The Hempy Collective

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tried and true for me with various strains 16 ounce cups vegged to 12 to 15 inches. if your lighting and fert regimen is right they will have many nodes and reach that height long before there root bound. done it many times in soil and hempy. a little bit bigger container can be used to veg. but putting little tiny plants in a 5 gal container is wastefull and does not get the best results imo.
i can say for me personally if i tried to take the pre98bubba to 12inches in'a 16oz cups it'd be root would several other more squat heavy indi's iv'e run/running i said before each room will vary an your exp is what will give you the best results....while i'll agree his plants look small in another grow or 2 he'll undersatnd his room more effictivly an be able to rock things so everythings going in proper order.......that goes for everyone can copy someone else's room an style but untill you've ran it once or twice your still gonna need to make changes based on your own rooms conditions.....peace az
thanks for the input guys, but thing is i dont have 16oz there 8oz cups.. so they surely couldnt get too big in there could they?? i figured the 5-6in they are now was pushing it... i would have put them into something a little bigger and not as drastic as a 5gal but, i didnt have anything at the time and i thought it needed to be done.. anyway live n learn i suppose, they havent seemed to slow down though honestly... theyve sped up even.. watering twice a day and misting when lights are about to go off.., of course the light must be contributing to that.. big diff from the 32w fluros i started with.. im having heat problems though.. friggin 1000w burns so hot , its air cooled and ambient is still 85-87degrees.. is that gonna be a problem. i know optimal would be more like 75-80 but it'll be ok right? as long as i keep em under 90? it shouldnt be a problem much longer since summer is pretty much over, its about 77 outside temps.. thanks again, and next time i'll transplant a little smaller.. just it was kind tough as it is, i didnt cut the cups in advance, i was as gentle as i could be, but i dunno, i felt like i hurt them lol
Alright guys, Im about to plant my seedlings in 16oz foam cups filled with 100% perlite for my first attempt at a hempy (my first attempt at any type of grow, EVER) the seedlings are roughly 5 inches with about 6 leafs and thyre currently in soil, do u think this will be ok to trasnplant them straight into the cups with the soil pucks? Iv'e been advised by Azgrow to water/feed my seedlings with about 1/4 strenght nutes to start with, i was thinking of using the Lucas forumla, any of u guys use this? So instead of using full strength lucas formula 0-8-16 i would use roughly 0-2-4 per galon for seedlings? I will start of with small 16oz cups, then do i just place them into my larger buckets with perlite and water/feed round the edge and the roots will burst threw the cup? Sorry about all the questions guys, i know im a pain in the ass lol.
Everyone has been really helpfull so far, cant thank u all enough, big help, id be lost without all ur input n advice :D
I'll get some pics up very soon, tried uploading some but think the rez on my camera is to big, will find a way of getting some up tho,
Cheers :D
AZ - I have a question about flushing and if it is recomended to do a flush
when going to a diffrent nute? Getting ready to go to a growth nute. I started with a 10% bloom solution. That was recomended by a hydro store. I want to go to the growth in increaments but was curious???


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Guys any of you use the Lucas forumla on ur hempys? 0-8-16 is this correct? n if i was starting of with my seedlings would i use roughly quarter this amount to begin with i.e 0-2-4 per gallon? any answers n replies wud b greatly apprecited :)
Guys any of you use the Lucas forumla on ur hempys? 0-8-16 is this correct? n if i was starting of with my seedlings would i use roughly quarter this amount to begin with i.e 0-2-4 per gallon? any answers n replies wud b greatly apprecited :)

Yes, the lucas calls for 0-8-16

You can look here for a more in depth review of the lucas formula.

I love to use the lucas, but i would like to add some advice. I use the lucas at about 2-5-10 during vegetative growth because i was noticing that i wasnt getting the explosive veg growth that i was used to before i started with the lucas.

During flower is use the 0-8-16 and sometimes i may lighten that up by about 20% depending on whether the strains i am growing can take it.

with my tap water at about 270 ppm, my ec comes out to about 2.4 using the full strenght lucas. This is too much nine times out of ten. So i would start with about a 3/4 strength lucas regimen, and increase if necessary.
Yes, the lucas calls for 0-8-16

You can look here for a more in depth review of the lucas formula.

I love to use the lucas, but i would like to add some advice. I use the lucas at about 2-5-10 during vegetative growth because i was noticing that i wasnt getting the explosive veg growth that i was used to before i started with the lucas.

During flower is use the 0-8-16 and sometimes i may lighten that up by about 20% depending on whether the strains i am growing can take it.

with my tap water at about 270 ppm, my ec comes out to about 2.4 using the full strenght lucas. This is too much nine times out of ten. So i would start with about a 3/4 strength lucas regimen, and increase if necessary.

hi mate, thanks a lot for the help, im a total noob, have nvr grown anythin in my life, i read the link u gave with the lucas formula, it states: 0-5-10 - For Vegetative cycle (18/6)
0-8-16 - For Flowering cycle (12/12)
So i wouldnt need any flora Gro?
I dnt have any anyways lol, only have micro n bloom, just asking as i noticed u said u use all 3 parts, can u just use 2 starting out with seedlings? ive got 4 seedlings ready to b placed into 16oz cups with perlite, then i will move them into larger 3.5 gallon buckets.
Thanks again, much appreciated :)
hi mate, thanks a lot for the help, im a total noob, have nvr grown anythin in my life, i read the link u gave with the lucas formula, it states: 0-5-10 - For Vegetative cycle (18/6)
0-8-16 - For Flowering cycle (12/12)
So i wouldnt need any flora Gro?
I dnt have any anyways lol, only have micro n bloom, just asking as i noticed u said u use all 3 parts, can u just use 2 starting out with seedlings? ive got 4 seedlings ready to b placed into 16oz cups with perlite, then i will move them into larger 3.5 gallon buckets.
Thanks again, much appreciated :)

