Fimming With My Blaze: A Complete How to FIM Guide

After fimming a plant about a month into vegg would it be beneficial to place down a weave of netting to bend the new growth into sections for multiple, smaller coalas?

because i've been reading up and in order to get a very even yeild in terms of weight to nug ratio, this is the best way to go.
People i talk to are kinda over the DUDE THATS A HUGE DANK NUG
they want the perfect little, 1.7-2.2 g nugs

So yes, my next batch i will be fimming based upon your response :) i was planning on simply bending but seeing what fim can do, why clone for the same purpose...i can now make $$ off clones in the meantime

You can use some type of netting to grow your plants through it. Thats called SCROG (Screen of green). I dont like the hassle of using screens but many people do it with great success. FIMming goes hand in hand with SCROG growing as it helps to get that wide canopy so you can make the most out of using the screen/netting.

FIMming also does well with supercropping/bending and also with training/LST. Basically combining some of these methods is the best way to maximise your yield.
I think it is referring to missing when u have attempted to Top a plant. Most good things r discovered by accident.

I think FIM originally stood for something else but nobody can tell me what that was. I used to call it ''Pinching'' because thats just what I did. I would just pinch out the top growth with my fingers. I never tried it with scissors or knew it was called FIM until I seen it online.
I FIMmed my last grow with scissors but then went back to the pinching method because thats just what im used to.
I think FIM originally stood for something else but nobody can tell me what that was. I used to call it ''Pinching'' because thats just what I did. I would just pinch out the top growth with my fingers. I never tried it with scissors or knew it was called FIM until I seen it online.
I FIMmed my last grow with scissors but then went back to the pinching method because thats just what im used to.

Some say FIM stands for "fuck I missed" LOL :lol:

The more I FIM the more I see it's just the same as topping, but more precise. Topping removes the top (@ the second or 3rd node), where as FIMMING is just removing the growing tip (above the first exposed node).

I'm also giving up the scissors... as this may unnecessarily cut part of the new fan leaves off - leaving them deformed. I can post a pic of the deformed fan leaves if anyone doesn't know I'm taking about.

Posting this pic again, for example.
About 10years ago on overgrow nobody knew what FIM stood for.. Then all of a sudden fuck I missed came around.. The question is whether that fact resurfaced, or was cleverly created after the fact.. I kind of assume the latter..
FIMing is topping at a point where the two newest nodes have not yet stretched apart.. The result 'at the cut point' is the same as UB's topping method for 4 colas except more compact.. I empasized the point because this method leaves more nodes behind the cut point, UB's only leaves the two..
And btw, scrog can be hellish! I really respect those guys like kalikitsune who have mastered it, but the words 'never again' are deep in my heart.. Word of advice, use a grid of string, or something you can just cuts right the fuck out of there incase it turns against you and starts hurting your plants..
i was joking, but after a little searching the best I can tell "FIM or fimmed - Stands for '****, I missed'. Refers to attempting to cut the growth shoot of a plant so that it grows into multiple branches instead of one. The phrase comes from how easy it is to miss the tiny growth shoot."

Makes sense to me, because using the 80% rule you can hit or miss the uppermost growing shoot.

The most simple way to FIM without missing is to closely examine the uppermost growing shoot, spread the tiny fan leaves apart, and nip out the tiny bud revealed within... either with your finger nails, tiny scissors, or sharp razor blade.

If you clip 80% of the growing tip (as explained in many FAQ) :wall: you're likely to miss the growing tip and clip the new fan leaves which isn't a good thing. :wall:

Rather than hijacking this thread I'm continue on my journal
It doesn't matter how far down the apical meristem you clip as long as you don't damage or remove the actual node..

Please explain what the apical meristem has to do with FIM? We're not working on a cellular level here.

What you want to remove is the apical bud, so that the plant auxins are redistributed. :lol:
Tsk tsk.. Thats basic plant biology.. auxin travels downward from the apical meristem inside the topmost shoot.. Auxin tells a plant to grow for main height dominance.. Alter that signal, and more growth energy will be diverted to secondaries.. In the case of topping/FIM all energy is diverted obviously, but LST works on the same principle.. Uncle Ben has explained it fairly well in his thread a few times...
kiss-ass Blaze, thank you so much! You were right. My harvest was a bit disappointing because I was expecting at least 5 oz per plant and I only got 3-4 but Macy gave me 5.5 oz! I'd say that's quite a difference since she was under the same conditions as the other 9 except that I FIM'd her several weeks before I decided to FIM them too! Thank you for your experience and your thread. kiss-ass
They were in the same type of pots with the same soil, light, air, etc... I think it was the FIM

nah its more likley to be the factthat your light distribution has a "good spot in the room". ive just popped onto do the same thanks for the thread i got my best crop of to date with fim method and mblaze tying techniques etc :) happy dayz couldnt be arsed taking shots as i was to busy trimmin and bubbling :) thanks again bro

edit : again ill mention the fact that you HAVE TOO tidy up the bottoms of the plants vigorously.. do much much more than you think. top tip for fimmers
This is awesome thanks M BLAZE. You are my inspiration for many projects, and grow styles. Thanks man. Off to the grow room with the trimmers I go
+Reps, really appreciate your help bud.

Quick questions.

How early can I FIM. Say my plant is healthy can I FIM at 6-8in height?

Can I FIM my plants over and over throughout the veg?
Followed this guide and used that Fimming image as a guide as well. Fimmed when the plant was only 4 inches tall.

now weeks later this is what I have


I gotta say Fimming is the way to go!
Oh haha that makes sense with the cfl. no worries then if it doesnt affect your buds. just thought it might
funny it's Jack Herer though. I just got a zip of some indoor Jack from a buddy haha. perrrrrrty dank :weed:
man this is the stuff iam talking bout!!!!!!! you cant die if you havent lived. thanks a whole lot mblaze. iam trying to find ya grow jurnals man. havent quit got the hang of this computer. but i will be in contact for sure