CFL Wattage


Well-Known Member
yes I do...but seriously...growing with CFLs is far from's for tiny harvesting newbs...that don't listen and waste money instead of investing in proper lighting....:mrgreen::mrgreen::peace::peace:
You are all being so stupid and narrow minded. I am using 2 105w 6400k CFL, and believe me they are a lot cooler than a 70w hps. I do have to appologize for not having adequate cash to offord a 1000w and a 1000cfm can-fan/ filter. Unfortunately I had to buy a cheap 4" votex and a small 100cfm filter.

CFL's are not just for newbs that don't listen and waste money they are for ppl that are in a situation where HID's are unreasonable and unpractical. I know that if I put a 175w MH it would cook my pants and even in a 13 cubic feet dresser and about 75cfm venting it can be a pain keeping temps below 85. Use your imagination and guess what a HID would do in there. All I can really say is how ignorant a person can be with a statement like your and the rest of you narrow minders lol.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
well hps lights are so cheap now they are actually as cheap as the correct sized cfls so thats why I dont see the point of cfls.All the cfls I ever used seem to add just as much heat when you use enough to make it worth while.Hell I got 5 of my 1000 watt hps ballast for under $68 each which is what just about the same amount as just enough cfls for a plant?I did find a good place yesterday to get the blue spectrum 23 watt cfls yesterday for $1.50 each so I bought some for extra house lamp replacements.


Well-Known Member
i want to grow 2 plants under cfls this winter just for fun.i don't care if its a tiny harvest!


You are all being so stupid and narrow minded. I am using 2 105w 6400k CFL, and believe me they are a lot cooler than a 70w hps. I do have to appologize for not having adequate cash to offord a 1000w and a 1000cfm can-fan/ filter. Unfortunately I had to buy a cheap 4" votex and a small 100cfm filter.

CFL's are not just for newbs that don't listen and waste money they are for ppl that are in a situation where HID's are unreasonable and unpractical. I know that if I put a 175w MH it would cook my pants and even in a 13 cubic feet dresser and about 75cfm venting it can be a pain keeping temps below 85. Use your imagination and guess what a HID would do in there. All I can really say is how ignorant a person can be with a statement like your and the rest of you narrow minders lol.

man you are can use a 400 watt hps from start to finish in a closet or tight spot with a $12 bathroom exhaust fan for exhaust.....the temps might be in the mid 80's but you can get the job done and spend less money and get way more yield in the end.....HPS lights are cheap as's more expensive to buy 400 true watts of CFL bulbs and reflectors and crap than just buying a $100 complete 400 watt HPS are a newb sucked into bull shit...CFL is crap.......Have are ignorant and close minded that's why you keep arguing for your CFLs but you literally have not seen the light your eyes...:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:....LOL........CFLs...LOL.......


Well-Known Member
man you are can use a 400 watt hps from start to finish in a closet or tight spot with a $12 bathroom exhaust fan for exhaust.....the temps might be in the mid 80's but you can get the job done and spend less money and get way more yield in the end.....HPS lights are cheap as's more expensive to buy 400 true watts of CFL bulbs and reflectors and crap than just buying a $100 complete 400 watt HPS are a newb sucked into bull shit...CFL is crap.......Have are ignorant and close minded that's why you keep arguing for your CFLs but you literally have not seen the light your eyes...:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:....LOL........CFLs...LOL.......
And I'm sure that bathroom fan will blow through a 100CFM scrubber without any issues right... wrong!!! I am not a newb by any mean but I will admit I have been away for three years. As everything stand I still have my two 400w HPS and my 250w MH. And I have already tested the 250 in the dresser I am using and temps were in the high nineties using 110 CFM centrifugal fan and a 100 scrubber with and with out the dust filter on it. Basically will you get a better yield with an HPS yes... but it will not fit in any grow. Even a 70w HPS is hotter than my two 105w CFLs, the CFL's keep me right around 80*F. CFL's are for ppl that do not have the convenience of space, time and money for a commercial grow. It's just us and our closets in our rented apartments.


Active Member
alright yall i found a 125 watt cfl system that puts out 10,500 lumens this is a single bulb there are also multi bulb systems p.s. this one is a budget system


Well-Known Member
i threw a couple 40 watss and 2 54 watt t5' and keep my plants on 24/7 untill my hps gets here. then they go into flowering under 400 watts.



Well-Known Member
Just go buy a T-5 Thats what I have and it push's 40.000 lumens plus in my closet I got a 95 watt bulb mounted on my wall and ya my bulb cost me about 100 bucks I only use cfl's but I find it better to use those small CFL's for the early start of vegging then I put it under the big lights and if u get a T-5 you can switch out the bulbs for cooler and warmer lights for veggn and flowering so you might wana look into that my T-5 only cost me 269.00


Well-Known Member
I just read about these bulbs called "Ceramic Metal Halide" CMH. They are suppose to be a lot cooler than HPS and fit right into the same ballast. Also there spectrum is suppose to be better for the plants.


Well-Known Member
A 400 watt HPS a stealth's could do just one plant........that yields 6-7 ounces:hump::hump:..but it's still a stealth grow:mrgreen:
6-7 ounces from one plant? How big a plant are we talking? I'm planning on growing two plants under a 400w HPS for my personal crop.


Well-Known Member
maybe, but they don't emit the same low light frequency
Not to sure if you are referring to my post or not, and I don't know if you are saying that they are not good for growing. Trust me they are great for growing weed, and can be used for both veg and flowering.

International Cannagraphic Magazine Forums - Johnny Blaze
You can see by this thread that they are excellent bulbs for all growth stages. They emit much lower heat than any HID and they are a much better K temp.


Well-Known Member
MY T-5 4 foot works perfect I got 8 Blue(cool) for veg'n and I got 8 red for blooming and i have done this for 3 harvest's and I got about the same yield as my 600watt HPS so I think you should keep your opinion to yourself and not attack people cause they use cfl's I bet at the end of my harvest I would make more money then you and at least the same yield as you with my CFL after paying the power bill and everything like that so get off your high horse you cocky shmuck and help people not talk shit to them


MY T-5 4 foot works perfect I got 8 Blue(cool) for veg'n and I got 8 red for blooming and i have done this for 3 harvest's and I got about the same yield as my 600watt HPS so I think you should keep your opinion to yourself and not attack people cause they use cfl's I bet at the end of my harvest I would make more money then you and at least the same yield as you with my CFL after paying the power bill and everything like that so get off your high horse you cocky shmuck and help people not talk shit to them

ROFLMAO...if you pulled the same with a 600's because of your inexperience.....oh and I would love to take that bet..I guarantee I could out yield you and make more profit in the end using a 600 watt HPS if you were using a 4' T-5.....would not even compare...there is a reason we PROS use HID.......... so funny...:mrgreen::mrgreen::joint::joint::peace::peace:


Well-Known Member
you pros were not all pros you idiot thats why were on here asking question and then there are dick heads like you who think they know everything the kid asked a question were all here to learn so sence your such a god damn pro why dont you try helping people insead of talkin shit ok?? god there's always has to be a couple slapdicks on every forum


Well-Known Member
and ya I got 12 plants right now under two 4 foot T-5's and everything is lovely here so you prefer HPS or whatever thats cool but I know for a fact you can bloom marijuana with CFL's cause I have done it multiple time's