First Off, Thank you for your kind words.
Indeed it is! He may be moving closer to me in a couple months, and if we get the house we're bidding on we'll be a lot closer to him still... and he's always glad to help. Offers all the time. 
I just finished cutting down another Blue Hash (I cloned that girl, really happy with her so far), and next will be my first White Widow in a week or two. My rotation isn't quite dialed in yet... had too much going on in life outside of growing to remember to shift one into flower on time.
My goal is to have it set up for harvesting one plant every two to three weeks, perhaps even four depending on their development and, just as importantly, what my condition allows me to do. I'm allowed to have six mature plants total at a time, so two to four weeks apart will do it. Right now I've got five plants in staggering stages of flower, so I'm almost there! Honestly, it's stubbornness that's kept me going this far!
Well, I can't afford to buy cheap buds, much less medical grade. But I took this on, and refusal to admit defeat is truly what has gotten me this far... I can be a very stubborn person; too much for my own good usually.

My rotation will consist mostly of BH and WW for a while, with a different strain from my box of treasures (seeds! lol) here and there when I feel up to wondering if I'm growing a male or a female. The BH and WW are both easy to grow (i.e., not finicky about heat, cold, nutes, etc.), and both finish quickly: 8-9 weeks. They also both have a much better flower to leaf ratio than the other two I had going originally, which makes for less pain while trimming... I'm always seeking the least painful approach to everything I do. 
I totally understand the whole debilitated all the time thing!
Sick and tired of being sick and tired, I tell ya! Do you find yourself spending each day deciding what you're going to do ahead of time, having to choose between getting a shower or getting a load of clothes washed, and hoping that whichever you had to choose will be able to be accomplished at all? Being debilitated much of the time, I've a feeling you get it. If you don't mind me asking, what's going on with you? (If that's too personal, no offense taken if you don't answer.)
I'm just thankful that my son has been learning a lot about growing and is continuing to learn all he can, because my growing days are numbered and he's the only person I trust to grow for me... which he's already promised to do when I'm not able anymore. (He's interested in growing for himself, but his initial decision to learn was to help me and take over when that time will come.) It may be a month or it may be ten years, but when I need him to take over, he will. I love my stoner son!
Sounds like you have a nice project going. White Widow is in my seed box, looks awesome ready to go for it. Blue Hash? Hashplant X BB? I have grown Blueberry and CA Hashplant and enjoy them both, but my BB wasn't very stable so I had to toss her.
I hear ya about refusing defeat. Meds get expensive. In my area meds are at(and sometimes above) street prices.
I do plan ahead, but I am starting to not care whether it gets done or not. It is what is.
I have been suffering from stomach pain and muscle spasms in the abdominal area. Eating is very difficult. Pain starts in the morning when waking up or wakes me up and feels like there is a large amount of pressure or weight on my stomach. Movement of the abdominal area causes me to become nauseas. The pain becomes somewhat manageable once I have eaten all though then the pain comes and goes in waves and is unpredictable. If I eat and medicate enough I can usually find some relaxing time before bed, but sometimes the pain continues on.
If you don't mind my asking what is going on with you?
Congratulations on having a good son. It is a really good hobby, and the skills learned here can be used for many plants, nontheless is good knowledge of how things live. Don't forget you can always simplify your grow to meet your needs.
Thanks again for the kind words, and I enjoy watching your medicine grow