Roseman's DIY Bubbleponics Tutorial

This thread is so amazing Roseman, I wish I had this kind of info when I started! I wouldn't even need Cervantes knowledge, you got it all!

+REP (well, I tried, but apparently I have not spread enough around)
The one question I still have about topping is; does the main stem also continue to grow? or is it just the new shoots? looking at the picture I can't tell. Thanks Roseman
Awesome, I have tried a few types of carbon filters on my exhaust and it cuts airflow too much for me. I threw together something similar and I am using the pine sol method and for my small grow (2 plants at the moment lol) it works well with no filter, you just smell clean pine sol. lol

If you grow indoors, it is going to stink. I bought Ionizers, carbon filters, Febreeze filters, and they do not work well at all.
I have tried charcoal and I have tried cheap smelly substitutes, but the ONA really, really works. I sometimes use the solid blocks but I like the chunks or GEL best. I just add a little, like a 1/6 of the big jar, and it lasts for weeks. I can dildute it with water or cat liter, to make it last even longer.

AND, with 6 inches of water in the bottom, it increases the humdiity too.

You can rig a round 9 or ten inch fan in the bucket easily.

Great thread very usefull few bits gave me a few new ideas but 1 thing id like to no are those lead wieghts your useing?
are you talking about the odor bucket? I don't put charcoal in it, but I have heard that charcoal does absorb moisture though so I suppose it might be possible to use it to dry the room out. As for Rosemans I don't know..

And you just fill the bucket with charcoal?
are you talking about the odor bucket? I don't put charcoal in it, but I have heard that charcoal does absorb moisture though so I suppose it might be possible to use it to dry the room out. As for Rosemans I don't know..

yea the bucket...i thought i heard him say charcoal once,was making be like a carbon filter.
Is it ok to just water them by hand for the first couple weeks? My system is DIY and the pump I have makes the water extremely hot. Should I just buy a better pump or is manual feeding ok?
Is it ok to just water them by hand for the first couple weeks? My system is DIY and the pump I have makes the water extremely hot. Should I just buy a better pump or is manual feeding ok?
i think ya need a new pump man.No submersible pump should make the water HOT.....Like how hot?
Is it ok to just water them by hand for the first couple weeks? My system is DIY and the pump I have makes the water extremely hot. Should I just buy a better pump or is manual feeding ok?

Mine are fed 24/7, and when I had a tube disconnect, within 8 hours,t he plant was dead. You would have to water-feed them at least every 4 to 6 hours the first two or 3 weeks..
So after the first topping, you then top the new tops? So what was 1 main stem became 2, and then 2 becomes 4? Thanks Roseman