the government was to do anything, it would be to allow insurance companies to cross state lines, increasing competition. That would reduce costs. They would put an end to fraudulent cases against doctors and hospitals. That would reduce costs. They would quit taxing the crap out of the people who provide services to help everybody. That would reduce costs. They would provide tax credits and make it tax deductible for individuals and businesses to purchase their own insurance. That would reduce costs. Not raising taxes on everybody to provide for the small minority of people in America without insurance. Thats socialism. Take from the rich, give to the poor. There is nothing in the healthcare bill that would reduce any costs whatsoever. The facts show the opposite. And I guess you didn't get my point about government controlled grocery stores. Food and water are much higher of a priority than healthcare, so why is healthcare on the top of the list. Once the government takes control of healthcare, it will only be a matter of time before they start proposing government housing, government grocery stores, government clothing stores. The free market can not compete with the government. They put on regulations, and when they need to lower prices, they simply raise taxes. Putting private companies out of business, and creating a monopoly. Making people more and more dependant on the government for lifes necessities. People should be in control of their own fate. Americans have fought long and hard to keep these policies out. Everything this country stands for is being put in the trash, with a new social agenda replacing it.
i agree with some parts of what you say... except when you say that it will open the door into other industries... um, all those other industries fare well without government intervention...

i'm guessing you are anti-abortion, pro-life...

i personally know someone who died because their private insurance refused to pay for an extended stay in the hospital, to be precise past the 4th day. that being said i am unsure if she would have survived or not if she had gotten the care.

the fact is that she didn't even receive any care. IT WAS DENIED. the result was her dying from pulmonary edema in front of her 13 year old son, and one of my best friends, who is working his ass off to get through college, has to quit to take care of his brother.

this wasn't some poor hack who refused to pay for health insurance, having a plasma tv in her house....on the contrary, she pumped nearly 200k (not taking into account time value of money) throughout her being a client of her company for almost 20 years. these people are poor, not homeless poor, but barely scrapping by poor, rough neighborhoods and what not...

now she is dead, and her sons have nothing except the almost 5000 dollar bill her insurance refused to cover.

do you think that's fair??

i also know a doctor, he has turned away legitimate patients in need because those health insurance companies haven't paid him in 1.5 years, owing him in excess of 300K dollars..... patients who need help because their quality of life is really being affected by actual conditions, but he cannot afford to perform treatments that cost him 500-1000 dollars without getting anything in return.

this is actual real references to things happening right now... without government intervention this will continue. or do you think insurance companies, motivated only by profit, will change their ways??


Active Member
i agree with some parts of what you say... except when you say that it will open the door into other industries... um, all those other industries fare well without government intervention...

i'm guessing you are anti-abortion, pro-life...

i personally know someone who died because their private insurance refused to pay for an extended stay in the hospital, to be precise past the 4th day. that being said i am unsure if she would have survived or not if she had gotten the care.

the fact is that she didn't even receive any care. IT WAS DENIED. the result was her dying from pulmonary edema in front of her 13 year old son, and one of my best friends, who is working his ass off to get through college, has to quit to take care of his brother.

this wasn't some poor hack who refused to pay for health insurance, having a plasma tv in her house....on the contrary, she pumped nearly 200k (not taking into account time value of money) throughout her being a client of her company for almost 20 years. these people are poor, not homeless poor, but barely scrapping by poor, rough neighborhoods and what not...

now she is dead, and her sons have nothing except the almost 5000 dollar bill her insurance refused to cover.

do you think that's fair??

i also know a doctor, he has turned away legitimate patients in need because those health insurance companies haven't paid him in 1.5 years, owing him in excess of 300K dollars..... patients who need help because their quality of life is really being affected by actual conditions, but he cannot afford to perform treatments that cost him 500-1000 dollars without getting anything in return.

this is actual real references to things happening right now... without government intervention this will continue. or do you think insurance companies, motivated only by profit, will change their ways??
I don't believe anything you say. People are not refused care because they can not afford it. That's just not true. The insurance company might not cover it, due to the policy she had, but the hospital would provide the help. She probably chose to leave because she didn't feel she could afford it, not the hospital kicking her out when she was on the verge of death. Nice try though.


