Prop 215 Grow 1.2


Well-Known Member

WOO HOO, a badge of approval from the Gypsy! :mrgreen:

They may not be trees like yours, but they're mini versions.... Gyspy Bushes? :lol:


Well-Known Member
Look at all those freaking tops! :shock:

Those girls are really flowering aggressively. At the 12 day mark, I can barely tell if my plants are in flower. :lol:

Pretty wild to see the vertical growth come in to play now. I remember when they were just a couple inches high with all the look at'em.

Given the pace they appear to be flowering at, you're gonna have a good amount of :leaf: on your hands there Kat come harvest time. :clap:

-Butters :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Now that's what I'm talking about, lush and green. Looking great for only 12 days. Keep kicking ass and taking names


Well-Known Member
Lookin soooo good kat :hug:

The "Laboratory" is comin along nicely, cant wait to see them in a couple weeks, there already budding really good, gonna be some FAT cola's in there :weed:


Well-Known Member
:)wow day 12 they are doing great kat!!!! Goin to be sum massive buds when they are finished!!!! good job and keep it up!!! i really like that last pic!~


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all the comments! :hug: Been one of those weeks :roll: (or two? lol), and I didn't realize how long it'd been since I've updated. :lol: I'm just going to quote what I wrote to M Blaze a couple days ago; I'm not feeling up to typing the whole story all over again. :mrgreen: And my hands are already pissed at me for the amount of typing I've already done this afternoon; they're now locking up like crazy! :roll:

I broke down and lollipopped (or something that's supposed to resemble it anyhow, lol) night before last. There wasn't enough air circulation at the bottom of the plants; it also was insanely difficult to get in there to water.

I recycled a large number of the pruned bud sites.... they're now future clones. I know that flowering clones take longer to develop than vegging ones, but I've learned that there are many growers who do this in their perpetual setups instead of keeping mothers; which is what I'm planning on doing, so long as I'm successful as getting the clones to reveg.... between my MMJ legal plant limit and lack of room, this is a very sensible approach for me. (One "tutorial" thread on another site demonstrated that taking cuttings at 3 weeks of flowering is perfect timing for them to take root, reveg, and be ready for flowering by the time the plants from which they were cut are harvested.) So not all is lost; I've still got much of what was removed from my girls. :D

Today is Day 22 of flowering, so I know they're going to fill out over the next several weeks as the buds grow and grow and.... :mrgreen: It was really difficult for me to do this, but I'm trusting in you, Gypsy, and other "Lollipop Enthusiasts" :lol: saying that this increases overall yield (especially RE: quality) by forcing the plants to focus their energy on the larger colas instead of a lot of popcorn buds.

M Blaze, did I screw this up or do OK? I know it's too late to fix now if I did too much, but I'm asking for future reference. ;) LST is the way I'll be continuing to go, so this means I'll have to make a practice of lollipopping as well. I've read several posts by you RE: lollipopping, and I believed I did it per your instructions, but they look so bare now! :cry: I only pruned approximately the bottom 1/3, which I believe is what I've read you and others say to do.

I'm open to constructive criticism; else I'd not be asking if I did this right. :bigjoint: Thanks in advance for any advice!
Kat it looks like you did a great job. Dont worry about them looking bare because they will fill out again in no time. I will have to wander over and check out your journal soon. Ive just been so busy lately I havnt even been online as much as I would like.
I have to say, I felt much better after M Blaze replied; I knew I'd followed lollipopping instructions, but they do look so bare to me now! :shock:

The heat wave is back. :cry: It's supposed to be well over 100F through Saturday. I'm feeling like I'm dying here, but at least my plants are happy with the A/C right next to them!

OH, keep forgetting to mention.... I switched to coco a couple/few weeks ago. Transplanted the WW and the BH clone into the coco, and everything new since (i.e., the Afghan Kush that sprouted on the 21st and all the cuttings I've taken from my girls and from one of the NLs in veg).

OK, so the first 10 photos (yes, there are a lot today!) will be the ones that I posted for M Blaze to examine. Then I'll go from there. And I've still got photos in my camera's SD card from today! Yeah, I can be a very "Camera Happy" person.... should've seen me with my kids! :bigjoint:

I'm also doing a side-by-side comparison.... flowering clones, some of each strain in coco and some in rockwool. Nothing different but the medium. I've got photos of those in today's shots, not that they're anything spectacular right now. :mrgreen: I'll get today's photos up once I get around to resizing them. :hump:

And that's that for now! Stick a fork in me.... I am done!!! :lol:




Well-Known Member
Thanks for the update, we were geting worried haha :leaf:

everything is looking great, so your no longer using the BP unit?

how tall are the ladies, they look wonderful, this is my fav pic :P



Well-Known Member
50 f**king pics! :shock:....:o....:clap:

Wow Kat. That's probably the highest pic count that I have ever seen in one post!

Just too bad that those 2 dogs ATE that one plant. :lol:

The lollipopping looks good. But then again they do say that the camera adds 10 lbs. ;-)

Nice work.

