My First Semi Serious Grow


Well-Known Member
A friend of mine has offered to let me borrow his hydro kit, im not really sure if hes being dumb or not, cause ive already started growing these plants, can i still change to hydro :-?

I dont really know much about hydro it much more complicated than soil? surely it is:-|:-|

its a shame hes using the light or he would have let me borrow his 400w hps :roll:


Well-Known Member
A friend of mine has offered to let me borrow his hydro kit, im not really sure if hes being dumb or not, cause ive already started growing these plants, can i still change to hydro :-?

I dont really know much about hydro it much more complicated than soil? surely it is:-|:-|

its a shame hes using the light or he would have let me borrow his 400w hps :roll:
omg dude do it!

Hydroponics is like 10 times better than soil, i have 2 plants that are the same age(2 weeks) ones in soil one in hydro and the one in soil is like shitty small cunt, the one in hydro has massive branches and towers over the soil one.

Al so, its rele not that hard u can pick it all up from like home hardware or some shit



Well-Known Member
hey man the grow is looking good, can i just ask where in the uk you found your 42w cfl? I could only find 20's in the shops so bought a huge 125w cfl but id like a few 42 watters if i could find em for a little extra boost

keep it up :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I got mine from wickes
that hardware/plant shop
they dont have a built in ballast tho

Just attempted lite LST, see how it goes. Will probably End up killing it knowing my luck lol!


New Member
I've heard it done before, but IMO you're too late to attempt to repot them into a hydro set-up.

Your plants do not like your mom's compost.:mrgreen: The overnute now seems worse.
When you feed, saturate the soil with water... are they sitting in a tray, or something to catch excess water as it falls through the holes at the bottom of the pot?

Next time you feed, saturate your plants (with plain 6.5 water). This will help flush out a lot of the excess salts in your compost.


Well-Known Member
why does it now seem worse :-? nothing has changed on the plant except new healthy growth?
ive got 3 plant all of which are cant really be the compost can it :-|

Retard - Healthy no dry yellow leaves
SX2 - Some leafs went yellow and dried up a couple weeks ago but since then there has been allot of new healthy growth

Yes they have tubs to catch the water...


New Member
Even on the new growth I can just make out that a lot of the leaf tips are also browning... although I sense that you don't want to be told this, so i'll disengage myself from your thread.:mrgreen::peace:

Weed Guy

Master Roller
LOL, dude thats pretty ghetto. Are the lights in an actual socket or are the wires live? I spent about £30 on my grow from B&Q (also from UK) and this is it:



Well-Known Member
live wires :D
nah skunkykush i dont mind, its just i have looked at the plants and there are not brown bits on the new growth, so just dont see how you can tell me there are from looking at the pictures lol.

not getting arsey or n e thing mate :)


Well-Known Member
im not trying to piss u off or anything man but seriously take all the advice ur getting like ur plants are browing from nute burn and shit its obvious, all the ppl on here grow alot and know what they talking about lol but its up to u


Well-Known Member
What are you going on about?
Your making it out like im not listening to anyone...i wouldn't be growing now if it wasn't for all the people on this site, it has been my #1 research site so i know how much more allot of them know than me.
I questioned him because the pictures are not the best quality, the new growth is fine and i have not added nutes so nute burn was the last thing i expected.


Well-Known Member
Thinking about fimming one of my plants...anyone have anything to say about that?

Was just about to do it but then i lost my razor blade so i took it as a sign to ask you lot and read a bit more instead of jumping the gun and going straight ahead and doing.

To impatient...going to do it now.
Ill record it and put it on youtube cause there aint any vids of it o there and it would be helpful :D


Well-Known Member
Just FIM'd #2...fingers crossed it dont kill it :?

didnt record it in the end cause it was to tricky lol so i just topp before and after pics, ill upload them later.

I think i dont it wrong lol, i think i topped the plant instead of FIMming it :(

owell lol we will wait and see...

Im expecting 3-7 days recovery time, is this about right?


Well-Known Member
Any idea whats wrong with #2 ?
its all small and bunched up like a retard lol
My current grow has a few retards. The breeding term is "unstable". But I like the term retard. Good luck with your grow!


Well-Known Member
Lol my mums freind has a ''unstable'' child :D:D:D

Was that one a bit to far?...i thought naming the plant 'retard' was pushing it a bit, now look at me making child references!



Well-Known Member
why would some of my leaves on occasion turn out deformed? Instead of having5 or 7 leaves, at least one leaf per shoot is awkwardly shaped or missing 1 blade like it will have 4 or 6 and shaped abnormally. Is this lack of nutrients or a reaction to the dilluted urine in my water from earlier. I stopped the urine nutes when I started 12/12 and still some new leaves abnormal. anybody have that happen?


Well-Known Member
Just checking in, it's been awhile, how are your plants doing? got any pics of the accidental topping or any updated pictures? Oh and what become of that hydro setup?

I think i dont it wrong lol, i think i topped the plant instead of FIMming it :sad:
In the link bellow shows topping and fimming, what exactly did you do? I soo want to try the fimming, four colas verses two .. HOOAH! however I'm unable to this round as I'm already running out of room but next round I'm going to fim at least one plant, I like the looks of other peoples plants that have two or more colas.

Your fim or topping should be ok, you could probably cut a marijuana plant in half and it would continue to grow.

dilluted urine in my water from earlier

skunkwizard what type of piss were you feeding your plants?