Well-Known Member
There does not need to be a "public option", I don't know what they call it now, to reduce costs. And it is unconstitutional for the government to dictate how much a person is paid, or how much a person charges. This is nothing more than a sweep for power. The same people who can't afford health insurance, can somehow afford HD cable, new cars, marijuana, whatever else. They have their priorities wrong. They expect somebody else to fix what they have broken. If the government was to do anything, it would be to allow insurance companies to cross state lines, increasing competition. That would reduce costs. They would put an end to fraudulent cases against doctors and hospitals. That would reduce costs. They would quit taxing the crap out of the people who provide services to help everybody. That would reduce costs. They would provide tax credits and make it tax deductible for individuals and businesses to purchase their own insurance. That would reduce costs. Not raising taxes on everybody to provide for the small minority of people in America without insurance. Thats socialism. Take from the rich, give to the poor. There is nothing in the healthcare bill that would reduce any costs whatsoever. The facts show the opposite. And I guess you didn't get my point about government controlled grocery stores. Food and water are much higher of a priority than healthcare, so why is healthcare on the top of the list. Once the government takes control of healthcare, it will only be a matter of time before they start proposing government housing, government grocery stores, government clothing stores. The free market can not compete with the government. They put on regulations, and when they need to lower prices, they simply raise taxes. Putting private companies out of business, and creating a monopoly. Making people more and more dependant on the government for lifes necessities. People should be in control of their own fate. Americans have fought long and hard to keep these policies out. Everything this country stands for is being put in the trash, with a new social agenda replacing it.
You're seriously misinformed as to what the health care bill contains, because EVERY SINGLE thing you said SHOULD be in it, IS IN IT. There is NO "public option" in the health care bill, there is no "government takeover" of health care, either.

Government run grocery stores? Are people going bankrupt trying to buy groceries? No, they aren't.

Please, find yourself a clue.


Well-Known Member
I don't believe anything you say. People are not refused care because they can not afford it. That's just not true. The insurance company might not cover it, due to the policy she had, but the hospital would provide the help. She probably chose to leave because she didn't feel she could afford it, not the hospital kicking her out when she was on the verge of death. Nice try though.

People ARE refused care because they can't pay. It happens ALL THE TIME.

Just because you don't want to believe it, doesn't mean it isn't true.

A hospital is under no obligation to treat you if you can't pay. Why? Because it's a private, for-profit industry - just like a restaurant, but with LESS regulation.


Well-Known Member
I don't believe anything you say. People are not refused care because they can not afford it. That's just not true. The insurance company might not cover it, due to the policy she had, but the hospital would provide the help. She probably chose to leave because she didn't feel she could afford it, not the hospital kicking her out when she was on the verge of death. Nice try though.
oh yes it is... i'd give you names, but I'd rather remain anonymous... she is dead. it's tragic, but it's true. pulmonary edema, just mentioning it sends chills up my spine.

and yes, my friend is a specialist in pain management. board certified and everything.

it is true. he cannot afford to keep giving away medication that costs 700 per vile for free. it is not fair for him or his patients, who pay insurance companies for coverage, yet that company refuses to meet its obligations.

he cannot keep doing it. that particular, NAMELESS, insurance company keeps giving BS reasons to not pay him, and he has had to refuse treatment to those patients. (if they found out my friend the DR. was talking about his patients he could be in quite a pickle, dr.- patient privilege, and privacy laws)

it's true, in this country health care is a luxury, and if you don't have the $$ you don't get treated.


Well-Known Member
There does not need to be a "public option", I don't know what they call it now, to reduce costs. And it is unconstitutional for the government to dictate how much a person is paid, or how much a person charges. This is nothing more than a sweep for power. The same people who can't afford health insurance, can somehow afford HD cable, new cars, marijuana, whatever else. They have their priorities wrong. They expect somebody else to fix what they have broken. If the government was to do anything, it would be to allow insurance companies to cross state lines, increasing competition. That would reduce costs. They would put an end to fraudulent cases against doctors and hospitals. That would reduce costs. They would quit taxing the crap out of the people who provide services to help everybody. That would reduce costs. They would provide tax credits and make it tax deductible for individuals and businesses to purchase their own insurance. That would reduce costs. Not raising taxes on everybody to provide for the small minority of people in America without insurance. Thats socialism. Take from the rich, give to the poor. There is nothing in the healthcare bill that would reduce any costs whatsoever. The facts show the opposite. And I guess you didn't get my point about government controlled grocery stores. Food and water are much higher of a priority than healthcare, so why is healthcare on the top of the list. Once the government takes control of healthcare, it will only be a matter of time before they start proposing government housing, government grocery stores, government clothing stores. The free market can not compete with the government. They put on regulations, and when they need to lower prices, they simply raise taxes. Putting private companies out of business, and creating a monopoly. Making people more and more dependant on the government for lifes necessities. People should be in control of their own fate. Americans have fought long and hard to keep these policies out. Everything this country stands for is being put in the trash, with a new social agenda replacing it.

The public option wouldn't dictate how much anyone is paid, or how much anyone charges. it would simply be an alternative to private insurance, subsidized for those who can't afford to pay the full premium.

The government does set prices for Medicare services, though, so I'm hesitant to believe that it's unconstitutional - otherwise the insurance companies and hospitals would have challenged it long ago.