-Butters :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member

Holy shiznizzle!!!! That's what I call a picture update!!! You go girl!:lol:
What can I say? I aim to please. ;)

Thanks for the update, we were geting worried haha :leaf:

everything is looking great, so your no longer using the BP unit?
Nope, no more BP. I can't grow hydro in the So. CA Mojave summer heat. Plus, I started out with hydro because I thought it'd be easier on my body than moving around pots, but reservoir changes/cleanings got to be impossible for me, and I ended up having to ask my next door neighbor do things like that for me. So it's container growing only from here on out (my initial plan was to return to hydro after summer was over), and now it'll be coco instead of soil.

how tall are the ladies, they look wonderful, this is my fav pic :P

I only wish it could've been as sharp as this one.... :mrgreen:

A: 26" (Sativa; I'm pretty sure it's a Nirvana Special.)
B: 27" (Sativa; I'm really sure it's a Pure Power Plant.)
C: 15" (Indica; Blue Hash)

50 f**king pics! :shock:....:o....:clap:

Wow Kat. That's probably the highest pic count that I have ever seen in one post!
Nah, I remember Gypsy's first GJ (his AG grow) having something like 75-ish in one post, and I think more than once. :lol:

Just too bad that those 2 dogs ATE that one plant. :lol:
I know! Bad bad doggies!!! :evil: But hey, at least they left the pollen in a jar for me! :mrgreen:

The lollipopping looks good. But then again they do say that the camera adds 10 lbs. ;-)
HAH! You should see the videos from my last performance.... video cameras add at least 20 lbs.! :roll:

OK, so here are this afternoon's photos.... might as well post 'em, since I took 'em and all! :bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
great job gurly girl...i cant wait till u can get yourself an hps..those girls would be absolut monsters right now...but they look great u should get a nice amount of medicine from those babies


Well-Known Member

great job gurly girl...i cant wait till u can get yourself an hps..those girls would be absolut monsters right now...but they look great u should get a nice amount of medicine from those babies
Thanks! :hug: I've put a load of care into these babies, just as if I were still raising my biological (now "grown men" :lol:) babies! :hump:

Alas, there'll be no HPS so long as we live where we do; this house is so poorly insulated, and with HPS the heat would soar to deathly heights. :cry: Even if we can buy (or even rent) a better house soon, this climate may still not allow for the extra heat from HPS, and we can't leave this general area due to T's being stationed here as well as his civilian job. I just make do with what I have, and do the best I can with it. :D

I'm feeling so impatient to get my new medicine, and be done with buying the crap that's supposed to be medicine! Twenty-five days into flower today, and last night I was actually trying to convince myself that one of the tiny little buds at the bottom of one of my plants could have enough THC in it already to test, and help my head and hips.... but I didn't do it, because common sense was still in control. :mrgreen:

LAX Skunky BwS

Well-Known Member
Thanks for all the comments! :hug: Been one of those weeks :roll: (or two? lol), and I didn't realize how long it'd been since I've updated. :lol: I'm just going to quote what I wrote to M Blaze a couple days ago; I'm not feeling up to typing the whole story all over again. :mrgreen: And my hands are already pissed at me for the amount of typing I've already done this afternoon; they're now locking up like crazy! :roll:

I have to say, I felt much better after M Blaze replied; I knew I'd followed lollipopping instructions, but they do look so bare to me now! :shock:

The heat wave is back. :cry: It's supposed to be well over 100F through Saturday. I'm feeling like I'm dying here, but at least my plants are happy with the A/C right next to them!

OH, keep forgetting to mention.... I switched to coco a couple/few weeks ago. Transplanted the WW and the BH clone into the coco, and everything new since (i.e., the Afghan Kush that sprouted on the 21st and all the cuttings I've taken from my girls and from one of the NLs in veg).

OK, so the first 10 photos (yes, there are a lot today!) will be the ones that I posted for M Blaze to examine. Then I'll go from there. And I've still got photos in my camera's SD card from today! Yeah, I can be a very "Camera Happy" person.... should've seen me with my kids! :bigjoint:

I'm also doing a side-by-side comparison.... flowering clones, some of each strain in coco and some in rockwool. Nothing different but the medium. I've got photos of those in today's shots, not that they're anything spectacular right now. :mrgreen: I'll get today's photos up once I get around to resizing them. :hump:

And that's that for now! Stick a fork in me.... I am done!!! :lol:

Damn Kat I'm gone for like 4 weeks and this happens?... they are looking great!! Great Job.. how are they smelling??:peace:bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
lol...dont do it!!!! step away from the
i know what u mean when i had to chop due to the lil security prob i had they were 2 weeks away and frosty as hell but no taste and lil to no me i know its hard but wait and then wait some
and dry as slowly as possible no fans ...i dried my bud with a fan on it to speed it up and b4 i found out that the taste will evaporate with the moisture

so next time i plan to dry for atleast aweek and cure for just sucks to grow your own go thru all this trouble,pick a nice strain and just to have it smoke like regs or shitty mids

im at 1 month flower ill put up some pics soon we're right about the same spot should be fun to race


Well-Known Member
lol...dont do it!!!! step away from the
i know what u mean when i had to chop due to the lil security prob i had they were 2 weeks away and frosty as hell but no taste and lil to no me i know its hard but wait and then wait some
and dry as slowly as possible no fans ...i dried my bud with a fan on it to speed it up and b4 i found out that the taste will evaporate with the moisture

so next time i plan to dry for atleast aweek and cure for just sucks to grow your own go thru all this trouble,pick a nice strain and just to have it smoke like regs or shitty mids

im at 1 month flower ill put up some pics soon we're right about the same spot should be fun to race
Have you opened a new thread yet?

Oh, and Kat....:clap::clap::clap: