All-in-one DIY Aero Cloner/Veg/Flower Systems.....


Well-Known Member
Good day all, here be some updates....

gonna move the present clone batch to the 12h in the next few days, there roots looking soo good... :lol:

No numbers on the cropped batch yet, they still in the dry/cure stage....
The next batch is looking awsome, lotza rootz and i been bending the tops already to keep them all growin equal.... :bigjoint:

.................................. :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Glad to see things going so well Epix, you've taken it a long way with ever-improving designs. I took note of your rotating sprayers being upside down and decided to use that in my own creation. I have zero leaks with it now - the D seal helps too I guess - she's about to get her 1st set of clones sometime next week. Construction was a bitch though, I went for very tight precision cuts using a continuous-pull pipe cutters to make outer lips on the PVC and of course I had to build a framework to keep the spray fixture up and Home Depot doesn't carry half the damn fittings they should, but still. Thought I'd share since we got the same rubbermaid grows (3rd pic)


epixbud! Amazing journal! I'm truely jelous of your beautiful setup. I'm about to assemble my first aeroponics setup tomorrow and i have a question (more of a concern) for ya.

In my setup i have ABS PVC piping to enclose the pots/sprayers. The PVC is about 4" in diameter (I'll be using 2" net pots). Now that i've seen the amazing root systems growing off your plants, im worried that I haven't given the plants enough room to grow, in order to produce a decent harvest. Put my mind at ease!

Again, props on the setup!kiss-ass:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
epixbud! Amazing journal! I'm truely jelous of your beautiful setup. I'm about to assemble my first aeroponics setup tomorrow and i have a question (more of a concern) for ya.

In my setup i have ABS PVC piping to enclose the pots/sprayers. The PVC is about 4" in diameter (I'll be using 2" net pots). Now that i've seen the amazing root systems growing off your plants, im worried that I haven't given the plants enough room to grow, in order to produce a decent harvest. Put my mind at ease!

Again, props on the setup!kiss-ass:eyesmoke:

Good day and thankz.....
As for putting your mind at ease.... it should all be good,
enough peeps use the same diamiter pvc to great results..

I personally had these same thoughts when i wuz designing everything,
i didn't wanna use anything smaller then 6" and wound up using the big tubs, but as long as there is enough room for roots to grow they will!

You might find you gotta pull the roots back from the drain more,
unless you growing monster plants then thats about the only prob you'll have :leaf:



Well-Known Member
Good day there all, here be some updates for ya....

Got the next batch of clones into the cloner, this strain is Gremlin...

and here's the 4 week and 1 week old flower systems....

.................................... :joint:


Well-Known Member
Notice any probs from the powdery mildew? I got some myself but cant say if it hurts

Not yet i havn't,
and i don't even change the rez out unless there's a major problem or i'm washin, fresh rez each batch,
I clean it all between batch's but have notice it comes back when everything dries out..

would emagine it might cause probs if you don'y clean between batch's, screw up your PPM and what not....

.......................... bongsmilie

Illegal Smile

This looks great. I doubt I have the skills or patience to make something like this but what I want, and can't find, is something similar for perhaps 16 plants but able to take them the whole way through to harvest in one unit. Is there such a thing on the market? Why isn't someone making and selling them considering all the crazy systems that are for sale out there?


Well-Known Member
nice one , i like it,you done your self proud mate,
Well, thank ya sir.... i try..........

This looks great. I doubt I have the skills or patience to make something like this but what I want, and can't find, is something similar for perhaps 16 plants but able to take them the whole way through to harvest in one unit. Is there such a thing on the market? Why isn't someone making and selling them considering all the crazy systems that are for sale out there?
Pretty much all of the system on the market or that you can make CAN be used from start to finish if you so choose...
All ya need to do is have dif lights to put above it for each cycle, and change the timmer times of course....

............................. bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Good day all, thought i'd give ya some updates...

Everything is doing great and the clones have got some nice roots now...



EPIX, you r the man! I just read this entire thread. I have been looking for a quality DIY aero or ebb&flow. Your work is top notch! Keep it up. +REP


Well-Known Member
EPIX, you r the man! I just read this entire thread. I have been looking for a quality DIY aero or ebb&flow. Your work is top notch! Keep it up. +REP

Thank ya kindly sir,
and i must say it Rocks!
so way eacier to tend then soil Once you get the hang of it....... bongsmilie

And here be some pics of the clones last night and tonight,
they are now in the 3rd flower system! :eyesmoke:

Took 7 weeks from the first clone batch till now for me to fill 3 - 24 site tables in 12h,
Not bad at all..... :mrgreen:

Last night


...................................................... bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Good day all, thought i'd show some pics of the new flower batch roots after 3 days....