If you do not have the grow formula then it is ok. I was just saying that i found that i do like to add just a little bit of grow during veg to help give me some more explosive growth. You can do without it tho. The lucas will work with no grow formula.
thanks for the reply AZ, im gonna back off nutes and do as you say every 2-3 days, should i continue to water twice a day still? since the roots are still way up in my buckets?

if you wouldnt mind, i took another couple of pics today, and these one's came out great, maybe it would be easier to see what im talkin about than the one's i took yesterday? either way im gonna go with what you said, but it appears grayish couldnt that be P deficient? (im always giving them food at 5.8ph so maybe theyre arent taking up any P??? lol you guys are the experts i just know what questions to ask, thanks!

oh yeah, and 1 of the 3 is lookin much better, she was yellowing bottom leaves and had some pinkish spots, but theyre going away and greening up again, but the other two look worse than yesterday thats why im posting again, thanks a bunch everyone whos helped

click that link for the new pics, save em and magnify if it'll help, thats how i check em on my pc and its beautiful end up seeing it better on here than if i look myself at the leaves!
If you do not have the grow formula then it is ok. I was just saying that i found that i do like to add just a little bit of grow during veg to help give me some more explosive growth. You can do without it tho. The lucas will work with no grow formula.

Cool no problem, i will maybe invest in some grow, i am just about to plant my seedlings in 16oz cups. Do i start of using full strength lucas formula 0-5-10 on my seedlings or do i cut it down a bit?
Thanks again :)
Cool no problem, i will maybe invest in some grow, i am just about to plant my seedlings in 16oz cups. Do i start of using full strength lucas formula 0-5-10 on my seedlings or do i cut it down a bit
make a gal like normal...then pour 1/4 that into another gal an fill the other 0ther 3/4 with water....seedlings an young plants dont need much food...collie the micro is ph bufferd an will go to the right ph on it's own...with you constantly adding ph down it's gonna lead to a p lockout...try an cut back on the ph down as
make a gal like normal...then pour 1/4 that into another gal an fill the other 0ther 3/4 with water....seedlings an young plants dont need much food...collie the micro is ph bufferd an will go to the right ph on it's own...with you constantly adding ph down it's gonna lead to a p lockout...try an cut back on the ph down as

Cheers Az, is this the lucas forumla ur talkin about? Is this wat u use to feed/water ur hempys? 0-5-10 during veg? I think im with u now bro, i never quite understood fully what u meant in the pm, but im with u now, so just make a gallon up as normal with full strenght lucas formula, pour 1/4 in a gallon n thn fill the rest up with water n ready to go, then obviously as plants get bigger add more nutes, i will get used to it as i go along man, sorry about all the questions i know uv probably answerd them all b4 time n time again, much apprecited all the way from sunny scotland :D
ime i've found that 0-5-8 works best for veg as some plants are nute sensitive....but other than that your getting the idea
thanks for the reply AZ, im gonna back off nutes and do as you say every 2-3 days, should i continue to water twice a day still? since the roots are still way up in my buckets?

if you wouldnt mind, i took another couple of pics today, and these one's came out great, maybe it would be easier to see what im talkin about than the one's i took yesterday? either way im gonna go with what you said, but it appears grayish couldnt that be P deficient? (im always giving them food at 5.8ph so maybe theyre arent taking up any P??? lol you guys are the experts i just know what questions to ask, thanks!

oh yeah, and 1 of the 3 is lookin much better, she was yellowing bottom leaves and had some pinkish spots, but theyre going away and greening up again, but the other two look worse than yesterday thats why im posting again, thanks a bunch everyone whos helped

click that link for the new pics, save em and magnify if it'll help, thats how i check em on my pc and its beautiful end up seeing it better on here than if i look myself at the leaves!

feeding them to much will cause lockouts which is why im guessing all your plants are showing deficiencies. So just do what az said and feed every 2-3 days instead of every day.
i dont really get what you mean.. youre saying i shouldnt ph my mix?? now that i think of it, imagine i been doing it wrong all this time, how do i mix nutes?

i mix 1 gal of water at a time.. i add my micro, shake it up a bit, then at my bloom, check the ppm, then i ph it...

so you're saying even after adding my nutes and the waters ph is like 4.7 i should leave that as is??? how does that work, sorry just makes no sense to me, am i supposed to wait awhile after mixing and check ph or do it right away? cause ive been doing it right away..the ph of the distilled i use is like 5 normally maybe a tad higher, then i add nutes and it goes down lol, so how does it go back up unless i do something to it?

while were talking about ph, is it normal the ph up works a lot 'better' than ph down??? like the most tiny drop of ph up will bring it from ph5 to like ph10, then if i drop 2-3 of ph down it goes to like 6.5 lets say.. is it more concentrated or stronger or ?

oh and thanks nick!
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