what do you find disrespectful?

[QUOTE="SICC";3116106]haha oh damn that was so funny +REP!!!

shit i wouldnt have said it any better myself,

i hate that too, even at fast food its like aight calm down, im trying to get out of this freak so as fast as i can

like In N Out, that place is a nazi camp, they brain wash those people, your not supposed be that happy serving me food[/QUOTE]

haha dude if you've ever been to a chik-fil-a it's the same exact thing.
I do have to agree with tips. I'll tip if I feel the person deserves it. The disrespectful part is that so many people just expect a tip cause that's the line of work. We had a huge birthday supper at big fancy resturant like 10+ well not huge but the waiter wasn't writing anything down order after order. My dad says to the waiter "I'll give ya 100 bucks if you remember all that" this is pre-meal regular tips aside.
He failed! But still mentioned jokingly he should get 50 for being "close". My dad says "I was going to give ya the $100 anyway but because your standing here asking for money still and not getting the drink you missed I will have to keep the $100. Goes right back to tip deserved! It's just to many tipee's think that is there call.

edit. Find out after the waiters all have small voice-recorders instead of pads. He still messed up.
When people are around you and offer the blunt to everyone but you... But if u have weed an don't wanna share ur being a bitch!!! Ugh!!! Treat how u wanna be treated if u give me dirty looks I'm gonna shoot them back at you !! And I realllllly hate hypocrites!!!! I will never beat my kids for trying weed or any thing else( quote me I said try not get addicted) I never wanna turn into a hypocrite!!! I hate them!! Also I find it disrespectful when people think it's ok to be a asshole drunk an talk shit but if u say somthin back then ur out of line!!! Ugh!!!
You guys who don't want to tip need to realise that in the U.S. servers don't make even minimum wage. They make something like 2.85 an hour. The tips are what they live on. Not their 25.00 a day wage. I never tip less than 20%. Waitresses have a mostly thankless, stressfull, tiresome job. Please, TIP your waitress. She most likely deserves it.
You guys who don't want to tip need to realise that in the U.S. servers don't make even minimum wage. They make something like 2.85 an hour. The tips are what they live on. Not their 25.00 a day wage. I never tip less than 20%. Waitresses have a mostly thankless, stressfull, tiresome job. Please, TIP your waitress. She most likely deserves it.

What are you talking about, didn't the national minimum wage just jump up to $6.75? I'm pretty sure they make atleast that much.

I'm of the opinion tips should be earned as well.
Servers don't make minumum wage. I don't know how they get around it but they don't. At least in my state. i've had tons of friends that worked at reatraunts like "On the Border", TGIF's etc. They make about 3 bucks an hour in Arizona.
[QUOTE="SICC";3116700]wtf 6.75 :lol:

maybe like 5 years ago, minimum wage is like 8.50[/QUOTE]

federal minimum wage as of 6/24/09 is 7.25

minimum wage for tipped employees is 2.13 although most states are much higher than that

here is maryland it is 3.63 if any employee regularly make more than $30 a month in tips

straight from the DOL website
lack of manors, no please or thankyou.
it's worse when I pull over in my car to let someone through a small gap.
I could fuck them up or me up.
queue jumpers!

seriously, what the fuck r u doing? we all have to wait u piece of shit.

cant believe people have the nerve to do it i would be embarrassed. i have to say something everytime now, cant handle it.

I always call out line jumpers


Joshua DAVID!


maybe im stupid..... or its a european thing.... but what the fuck is a 'queue"????

It's a line

Oh man, great topic!

(most of this applies to a drive thru)

-when bitches don't even LOOK at you when they pay!

Oh yeah, that irks the shit out of me.

a line of people. jeepers, thats like 6th grade vocabulary.

Really? I never heard the word until I was like...17, and not even in school. I heard it in an Eddie Izzard stand up comedy. I thought it was a european thing.

people who think they are special enough to talk on their cellphone during a movie.

Oh hell no, I will talk some shit if someone tries that shit in a movie I'm watching.

I hate people that bitch about tipping... seriously it's your job, don't like the pay? find something else... I ALWAYS tip, if i spent $10 i tip $3 but jesus christ don't whine about it, it's not our fault you're to lazy to fill out an application at a better place. I don't even have a problem with tips it's just don't expect shit cause youll get your feelings hurt.

this reminds me of THIS:


yea tips are bullshit, unless my glass is full of soda the entire time i wont give you much. I expect top of the line service if you want a tip. Your serving food, get over yourself. It might be different if you cooked the food and served it but all you do is bring a plate across a room.

That's a BIG factor in how much I tip as well! But I always tip, at least the 15%. But if the service was especially good, and they were on top of my drinks, or the server was just especially cool, I give 20% or more.

I hate figuring out percentages, so I just round my bill up to the nearest 0 or 5, and divide by 5.

Tipping is a American thing, it hardly ever happens in the UK.

Really? I did not know that!

....and we wish people like you would lighten up a little.

if you want to avoid a little friendly conversation (god forbid a cashier talk to any customer in 8 hours!) then use a self check out!

When I was a cashier, I was very good at reading customers, and knowing if they were the type that wanted to chit chat, or if they just wanted me to scan their shit and get them the fuck out of there.

Whichever kind of customer it is, I respected that, because not everyone feels like chatting. Some people are in a hurry. You have no idea what's going on in their day, or their lives. Same goes for the cashier.

Being in customer service has made me a better customer :grin:

I never like it when people shoot at me. Oh ya, and crying babies in the theater. Take it to the lobby sister!

OOOOH, one of my BIGGEST pet peeves, not just as a cashier or customer service person, but in general: People who don't control their kids in public.

I can't fucking STAND having to be subjected to someone else's little fucking BRAT throwing a tantrum in the middle of a store/restaurant/movie/library. My mom would have whupped my ass right in the store if I did that shit.

I don't really care so much about babies crying, because they don't know better. But in a movie theater or something like that, the parent should have the common courtesy to remove themselves and the crying baby until the crying stops.
when people tell me "YOU CANT SMOKE THAT HERE!" then i be like "*lighter spark* i smoke where i want".,.,or am i disrespectful?lol al l in all someones in the wrong so.,.,?
when a person says theyll match u on a blunt and they take a million pulls of your blunt but when they light theirs they say "2 and pass"!!! WHAT!
You guys who don't want to tip need to realise that in the U.S. servers don't make even minimum wage. They make something like 2.85 an hour. The tips are what they live on. Not their 25.00 a day wage. I never tip less than 20%. Waitresses have a mostly thankless, stressfull, tiresome job. Please, TIP your waitress. She most likely deserves it.

Fuck that. Work hard and you get your tip.

If you are a shitty waiter - find a new job.
when people act like the world is their trash can

when little parents talk at their kids especailly in public!