See How The Government Is Spending Our Money

You don't have any facts. you have a bunch of opinions.... suppositions.

Facts look like this:

Poland is finally convinced to put in a missile defense system for protection from IRAN.

Russia says it's really about them (no one believes this except them)

Obama links missile defense to nuclear disarmament in talks with the Russians

Russia puts in a missile defense system of their own near the north Korean border

USA missile defense shield is now at 80% accuracy and the accuracy is climbing (meaning most of the failures were iin the beginning, not the present)

Obama pulls missile shield defense system after all the money has already been invested in its success

Obama gets ZERO for giving yp the missile program (remember it was linked to russian nuclear disarmament)

Poland is pissed, eastern Europe is pissed. (read their papers, not ours)

Russia celebrates a victory over the USA (read their papers, not ours)

Those are facts.

If you wish to dispute those facts... go ahead and TRY.

It's not fear. It's common sense. Not all too common it seems.

The President sure doesn't have it.

so what if they're "facts"? if there is no reason to worry about russia then why not get rid of the missile or relocate them to the mediterainian on ships?
i remember when GWB stepped up the missile sheild to the russians displeasure (they thought cold war had already finished) why should obama expect the russians to give anything in return for them going?
do you really believe that russia is gonna eat up poland and all the other eastern european states becuase of this? it's not like we got the european union and the UN now days us europeans still have horses and carriges eh?
whats is this constant ranting and raving about iran gonna do? as far as i can tell they havent done anything have they? and if they did at any point get to the point of being able to do something didnt Israel say they would destroy it? havent Isreal got nukes too? prehaps we should build a missile shield for iran
so what if they are facts? If you can look at those facts and not find a pattern.... it is you who have a problem, not I.
so what if they are facts? If you can look at those facts and not find a pattern.... it is you who have a problem, not I.

i see a pattern of warmongering and i see a pattern of scaremongering. i also see a compleate fear of change. but i dont see anything bad this world needs less weapons not more
you need to realize that americas grip on then world is waning that you need to stop pushing other countries around for your own self interests. lets face it with the developing countries like india and china it wont be that long before America starts to look like a little fish in the global market. when that time comes you'd better hope that you have someone in power who knows the pen is mightier than the sword/ intercontinental missile
america led the way in the arms race wouldnt it be right for america to lead the way once again in removing them? or are you one of those people who thinks its alright for america to do what they want. and everyone else cant have anything?

oh and i'll ask again so your saying that russia is going to invade eastern europe again?
You obviously are not a realistic person. We don't form foreign policy on wishful thinking. At least we didn't in the past.
You obviously are not a realistic person. We don't form foreign policy on wishful thinking. At least we didn't in the past.

so your saying that russia is going to invade eastern europe? (third time i asked that hoping for an answer this time)
whats this about wishfull thinking didnt GWB step up the missile sheild when there was an agreement with russia that it wouldnt happen? all i see is obama going back to the previous status quo why should America demand anything in return for that?
dude the cold war has finished when is the american right gonna realise that?
Russia will bring Eastern Europe beck under it's influence... one way or the other. Obama is Russia's greatest gift in that capacity.

What do you guess Georgia and the Ukraine think about all of this?

Look for more winter energy supply mishaps to any unruly neighbors of Russia. That's their pattern.
Russia will bring Eastern Europe beck under it's influence... one way or the other. Obama is Russia's greatest gift in that capacity.

What do you guess Georgia and the Ukraine think about all of this?

Look for more winter energy supply mishaps to any unruly neighbors of Russia. That's their pattern.

erm wasnt GWB in charge when russia went into georgia? Wasn't GWB a hard line war president surely the time to have done something about Russia "land lust" would have been then? surely GWB letting russia get away with it would only encourage them eh? what would you have obama do double the missile shield build more warheads and point them all at russia??? yeah cause the whole world wants another cold war... get you arse out of the past and stop smokingh the tweed as you are one paranoid mofo
Yes, and they would still be there today if it happened with Obama. You cannot physically stop Russia from rolling across borders. What is needed is the "believability" that the USA will back up its allies.