...................................... bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Epix, I have been reading this thread and I am sooooo tempted to make my own system like yours. Sofuckingawesome!

Can you post up pics of inside your flowering tub? It looks quite shallow and me being a total noob, I dont quite understand how the plants dont drown? Do the roots not touch the water and/or get all tangled up with each other?

The tub at the back is the flowering tub? 24 site...will they stay in there until they are ready to chop? How much do you expect per plant? I think I could fit two of those tubs in my tent...I just want to get the facts/numbers right first.

Thanks man all the best with your fantastic grow!


Well-Known Member
Good day there imanoob, and thank ya, i try!

And to answere your questions....

The bigger tables are 3'x4' (just under 3' and just under 4') and 12" deep, the smaller table is 14" deep....
Each table when put together were like 2' tall
They are On top of there own Rez's, water pumps from the rez to the roots then is drained thro the bottom back into the rez..
The pump runs 1 min on / 3 min off...

Yes they stay in there till harvest,
i load them tables up straight outa my cloner,
in the cloner for 2 weeks then into flower table till there end.
The roots Do get massive tangled,
it becomes One big arse root mass in the bottom of the flower tables,
but they have more then enough room to grow and thrive without affecting each other,
They got nothing but air to fill instead of soil!

And as for the end amount, well.... that all depends on you!
My last full batch thro had major PH and heat problems but i still managed to make 1-1/2 LBS outa 24 plants!

And with the PH and Heat problem in the past i exspect around 2 LBS min per big table... not sure how much the small one will produce till i get a full batch thro....

I must also point out for ya, if you buy a Aero system from a manufacturer, those tables only use 6" round PVC for the roots, and they have way less room then my table design! so you will get the same results and even better then the store bot thankz to the extra Root growing room!

So here be the pics you asked for, they were taken last night........

Week 1

Week 4

Week 7

...................... bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Hey epix,

Haha, looks like a spaghetti junction in there!

Your system appeals to me as it looks relativity easy (im sure I will still struggle) when compared to others. Plus the results speak for themselves.

I wont be able to make the cloner/veg and flower systems, so i will cut them from the mother and straight into the aero flower do you think that will affect it?

If it would be ok, would that mean I only need two pumps? 440gph for the main tub and 1 air stone and pump?

Cheers again man! Thanks for all your great work!


Well-Known Member
Hey epix,

Haha, looks like a spaghetti junction in there!

Your system appeals to me as it looks relativity easy (im sure I will still struggle) when compared to others. Plus the results speak for themselves.

I wont be able to make the cloner/veg and flower systems, so i will cut them from the mother and straight into the aero flower do you think that will affect it?

If it would be ok, would that mean I only need two pumps? 440gph for the main tub and 1 air stone and pump?

Cheers again man! Thanks for all your great work!

Good day there, and ya, thats spagetti central! But what an eacy thing to clean up! let the water drain, cut the roots from the pots, take all the roots and just fold it up nice and small for disposal!

And just so you know, i have changed the veg table into a flower table cause i found my grow didn't need the extra veg time.....
But my cloner is an Must, you should make one....

Anyhow.... your question....i can only answere it to a point cause you left out some info!

If you mean straight into the pots and into the flower system with 18h light....
not sure if it's a good idea till you get roots!
The pots will break up the spray and they might not get enough water actually reaching them to produce roots....
I could be wrong, never tryed it that way.....

And air pump/stone is beyond eccentail!

if you make sure the holes are small enough to put just the neoprean plugs in for 2 weeks while your roots form, then put them into pots and back in the holes, under 18h light till you put them into the pots then 12h, unless you wanna veg them for a bit....

Plus, you obviously are doing single stage flower room, get 1 pump and make a cloner too, use the pump in the cloner till they root and put the same pump into the flower system till they finish, then you'll have a 2 week wait for new roots after you clone, or get a second pump and have no wait time....

So, i hope that helps ya some......

................................................ bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Good day there all, here be some updates for ya....

The clones still havent rooted,
but i exspected that! I Stressed them!
i frigin forgot to turn the pump back on one night, they were waterless for 6 hours!
After turning the pump back on they came back! only a few leaves dead!
Fuk i love How Reselient MJ is!
And they will still All root!

So here be some Root porn for ya!

Week 2

Week 4

Week 7

............................................. bongsmilie



Well-Known Member
hey epix do you ever use cloning gel?? I tried a batch in my cloner dipped in gel they all looked sweet for about 5 days then turned to shit and all died seemed the gel woulnt let the water get into the stem, kind of sealed it up? any thoughts