M Blaze
Well-Known Member
After fimming a plant about a month into vegg would it be beneficial to place down a weave of netting to bend the new growth into sections for multiple, smaller coalas?
because i've been reading up and in order to get a very even yeild in terms of weight to nug ratio, this is the best way to go.
People i talk to are kinda over the DUDE THATS A HUGE DANK NUG
they want the perfect little, 1.7-2.2 g nugs
So yes, my next batch i will be fimming based upon your responsei was planning on simply bending but seeing what fim can do, why clone for the same purpose...i can now make $$ off clones in the meantime
You can use some type of netting to grow your plants through it. Thats called SCROG (Screen of green). I dont like the hassle of using screens but many people do it with great success. FIMming goes hand in hand with SCROG growing as it helps to get that wide canopy so you can make the most out of using the screen/netting.
FIMming also does well with supercropping/bending and also with training/LST. Basically combining some of these methods is the best way to maximise your yield.