Infested with Bud worms


Active Member
Shit now what! okay now the plants are infected with bud wroms alot everywhere!! been going through each bud as best as possible but dam the plant is infested, what is the best methed to kill them off or what.

I spent 20 min's on a few branches of buds! on 1 plant and have 3 plants outdoors chances are the other 2 are infested also, can I spray with BT or something esle,

I plan on letting flower a few more weeks or more! if needed or is it to late, what can be done about this ???

Next time you should start BT every wk or so when flowering starts. some people stop bt when flowering starts but I go all the way throught bcuz I hate catepillars. Your harvest will smell funny but I rather have that then worms in my stuff.


Active Member
Next time you should start BT every wk or so when flowering starts. some people stop bt when flowering starts but I go all the way throught bcuz I hate catepillars. Your harvest will smell funny but I rather have that then worms in my stuff.
Does Thuricide (BT) caterpillar control sound right.


Active Member
Then is Thuricide BT caterpoillar cintrol sound right?
That is correct , but If your a few weeks away it's too lats too use BT. All you can do is pick them out. Dig deep for the next few days then a once over daily and you will win the battle! gl! bongsmilie


Active Member
Shit! what happens if you do use, I don't have a problem waiting a week longer or so, on pulling the plant, I may just be Impatient, 1 or all 3 could need longer? maybe 3 weeks out yet.


Well-Known Member
Shit! what happens if you do use, I don't have a problem waiting a week longer or so, on pulling the plant, I may just be Impatient, 1 or all 3 could need longer? maybe 3 weeks out yet.
That sucks, I feel your pain. Myself and many others have recently been discussing this on various threads. My plant had about 3 weeks to go as well. I tried the BT once, but it has little to zero effect on tiny larvae (worms) that have buried into the middle of your buds.

If your infestation is not bad, you may have some luck going through your buds and removing them. As you know, this is a major pain in the ass, really degrades your buds from all the man-handling, and in the end, may be a waste of time.

It's a balancing test you're faced with: If you keep trying to remove worms on a daily basis for the next three weeks while the plant matures - will you have a bigger yield because the buds were allowed to mature? Or are you at the point where the damage by the worms over the next 3 weeks would exceed any potential gains you realized by waiting? Worse yet, the worms could do a ton more damage, some of the damage will turn into mold (it does that) and you will be sorely disappointed.

I just chopped my plant to save what I could. By the way, once you chop you have to go through all your buds again to find more worms. My buds are jacked up, but I got a decent crop for my 1st grow. Sorry for the novel, but I just dealt with this entire issue.

Oh, someone had the idea to place netting over your plants at night to prevent the moths from laying eggs on your buds. Sounds like a good idea to incorporate if you are going to try to beat these fuckers. Best of luck.


Active Member
Shit! what happens if you do use, I don't have a problem waiting a week longer or so, on pulling the plant, I may just be Impatient, 1 or all 3 could need longer? maybe 3 weeks out yet.

All BT is going to do is soak the worm shit and it will rot. Just start picking them out everyday don't be shy grab some needle nose pliers and go to work! The last thing you want to do to pick early as the last few weeks of flowering is priceless! Ive also been fighting them the last few weeks, the first day I found them I got 13 off my 7 plants, then 2 or 3 a day for about a week now 1-2 very small ones this week. I also blow the Catilpiler shit out my buds with a blow gun regulated down to 10 psi. if you have alot of it you may want to try it. gl
Same shits happening to my 1st grow.. just bought some sevin insecticide, does any 1 know if this stuff is good? or should i not use it?


Active Member
Ya think I am going to work on them! may be cut the more mature buds at the top part of the plants where most the infestion seems to be happening and that will give the buds at the lower level branch's to get some sun and grow bigger buds,

I should be able to take control back, over this down word spin, I have picked may be 1 to 3 wroms from each bud from the plants branch's, most at the top part of the plant, guess it's check! pick, check, pick, check, cut them repeat, dry hope to smoke??? determan weither to keep or 86


Active Member
Also remembering now the dates more less the pest control guy come by every 2 months, he's due in the next week or so, I had 9 plants all but 3 where males, so they been flowering about 4 weeks give or take, would this mean they ned about 4 weeks more?? 1 plant is a sativa deisel, the other a different strain of deisel, looking at pictures of deisel bud pron I can say most likely, and last 1 that looks to be skunk.

So about weeks flowering! what another 4 out something like that.

Blue Moonshine1

Active Member
Next time you should start BT every wk or so when flowering starts. some people stop bt when flowering starts but I go all the way throught bcuz I hate catepillars. Your harvest will smell funny but I rather have that then worms in my stuff.
Use Fox Farms Brand Dont Bug Me... You can use it up to day before harvest its organic and kills all worms, spiders, grasshoppers and all!!!! works wonders!


Well-Known Member
Ive also been fighting them the last few weeks, the first day I found them I got 13 off my 7 plants, then 2 or 3 a day for about a week now 1-2 very small ones this week. I also blow the Catilpiler shit out my buds with a blow gun regulated down to 10 psi. if you have alot of it you may want to try it. gl
That's what I'm talking about. Yaboii is an excellent example of an infestation that can be managed, and the payoff is worth it. They were discovered early, which is the key to managing them. Hell, 13 worms on 7 plants is a little less than 2 per plant. I wish that was my problem.

Me, I only had 1 plant. I easily had 20 - 30 worms on it. Could be more. It's the balancing test. npsant spent 20 minutes going through a few branches of 1 plant. My guess, based on experience, is that he didn't get them all. In the meantime, they are eating their way through the rest of that plant, and the other 2. Because he is a few weeks out, his buds are starting to fatten up. That means he has to severely damage his buds digging through them to find more. And because of their size, they are harder to find and more resistant to any kind of spray.


Active Member
Right on the nail friend! what I have done is cut all the upper half of the plant where most of the infestation seems to be.

1 plant pretty sure it's trashed but checking the other large plant the smaller buds that haven't gotten bigger due lack of light from the upper half, checking the smaller undeveloped buds are looking pretty clear of infestation or a hell of lot less than the upper half is, Dam those buds from the upper half where hugh to shit, what do you think? I pretty much cut the plant vertically in half and have the branches drying right now, figure I'd try to pick through them and see how much I can salvage. :joint::peace:

Just ordered a 76" x 76" x 76" grow tent and 400 watt light kit, skunk seeds ordered and on the way and plain on buying a few clones, better off with a inside grow.

Word of advise here for the new to outdoor grows, not only do you have to control the pests and what happens to the plants to protect them, if you have dogs there crap will produce flies, the lawn! mouths, the mouths come from the damp evnivronments near the ground you need to control all aspects of the environment all around your plant, this was a lesson Dam they where nice like I said I'm hoping to salvage something.

If you can net your outdoor plants securely that would help greatly, so that said it's move to the indoor grow I go, and next spring if I do an outdoor grow I'll be ready, aside from the pest problem!! security is the next, got that figure to a point, a chainlink dog run will do fine here! it's 12'.5' (L) x 7'.5 (W) x 6' (H) all chainlink, you chainlink the top, plant a few posts inthe ground and cement to anchor it down, you can use dark tarps or a green netting or both, hay home depot $250 bucks, what $5 for cement and a little labor. Baam mostly secure outdoor grow, I say mostly because all you need is a bolt cutter unless you think of other precautions.