Russia does not BELIEVE Obama........ psst... no one else does either, not even the allies.
This documentary proves the oppersite to why the goverment thinks marijuana is ment to be illegal.

A documentary that i think every staighto who thinks the worst of marijuana or the people who haven't smoked it before and think its a dangers drug need to see, after they watch it they'll look at marijuana in a different light.

There is not one proven death caused bye marijuana , but millions from alcohol but its legal but marijuana not. thats fucked up!!!

"If you get completely baked and just see one documentary on the illegal,immoral drug war,this is the one.Very entertaining ,even if your not high!"
im not going to read any of the prior post but i will get in the middle of this missil defence conversation and I hope i am on the right topic


We should not have any foreign military bases and should shut down all 150 military bases around the world.. and we should put money into secquirng the United States physical border... not policeing the got damn globe
Stop all the wars.. Bring the million troops home from around the world.... And lead other countries to peace by example and not a sword

i see a pattern of warmongering and i see a pattern of scaremongering. I also see a compleate fear of change. But i dont see anything bad this world needs less weapons not more
you need to realize that americas grip on then world is waning that you need to stop pushing other countries around for your own self interests. Lets face it with the developing countries like india and china it wont be that long before america starts to look like a little fish in the global market. When that time comes you'd better hope that you have someone in power who knows the pen is mightier than the sword/ intercontinental missile
america led the way in the arms race wouldnt it be right for america to lead the way once again in removing them? Or are you one of those people who thinks its alright for america to do what they want. And everyone else cant have anything?

Oh and i'll ask again so your saying that russia is going to invade eastern europe again?
Rollitup has built a clock for its users to put on their webpages the clock will show what the government is spending all our hard earned taxes on:

You can view this site by going to
The Grow Clock

To add this to your page just copy this where you want the clock:
<script src="">
[URL="http://"]Growing Marijuana Forums[/URL]

Put this on your page to let everyone know how much our governtment is wasting!!!!
i cant get that page up damnit i cant see tha clock:evil:
Well thank goodness the government has come up with a solution FINALLY to our debt problems.

Watch this and KNOW you are being governed WELL. Go Obama!!!!

Well thank goodness the government has come up with a solution FINALLY to our debt problems.

Watch this and KNOW you are being governed WELL. Go Obama!!!!


You are not seriously using a joke newscast as fuel for the Obama lynching are you?

Here are some of the "headlines" scrolling across the bottom...

"CDC releases recommended vaccination schedule for water park visitors"

"News from Augusta, ME: Negotiator fails to talk wild moose out of department store"

and my favorite...

"Study shows children who watch more than 18 hours of TV a day are less likely to attend school"

"Obama apologizes to nation for eating gelato"

"New robotic arm allows surgeon to remotely molest anesthetized patients"

I surely hope you are not serious...though this kind of thing is quite common amongst those who were silent for the first trillion of debt.

This is why I hate spewtube!


Dude, you need to lighten up a bit.

It's just what it looks like.... a joke. Damn funny too I might add. Kind of why I posted it.

If I have to point signs to you instructing you if it's really serious. I don't know what to say... :lol:

I laughed my arse off. that guy with the glasses was hysterical. They have a 12 day money back...:lol:
i thought that video looked kinda funny... about like the rumor going around that stated Hilary Clinton secretly held a meeting with china securing a deal stating that they will give china the deed to the united states for collateral for the trillion dollars in bad debt that are buying from us
I surely hope you are not serious...though this kind of thing is quite common amongst those who were silent for the first trillion of debt.

This is why I hate spewtube!


Well this is why I included the highlighted. I was hoping you were above the usual BS that is spread around by the sheeple. Your text gave no indications of tongue-in-cheek, as a matter of fact it is your usual rhetoric...just with sources...
